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9. Describe your groupmate using the familiar words.


III. Remember the following words and expressions:

        1. surname –

        2. to be fond of –

        3. taste –

        4. to depend on –

        5. mood –

        6. Every apple is good in its season (proverb).

        7. favourite –

        8. to spend (time) –

        9. to go out to (the cinema, the theatre, etc.) –

        10. to discuss –

        11. to do one’s best –

        12. important

        13. labour achievements –

        14. happiness –

        15. family relations –


увлекаться чем-либо


зависеть от


Всему свое время (поговорка).


проводить (время)

ходить (в кино, театр, и т.д.)


сделать все возможное


достижения на работе


отношения в семье

        1. often –

        2. to drive a car –

        3. to fish

        4. pensioner –

        5. to knit –

        6. repair the furniture –

        7. duty –

        8. clean –

        9. tidy


водить машину




чинить мебель



опрятный, аккуратный

IV. Fill in the gaps of your own genealogical tree in English:

  1. Read the text and do the exercises: About Myself and My Family

My name is Natalie. My surname is Ivanova. I was born on the 9th of September, 1992 in Karaganda. My address is Flat 2, 19, Pichugin Street.

I am tall. I am not very thin. My face is round. I have a fair complexion. My forehead is narrow and low. I have a straight nose and protruding chin. My eyebrows are bushy; my eyelashes are thick and long.

I am fond of reading, listening to music and playing computer games. I like to read historical books, books about adventures and detective stories. My musical tastes depend on my mood. I think every apple is good in its season. My favourite groups are “Queen” and “Beatles”. Sometimes I like to listen to the Russian classical music.

My favourite sport is tennis.

I have not much time to watch TV, but sometimes I spend an hour or two watching an interesting film or a news program.

I have many friends. We spend much time together, going out to the cinema or to a disco party, speaking about lessons, music, discussing our problems.

I’ve just finished school and now I am a student of Karaganda State Technical University. I am going to be an engineer. I like my future profession. I am going to do my best to become a good specialist.

The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on the family relations.

My family is large. We are the family of seven: my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my sister, my brother and I.

My mother’s name is Olga. She is forty years old. She is a teacher. She is а very calm, kind, and clever woman. She is well-bred and talented.

My father’s name is Oleg. He is forty-three years old. He is a doctor. He is a man of strong character. He is very experienced, responsible, and reliable. He often tells me interesting stories about different countries. My father can do a lot of things. He teaches me to drive a car, to fish and other things. All of us love him very much.

My grandmother’s name is Lena. She is seventy years old. She doesn’t work now. She is a pensioner, but she has a lot of work to do about the house. All of us try to help her. My grandmother’s hobby is knitting.

My grandfather’s name is Vlad. He is seventy-five years old. He is a pensioner too. He likes to repair furniture.

My brother and sister are pupils. Their names are Victor and Svetlana. They are younger than me. They are twins. They are very naughty, sociable and energetic. My sister is fond of swimming.

Everybody has his own duty about the house. As for me I must go shopping, clean the rooms. It is not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy.

In the evenings we like to watch TV, to read books and newspapers, to talk about different things, to discuss our problems together. When the weather is good we go for a walk.

Our family is very friendly. We love each other very much. I think home is the nicest place. As the proverb says, “East or west home is best”.

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