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VII. Dialogues

1. Read and translate the dialogue. Roleplay the situation.

DOCTOR: Good morning. How are you?

PATIENT: Fine, thanks.

DOCTOR: So, if you’re fine, why are you here to see me?

PATIENT: No, what I meant was, oh, it doesn’t matter. I have got a headache.

I seem to have it all the time.

DOCTOR: I see. Any other symptoms?

PATIENT: Well, I’ve got a cough as well.

DOCTOR: Do you smoke?

PATIENT: Yes I do. And I feel tired all the time.

DOCTOR: OK, let’s have a look.

2. Look through the dialogue. Add the words of the patient. Roleplay the situation.

DOCTOR: And what seems to be the matter with you?

PATIENT: __________________________________________________________

DOCTOR: Let me see. Have you got a headache?

PATIENT: __________________________________________________________

DOCTOR: You look rather hot. Yes, you’ve got a bit of a temperature. I think it

must be something you ate yesterday.

PATIENT: __________________________________________________________

DOCTOR: What kind of sandwich?

PATIENT: __________________________________________________________

DOCTOR: Well, it’s probably nothing serious, but I’ll give you some medicine.

3. Read the dialogue. Translate the words of the doctor.

DOCTOR: На что жалуетесь?

PATIENT: I’ve hurt my leg.

DOCTOR: Как это получилось?

PATIENT: In a game of football.

DOCTOR: Футбол! Вам не кажется, что Вы слишком стары для игры в футбол?

PATIENT: Well, I’m only seventy-three.

DOCTOR: Действительно, давайте посмотрим…

4. Between Two Boys on Injuries

B: (Seeing his friend come out of the doctor's office.) Hello, Mike, what happened to you? Why is your arm in a sling?

M: I had a bad fall from a bicycle and broke my arm.

B: How awful! Have you any pain now?

M: It still hurts, but not so much as before. The fractured (broken) bone has been set and now my arm is in plaster of Paris.

B: So you can't use your arm now, can you?

M: I shan't be able to use it until the plaster is taken off. And now what are you doing here?

B: You see, I sprained my ankle today when jumping over a gym-house.

M: Well, it's nothing much to come to the doctor with. Apply a cold compress to it overnight and you'll get the swelling down. I'm sure. I had that sort of thing a year ago. I was limping for a few days, that's all.


in a sling — на перевязи;

plaster of Paris — гипс;

to sprain the ankle — вывихнуть ногу в голеностопном суставе

5. At the Dentist's

D: What's troubling you?

A: One of my front teeth is working loose, and there's a big one (a wisdom tooth) at the back that wants seeing to.

D: You have to have this one out. It is a pity you didn't have it looked at (seen to) before.

A: I wish to goodness I had.

D: Does that other tooth pain (hurt) you now?

A: Not particularly, just a dull steady pain.

D: The tooth is decaying and must be stopped, (filled)... (The doctior reaches for the drill, then cleans and drills the tooth with it, inserts a piece of cottonwool in the cavity (hole) and proceeds to make a filling.) This will be a temporary filling, I'll make a permanent one next time... Now we'll attend to the front tooth. Shall I apply an anaesthetic to deaden the pain.

A: Yes, if you please.

D: Here is your tooth extracted (pulled out). Now rinse your mouth, please.

A: (Rising from the chair and looking into the mirror.) The empty space doesn't improve my looks any. How about having a false tooth put in?

D: You'll have to have a small bridge made and two crowns on which to suspend the false tooth. I may direct you to a dental mechanic and he will do this for you.


The tooth is working loose - Зуб шатается

You must have the tooth (pulled) out - Вам нужно удалить зуб

I wish to godness - exclamation expressing a strong wish

anesthetic - обезболивающее средство

6. Listen to the two patients talking to the doctor. Make notes about each of them and fill the chart.





Mr. Right

Mrs. Smith

Doctor: Hello, Mr.Right. How are you feeling?

Mr. R: I feel a bit under the weather. I’ve got a splitting headache and ache all over the body.

Doctor: You’ve probably eaten something. Let me see. Yes, you’re running a temperature. I think you’re going down with flu.

Mr. R: How long will it take me to get over? I need to get back to work as soon as possible.

Doctor: About four or five days. I’ll prescribe you some medicine. Take these tablets three times a day after meals. Stay in bed with a hot water bottle and drink a lot of tea with lemon and honey.

* * *

Doctor: Hello, it’s Mrs. Smith, isn’t it?

Mrs. S: That’s right, doctor.

Doctor: What can I do for you?

Mrs. S: I’m always tired, doctor. I’m absolutely worn out at the end of the day.

Doctor: Are you eating regular meals?

Mrs. S: Well, I don’t really have time to eat. I’m too busy with the children. They are very active boys.

Doctor: I’ll write out a prescription for some extra ferrum and the vitamins, and I’d like you to come back in a couple of weeks so I can see how you’re getting on.

Mrs. S: Thank you, doctor.

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