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1.) India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, Hungary, Ireland, Czech Republic, China

2.) 15-engineer team, 25,000 technical and back-office jobs, $ 100 per hour, 250 engineers,

3.) About 1.600 km north, 2.500 young college-educated men, up to 60% lower, in the 1990s, until 2010 or so.

4.) Far less clear, so recent, higher-value industries, a tiny portion of white-collar work, one of the biggest trends.

Exercise 3.

Для формирования навыков трансформации.

Трансформируйте сложное предложение из сложного в два простых или замените подчинительную связь в предложении на сочинительную.

1.) These layoff are just happening because demand had dried up; one third of those jobs are headed to India where work that costs $100 an hour in the USA gets done for 20$


2.) About 1.600 km north at Wipro SpectramindLtd., 2500 yong college-educated men and women are checking accident reports for an insurance company and providing hepp-desk support for a big internet service provider – all at a cost up to 60% lower than in the USA.


3.) Now by sending routine service and engineering tasks to nations with a surplus of educated workers, the usa labor force and capital can be redeployed to higher value industries.


Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Exercise 4.

Для формирования навыков трансформации: микрорефирирование. Упражнение, в котором учащиеся выделяют из текста ключевую информа-цию и обозначают ее краткой формулировкой. Read and make a short report in Russian on the text given below. Explain the underlined words first.


Globalization, since World War II, is partly the result of planning by politicians to break down borders hampering trade. Their work led to the Bretton Woods conference, an agreement by the world's leading politicians to lay down the framework for international commerce and finance, and the founding of several international institutions intended to oversee the processes of globalization. Globalization was also driven by the global expansion of multinational corporations based in the United States and Europe, and worldwide exchange of new developments in science, technology and products, with most significant inventions of this time having their origins in the Western world . Worldwide export of western culture went through the new mass media: film, radio and television and recorded music. Development and growth of international transport and telecommunication played a decisive role in modern globalization. Globalization has been facilitated by advances in technology which have reduced the costs of trade, and trade negotiation rounds, originally under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which led to a series of agreements to remove restrictions on free trade.

Russian :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now ,render you Russian version in English and put it down. While writing, do not consult the original text.


Compare the text on globalization designed by you with the text above. Do you feel contented?

Международний гуманитарный университет, Одесса, 2012-2013,Олейник О.О

Text 8. Europe’s Enronp.70.

Exercise 1. («перевод-диктовка») Translate from English into Russian and write down the following sentences from extract “Europe’s Enron”. Notice that the sentences are going to be read up only once! None of the students can take a look either at the text or at the phrases. Teacher must speak up the phrases only once!

  • The similarities between the former Texan power house and the Dutch retailer are striking

  • Corporate wrong going is a US problem

  • They should fix their governance and accounting problems.

  • Cees van der Hoeven won a huge reputation from turning a dull company into a growth machine.

  • His anger and pride became quickly apparent ans he refused to answer

  • Most firms that buy in bulk get discounts from suppliers.

  • The financial scandal should shock Europe into accounting and corporate governance reform.

  • The interpreter may have been a linguist or a diplomat

Учащиеся письменно переводят на русский язык английские фразы, каждая из которых зачитывается один раз. После завершения диктовки всего текста варианты перевода, предложенные учащимися обсуждаются всей группой;