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Exercise 2.(«слова») Listen to the list of English words and say them as a list after the announcer in the same order:

  • Binding force, obligation, real power, strength, influence, importance.

  • limbo , prison, jail, penitentiary, jailhouse, immurement;

  • discontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure, disaffection, complaint, annoyance, disappointment.

  • scandal, scene, fracas, stink, affray, dust-up, ballyhoo, brouhaha, boom, stink, hoop-la, whoop-de-do

- Outrageous, scandalous, shocking, flagrant, violent, furious, frantic, frenetic, fierce, shocking, flagrant, shameful

Give the Russian equivalent of these very words and repeat them again in the correct order. Мнемотехника(mnemonics) позволяет запоминать больший объем информации и порядок следования единиц информации.

Exercise 3. Listen to the lists of collocations from Text 4.“The rewards of failure” and then say them after the announcer in the same order:

  • The board of GlaxoSmithKline, Jean-Pierre Garnier, GSK, in the United States, in Philadelphia, American institutional investors, the aspects of Mr Garnier's package

  • the public mood, behavior, generosity, discontent, poor corporate performance, bosses, a strong feeling, a different set of rules, ordinary mortals

Give the Russian equivalent of these very words and repeat them again in the correct order.

Exercise 4: Here is an extract from the article “The rewards of failure” that was not included in the text of your course book. Read it once, make it more laconic if possible and retell it. Translate carefully the underlined collocations:

Pay, yes, but only for performance

Some of the aspects of Mr Garnier's package that most irritated the shareholders were ones that appeared to reward, not superior performance, but simply being there. Lots of bosses have such components in their pay. Sometimes, they take the form of “golden hellos”: large sums simply for turning up to work. Sometimes, such packages are really tax-efficient ways of making other payments, such as buying a company from its owner by paying him partly in lifelong free medical treatment. It is hardly surprising that such deals are protected in the event of dismissal. However, to improve openness and to avoid appearing to reward failure, companies should be prepared to pay the price of a little less tax efficiency.

Exercise 5: Which words in the sentences below could be “dropped out” with no special impact on the contents and meaning? Reformulate the sentences and translate them into Russian, please. The blanks are to write there your versions.

The original sentence

from the text

The sentence with no

“unnecessary”, “excrescent” words

The Russian translation

But the vote leaves the company,

with which, of course, Mr Garnier has a contract, in a sort of legal limbo.

But the vote leaves the company in a sort of legal limbo.

Institutional investors have for years accepted that bosses paid themselves more or less whatever they liked.

The board of GlaxoSmithKline, a big pharmaceutical company, found itself this week at the sharp end of such a mood change: its shareholders voted to reject the company's remuneration committee report, which would have endorsed a two-year notice period for Jean-Pierre Garnier, its chief executive; paid him $35m if he lost his job; and treated him and his wife as three years older than they actually are for the purpose of boosting their pensions.

This is the first year that share-holders have had the right to vote on the compensation committee's report, and the vote is purely advisory, with no binding force. But it leaves the company, with which, of course, Mr Garnier has a contract, in a sort of legal limbo.

Exercise 6

Для формирования навыков трансформации: микрорефирирование.

Упражнение, в котором учащиеся выделяют из текста ключевую информацию и обозначают ее краткой формулировкой. Make a summary on the text you’ve read and studied.

Text 4. ““The rewards of failure”



Reference words: top senior executives, referred to as “fat cats”, enormous pay-packages and rewards, the possibility of a “golden parachute”, severance deal, the sum of money they are guaranteed when leaving the company, remuneration committees, voted on by shareholders.

Exercise 7.

10.1. Read the sentences below. As you see, there are few words picked out from the text “ The rewards of failure”. You can also feel that those words have got different meanings from what they used to mean in “The rewards of failure””. You should translate the English sentences into Russian and define the following words: make a fuss about, severance deal,

a.) Jackson councilman, press attorney question transparency in Larry Shaffer severance deal.

b.) Jerry del Missier, who resigned as Barclays' chief operating officer earlier this month, negotiated a severance deal in the days before he quit, according to people close to the bank, Sky says..

c.) It's time to make a fuss about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

d.) Nobody around here is going to make a fuss about trhetree houses for her children.

e.) That dragged Ms Carnwath, who headed Barclays' remuneration committee, into the limelight (popularity).

f.) The remuneration committee comprises: Roberto Nicastro, Wioletta Rosołowska, Doris Tomanek and Jerzy Woźnicki.

g.) The influential proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services will assess the pay package, but only once a year.

h.) He said that pay package of all the federal government employees should be uniform; adding that difference in pay is violation of constitution.

10.2 Cтуденты по очереди пересказывают данные предложения, с максимальной полнотой. Каждый студент произносит по одной фразе, паузы запрещены. The teacher reads up the whole text first. Some vocabulary work must be done before the “chain”.


Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Text 5. “Gas for Peru vs green imperialism” p.43.

Exercise 1. («перевод-диктовка») Translate the sentences from Text 5. “Gas for Peru vs green imperialism” from English into Russian and write down the rendered phrases. Notice that the phrases are going to be read up only once! None of the students can take a look either at the text or at the phrases (below). Teacher must speak out the phrases only once!

  • The $ 1.5 billion project should turn Peru from an importer of fuel into an exporter. ;

  • There will also be 2 plants on the Pacific coast to process and export gas to Mexico and energy –hungry California;

  • The lobbying caused the Inter-American Development Bank to put off a decision on a loan for the pipeline

  • The project threatens tribes of Amazon Indians, rare species and the rain forest along the pipeline route;

  • It should be to Peru to decide whether and how to make best use of its natural resources.

Учащиеся письменно переводят на русский язык английские фразы, каждая из которых зачитывается один раз. После завершения диктовки всего текста варианты перевода, предложенные учащимися обсуждаются всей группой;

Exercise 2. Tрансформационное чтение. Учащиеся должны пересказать текст упражнения, не переводя. Read the text “Lima, Peru’s capital” only once and retell. Pre-reading task: translate underlined expressions into Russian and learn them by heart.

« Most of Lima’s seven million people live in poverty, barely scratching a living to feed large families. Cholera outbreaks have been common in the past few years, and the city has been the target of political assassinations, bombings, and state-sponsored terrorism.

Regional buses and trains depart from Lima to all corners of the country. The Central Railway of Peru has the highest standard-gauge railway in the world.

The provinces of Lima and Callao, each with its own government, make up the Lima metropolitan area. There are 45 municipal districts, including the capital district of Lima, within the metropolitan area. Each district is administratively autonomous, with a mayor and city council. Each district generates revenues, such as property taxes, to provide services to its citizens.

Lima is the leading industrial, financial, and retail center in the nation. With nearly 30 percent of the country's population, the city dictates the national economy and accounts for more than two-thirds of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

The national government has been a traditional leading employer, but the privatization of state companies left thousands of people out of work during the mid-1990s. The city suffers from severe unemployment and underemployment, and many people who work just barely manage to feed their families.

Lima is home to some fine universities, including the National University of San Marcos, the oldest university in the Americas (1551), La Molina National Agrarian University, and the National Engineering University. The city has several private universities. Among them are the University of Lima, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Ricardo Palma University, University of San Martín de Porres, Women's University of the Sacred Heart, and University of the Pacific.»

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О