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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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  1. Translate the words in the brackets into English:

  1. We can say that the (королева правит) with the support of Parliament.

  2. The (членов) of the House of Lords are not (выбирают), they are peers.

  3. The (председатель) of (палаты общин) is the Speaker.

  4. There are (несколько политических партий) in Great Britain.

  5. The British Isles are washed by (Северным морем), (Ирландским морем) and the Atlantic Ocean and separated from the European continent by (Ла-Манш) and (Па-де-Кале).

  6. The (озера) of the British Isles are mostly (слишком маленькие).

  7. The most common trees in G.B. are (дуб), (вяз), (ясень), (бук), (сосна), and (береза).

  8. The climate in G.B. is (умеренный) and (влажный).

  9. Great Britain has a (высокоразвитую) steel (промышленность).

  10. The tenant farmer is the characteristic (сельского жителя) of modern England.

IV. Find the corresponding translation of the words and word combinations:


  1. cattle

  2. stock rearing

  3. to build

  4. to import

  5. important

      1. строить

      2. важный

      3. крупный рогатый скот

      4. животноводство

      5. импортировать


  1. beauty

  2. government

  3. island

  4. monarchy

  5. to carry goods

  1. монархия

  2. правительство

  3. перевозить грузы (товары)

  4. остров

  5. красота


  1. из-за

  2. пейзаж

  3. привлекательный

  4. занимать

  5. низкая местность, низменность

  1. attractive

  2. to occupy

  3. on account of

  4. scenery

  5. lowland

V. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of state is the UK?

  2. Who is the head of the State?

  3. Who is the country governed by?

  4. Who makes laws?

  5. Whose support does the Queen reign with?

  6. What territory does the UK occupy?

  7. What seas are the British Isles washed by?

  8. What separates the British Isles from the European continent?

  9. What parts does the UK consist of?

  10. Name the capitals of the UK parts.

  11. What is the smallest component of the UK?

  12. Is Northern Ireland a plateau?

  13. Speak about the British rivers and lakes.

  14. How much of the land of Great Britain do woodlands occupy now?

  15. What are the most common trees?

  16. What is the climate in Great Britain?

  17. Is it cold in winter (hot in summer)?

  18. Does it often rain?

  19. What is the population of the UK?

  20. Where do people mostly live?

  21. What people constitute the British nation?

  22. Whose descendants are the British?

  23. Is Great Britain a highly industrialized country?

  24. What mineral was of great importance for the industrial development of Great Britain?

  25. What are the oldest industries in the UK?

  26. What other industries are developed in Great Britain?

  27. What does Great Britain live by?

  28. What goods does it export?

  29. What are the main types of farming?

  30. What is known to you about the tenant farmer?

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