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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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V. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Культурная жизнь в Британии прошла несколько основных этапов развития.

  2. Огромное количество музеев демонстрируют различные ценные находки со всех концов света.

  3. Лондон – один из ведущих культурных центров во всем мире.

  4. Различные праздники, которые проводятся по всей стране, вызывают огромный интерес.

  5. «Битлз» – одна из самых популярных групп, когда-либо известных в мире.

VI. Find out the sentences which correspond to the text. Correct the wrong sentences in accordance with the text:

1. Monuments and traces of past generations are not everywhere.

2. Artistic and cultural life in Britain is rather rich.

3. There are buildings of only several styles and periods.

4. London is one of the leading cultural centers in Britain.

5. Now Britain has about 300 professional theatres.

6. Another famous theatre in London is the National Theatre, which stages modern and classical plays.

7. George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) is another great French poet.

8. Thomas Gainsborough is one of England's most famous sculptors.

9. Christopher Wren, the greatest English architect, designed St. Paul's Cathedral.

10. The Beatles became the most successful pop group the world had ever known.

VII. Find more information about famous people of the uk and present it in the auditorium.

VIII. Dialogues

Dialogue 1. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart.

Joseph – Hello, Frank, where are you going?

Frank – Hi, Joseph, I’m going to the cinema, we are going to watch a documentary about British culture.

J – British culture? A rather interesting theme. Stonehedge … or how was it called?

F – Well, it’s not going to be only about ancient history, though I agree that this moment is one of the most interesting.

J – Do you know what I’m interested in? My hobby is architecture and my favourite architect is Christopher Wren, who designed St.Paul’s Cathedral.

F – And I am a great admirer of English poetry: Byron, Shakespeare. There also must be some information about the history of theatres in England.

J – And art! I’ve been to the Louvre two years ago and there was a whole gallery of British painters, which left an astonishing impression on me. I would love to know more about them!

F – Why don’t you come with me now? Tickets are free for students, and besides historical information we shall definitely see many interesting facts about modern culture of Great Britain.

J – Great idea! I hope there will be something about festivals which attract much interest nowadays. Let’s go!

F – Of course!

Dialogue 2. Complete the following dialogue using the active vocabulary.

Sveta – Hello, Zhanar!

Zhanar – Hello, Sveta! …?

S - …, thank you for asking. Where are you going from?

Z – I’ve been to my friend’s Asel, who has just come from the Oxford University.

S – Oh, ….? Lucky her. …?

Z – She went there with the help of the students exchange programm. She brought many marvellous pictures from Britain!

S - …? Did she visit any other places of interest except Oxford?

Z - ….! She travelled all around the UK. But most of all she was amazed by the beautiful opera that she saw at the Royal Opera House.

S - …! What about contemporary music? Does she like it, or she finds only classical music to be wonderful and worth listening.

Z - … . She even was at the concert of Sir Elton John at the Royal Albert Hall.

S - …?

Z – She got the ticket from the University authorities as the prize for excellent studying.

S – It was very nice to talk to you. Good bye!

Z - …!

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