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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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5. Fill in the gaps with proper phrases and sentences given and act out the following conversation in pairs:

a) The University offers various opportunities for young people.

b) Both students and teachers.

c) It’s in Karkaralinsk, a fine place for rest.

d) Every year competitions in many kinds of sport are held between the faculties for the “Rector’s Cup”.

e) I’m fine, thank you. And you?

f) Every year about 1.000 students and teachers have a good rest there.

g) We think that sport plays a large part in the training not only of the body but of the character too.

h) There is a sports-health base “Polytechnic.”

i) I’ll be glad to if I can.

At the Youth Committee

Stephan: Hello, Victor! How are you?

Victor: _____________________________________________________________

Stephan: Fine, thanks. Could you do me a favour?

Victor :_____________________________________________________________

Stephan: Well, I’m going to ask some questions. How do your students spend their leisure time?


Stephan: How do they spend their summer? _______________________________


Stephan: Where is it situated?

Victor: _____________________________________________________________

Stephan: How many people visit it?

Victor: _____________________________________________________________

Stephan: And what sports competitions are held among the students?

Victor: _____________________________________________________________

Stephan: Who participates in these events?

Victor: _____________________________________________________________

Stephan: I have an impression that your University pays a great deal of attention to sport.


Stephan: You’re right. Besides I’d say sport is

The best kind of relaxation for young men.


6. Make up a dialogue on the following situation using the given vocabulary and conversational phrases:

Stephan, a student from RUDN has been staying in Karaganda for a few days. He is interested in extracurricular activities of the students. Now he is at the Youth Committee and meets Victor, a representative of the committee.

  1. How are you?

  2. to do a favour

  3. leisure time

  4. various opportunities

  5. to have a good rest

  6. to be situated

  7. sports competitions

  8. to participate

  9. to pay a great deal of attention

  10. relaxation

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