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Traditions and holidays of kazakhstan nauruz

I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:

1) vernal equinox

2) oriental

3) reconciliation

4) festive

5) festival

6) hardships

7) to participate

8) to be in a hurry

9) to revive

10) spiritually

11) debt

12) to get rid of

13) well

14) to ask for forgiveness

15) wrong (=evil)

16) to reconcile

17) neighbor

18) ingredient

19) obligatory

20) popular belief

21) to eat one’s fill

22) fruit-bearing

23) pleasure measures

24) to witness

25) verbal competition

26) contest

27) to set riddles

28) custom

29) to respect

30) native land

весеннее равноденствие





трудности, тяготы



обновляться, оживать



избавиться от


просить прощение

зло, несправедливость, обида



составная часть



наесться досыта


увеселительные мероприятия

быть свидетелем

устное состязание


загадывать загадки



родная земля

II. Read and translate the text: Nauruz

There are a lot of different holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan: official, professional, religious. Among the official ones there are New Year, the Women’s Day, the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, the Victory Day, the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Day of Independence. And one of the most popular is Nauruz.

Nauruz is known as a holiday of a great vernal equinox. Orientals have celebrated this holiday since ancient times. The ancient Iranians considered that the whole world was created at the moment of the sunrise. At that moment light was separated from darkness, day from night, good from evil.

Nauruz, the modern Kazakh word for New Year, comes from Persian “nau – new, ruz – year”. Before that New Year was called “Ulys kuni” meaning a tribe or clan day. The tradition of reconciliation between relatives around a festive table, exchange of presents and good wishes was set for this day. The patient resistance to the winter hardships has come to an end, and now with the coming of spring it is time to participate in the life-giving festival. In spring people are in a hurry to revive themselves both physically and spiritually, liquidate their debts, get rid of old unwanted things, repair clothes, houses, water canals and wells, ask for forgiveness for past wrongs, reconcile with neighbours, invite guests and present relatives with gifts.

The main dish of this festival is nauruz-kozhez, a traditional spring soup. Nauruz-kozhez always includes seven ingredients. The ingredients may be different, but smoked meat from the reserves of the past year, milk and cereal are obligatory. There is a popular belief that if one tastes nauruz-kozhez in seven homes, the year will be successful for this person. One should eat it one’s fill so that the next year would be fruit-bearing.

It is impossible to imagine this festival without pleasure measures: sports contests, games and songs. Thousands of people witness sharp verbal competitions of akyns, contests in national sports – Kazakhsha-kures, toguz kumalak, Kuz-Kuu, Baiga. Games are accompanied by songs, playing tunes, setting riddles, improvising. Various dramatized shows and theatrical marches presenting national customs and rituals teach people to respect the national culture and the native land.

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