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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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1. Make up the sentences out the given words:

  1. Ivanova surname my is

  2. hour I an film an or two watching spend interesting

  3. tastes on my my musical mood depend

  4. my am to specialist do best going to I become a good

  5. its I every season apple think is in good

  6. a I complexion have fair

  7. is my sport favourite tennis.

  1. Fill in the gaps using the following words:

large knitting fond doctor well-bred friendly pensioners

  1. My family is not ­­­­­­___________________

  2. My sister is ___________of swimming.

  3. My mother is __________

  4. My father works at a clinic as a ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________

  5. My grandparents are____________

  6. My grandmother likes ______________

  7. Our family is very ____________________

  1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is your name?

    2. Where and when were you born?

    3. How old are you?

    4. Do you live together with your parents?

    5. Where do you live?

    6. What school did you finish?

    7. What were your favourite subjects at school?

    8. What are you going to be?

    9. Do you work?

    10. What do you usually do in the evenings?

    11. What kind of music do you like?

    12. What are your hobbies?

    13. Do you like to read?

    14. How do you look like? Describe yourself.

    15. What kind of feature do you like most of all in yourself?

    16. Are friends more important than family? What do you think?

    17. What do your parents do in their free time?

    18. What are the occupations of your family members?

    19. Are your parents strict?

    20. Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not?

    21. Do you often argue with your mother or father?

    22. What was the most important thing your parents taught you?

    23. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how old are they? Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters?

    24. What do you and your family like to do together?

    25. Do you have to clean your own room?

    26. Describe the perfect family.

  1. Dialogues

    1. Read and dramatise the dialogues:

a) Two young people, George and Ann, meet after a long time.

George: I wished to see you very much, Ann.

Ann: I am very glad to meet you too. It’s a long time since we have met last time.

George: It is, indeed. I think it’s about eight years, isn’t it?

Ann: It must be eight, I think.

George: You have changed, Ann.

Ann: Have I?

George: Yes, a great deal.

Ann: Am I like what you expected me to be?

George: No, Ann. You are much more beautiful.

Ann: Am I?

George: Yes. But do you know, last night I was trying to imagine you as a …

Ann: A fat, blonde girl, with round blue eyes and short curly hair?

George: No, Ann, but as a tall and slim girl with a sleek long hair, with dimples in your cheeks.

Ann: Oh, yes! That’s just like me, isn’t it? You must have seen me before you came here!

George: No, indeed I was only guessing.

Ann: Good guessing! You know, George, when I got your email yesterday, I also tried to imagine you.

George: Well…

Ann: I won’t tell you. At least, not now.

George: When?

Ann: Sometime later.

b) Marry discusses her family.

Alex: Hi, Mary.

Marry: Hi, Alex.

Alex: So, um, how big is your immediate family?

Marry: Ah, there are four of us.

Alex: Four people, OK. Who’s in it?

Marry: Not big really. Well, there's my mum and my dad and my older brother and then there's me.

Alex: Oh, I see....Does everybody still live together?

Marry: Well, actually at the moment my brother lives in London and my parents live in Moscow and I live in Karaganda but very soon we are all going to move back in together.

Alex: So who is the oldest person in your family?

Marry: The oldest person is probably my great aunt and she's 80.

Alex: Oh, and who is the youngest person in your family?

Marry: Actually, my cousin was born about two weeks ago. She's called Ema. She's two weeks old. Did you see a picture of her?

Alex: Wow! That's really exciting.

Marry: Yes, it was nice.

Alex: And how big is your extended family?

Marry: Well, I'm not from a really big family. My dad has got three sisters and my mom has got one brother. So you know, some people are from the large families with ten children, and they have lots of aunties, and uncles. It's not like that in my family.

Alex: Oh, I see. OK, well thanks for that story, Marry.

Marry: Oh, no problem. Thanks, Alex.

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