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Exercise 8.(«developing transformation skills») Drop out the “unnecessary information” from the sentences 1-6 and write them down first in English, and then in your mother tongue:

The original sentences in English:

The transformed sentences in English (the key info)

The translation of the plot (in Russian)

1. IT MAY seem an exaggeration to describe the scandal overwhelming Royal Ahold as “Europe's Enron”—but in most of the ways that matter it is true enough.

2. Certainly, the world's third-biggest food retailer, after Wal-Mart and Carrefour, poses none of the systemic financial risks of Enron, which was both deeply in debt and the world's main electricity market-maker.

3 On February 24th, Ahold announced the resignation of its chief executive and finance director after finding that it had overstated its profits by more than $500m (euro463m) in the past two years.

4. Rather like Kenneth Lay at Enron, and Dennis Kozlowski at Tyco, another scandal-hit American firm, Ahold's now-departing boss, Cees van der Hoeven, won a formidable reputation from turning a dull company into a growth machine.


Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Exercise 9.(«developing tempo»)

Прослушав текст********, состоящий из пунктов студенты по очереди восстанавливают его содержание, с максимальной полнотой. Каждый студент произносит по одной фразе, подстраивая ее к предыдущей. Паузы запрещены. Каждому приходится опираться на надежность работы предыдущего «переводчика». The teacher reads up the whole text first. Some vocabulary work must be done before the “chain”.

1. Mr van der Hoeven certainly became addicted to his reputation as an infallible corporate titan.

2. He has bought some 50 firms for a total of euro19 billion since 1993, and notched up 23 quarters of double-digit profit growth in a row; but when growth slowed, he seems to have been unable to admit to Ahold's true condition.

3. Like many American firms during the bubble years, Ahold started to bend the accounting rules, claiming profits of acquired firms as “organic growth”, booking capital gains from sale-and-leaseback deals as profit, and keeping billions in debt off its balance sheet.

4. These techniques, though not illegal, should have rung investors' alarm bells, just as Enron's use of off-balance-sheet vehicles should have done.

5. Indeed, some observers were disturbed by them.

6. In June 2001, the Centre for Financial Research & Analysis in Maryland published the first of six reports detailing questionable accounting at Ahold, going back to 1999.

7. Enitan Adebonojo, an author of the reports, argues that such use of smoke and mirrors suggests that the accounting problems at Ahold are far deeper than those revealed this week.

8. Most observers suspect that Ahold has more bad news to reveal.


******** http://www.economist.com/node/1610552

Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Text 9. “A Full house” p.77.

1. Full house - a poker hand with 3 of a kind and a pair poker hand - the 5 cards held in a

game of poker (Synonyms: capacity, fill, full hand, full measure, max)

2. (Performing Arts / Theatre) a theatre, opera house, filled to capacity. (Some of the synonyms: much, abundance, capacity, enough, good deal, great deal, heaps, loads, lots)

Exercise 1. («перевод-диктовка») Translate from English into Russian and write down the following collocations from text 9. “A Full house”. Notice that the phrases are going to be read up only once! None of the students can take a look either at the text or at the phrases. Teacher must speak up the phrases only once!

  • Human resources; responsible for recruiting new personnel; to be asked initially to do smth; to provide a curriculum vitae; to provide a resume;

  • Qualifications, experience, skills, successful applicants, to select candidates, to be put on the payroll.

  • To sound like mission impossible, to recruit the entire staff in record time, to start out as an experiment, to think strategically and globally, to take oneself out of the system

  • To receive an application online, to check one’s employment and education history; to make the final decision, to appoint somebody,

  • A personnel file, an equal employment opportunity commission file, a medical file, an electronic personnel file

  • To develop questions, to collect paper-forms, to implement the system; to evaluate the answers, to design the system, to set up an appointment, to proceed to a check-out desk.

Учащиеся письменно переводят на русский язык английские фразы, каждая из которых зачитывается один раз. После завершения диктовки всего текста варианты перевода, предложенные учащимися обсуждаются всей группой;