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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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XI. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents:

  1. To be getting more and more tense

  1. постоянно страдать

  1. Under the pressure of

  1. под давлением

  1. To suffer constantly

  1. заниматься спортом

  1. To go in for sport

  1. с другой стороны

  1. Ought to take care of

  1. становиться все более напряженным

  1. On the other hand

  1. должен заботиться о

XII. True or False? Prove your answer using the sentences from the text above:

a. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both a body and brain.

b. In addition it is not recommended to watch TV at all, be anxious and follow a daily routine.

c. Every town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where local competitions are usually held.

d. It's been a tradition in our country not to divide sport into professional and amateur.

XIII. The problem of smoking is much under discussion.

Some people smoke, some don’t. Divide into two groups. One group is smoking in public and the other is against. Try to convince the other group that you are right.

You may use the next prompts:



  1. I think smoking is a pleasure.

  2. Little is known for certain about the tobacco effect on human organism. No visible harm to a smoker. At least no immediate harm.

  3. Smoking helps young people to become independent and look like grown-ups.

  4. Smoking looks smart and seems that everybody likes smoking.


  1. Smoking is an addiction like drugs. People need it, depend on it, can’t stop it.

  2. It looks smart in movies but it is just the form of advertising.

  3. Above all smoking is harmful to health and in many countries a warming is printed on every packet of cigarettes.

  4. Most of the smokers wish to give up smoking but they are usually weak.

XIV. Discuss the following questions with your partner and prepare a report “What you can do to be healthy”:

  • List 3 healthy things you do that make you happy.

  • What is stress? What kind of things can cause stress? List 3 things that cause you stress (make you feel stressed out).

  • Do people have the right to smoke when children in the same house or colleagues in the same office have to inhale the smoke? Why can smoking hurt your health?

  • How many hours of sleep do you need? Do all adults need the same amount of sleep?

  • Why should most people not drink coffee just before they go to bed? If someone is having trouble sleeping at night, what can that person do?

Fill in the chart which will help you to make your report:







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