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4. Match the halves of the sentence.

1. Ukraine has…

а) …has special status as an autonomous republic.

2. The President is…

b) …of Ukraine in 1990.

3. Ukraine’s parliament…

с) …based on the rule of law.

4. The Crimea…

d) …the Commonwealth of independent states.

5. Ukrainian became the official language…

е) …its neighbor to the east is bigger.

6. In 1992 Ukraine began creating а legal system…

f) …commander-in-chief of the military

7. Ukraine also joined…

g) …for its vast plains called steppes.

8. Only Russia…

h) …а democratic state.

9. Ukraine is famous…

i) …for а five-year term.

10. The people of Ukraine elect President…

j) …is the nation’s lawmaking body.

5. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Стародавні люди поклонялися силам природи та духам предків.

  2. Перша конституція України була створена 1710 року гетьманом України Пилипом Орликом.

  3. Найвідоміший музикант Київської Русі – співець XI ст. Боян, який жив при дворі Святослава Ярославовича і якого згадує автор “Слова о полку Ігоревім”.

  4. Богдан Хмельницький – гетьман України – був справжнім новатором військового мистецтва, організатором січового війська та видатним державним діячем.

  5. Історія України наповнена драматичними подіями та героїчними діяннями.

  6. Крим – півострів на півдні України, що омивається Чорним та Азовським морями.

  7. Утворення Української Академії Наук у 1918 році стало подією історичного значення.

  8. Світовий пріоритет мають чимало досягнень української науки в машинобудуванні, ракетній техніці, молекулярній біології, генній інженерії, мікробіології та медицині.

  9. Українські підприємства здійснюють ділові операції з партнерами у багатьох країнах світу.

  10. Україна як суверенна держава встановлює політичні та економічні стосунки з країнами на всіх континентах.


1. Read the following dialogues.

A: Where are you from?

B: I am from the USA, California.

A: Are you traveling alone?

B: Actually, I have come to Ukraine on business. But I am fond of your country! That’s why I’ve made up my mind to see as much as possible of it.

A: Have you visited many places already?

B: Quite a lot. I visited the Crimea and some big cities like Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv.

A: I should advice you to see Odesa and Lviv. They are worth visiting too.


A: I’m going to visit Ukraine. Could you tell me what language is spoken there?

B: Ukrainian, of course.

A: I speak Russian a little. Will they understand me?

B: Yes, they will. Many people in Ukraine know Russian as well.

A: I’ve heard that the Ukrainian language is very melodious.

B: It is really so. Ukrainian is considered to be the second melodious language in the world, after Italian.

A: What can you tell me about Ukrainian people?

B: Oh, the Ukrainians are very kind and hospitable. They welcome visitors open-heartedly and treat them warmly and generously. Besides, many think that Ukrainian women are very attractive.

A: That sounds encouraging. I hope my visit to this country will be of great interest.


A: I am so happy to visit you and your capital – Kyiv. I am eager to start sightseeing. What are you going to show me?

B: Well, we have many places of interest here. Every part of the city has a lot of attractions.

A: What shall we start with?

B: I believe we are to see Khreshchatyk first. It’s the main street of the city. There are apartment houses, shops and government offices here. Although it is only 1.5 km long, it is very wide – about 100 m.

A: How interesting. Is it the very center of the capital?

B: Yes, but the very heart of Kyiv is Independence Square. Many years ago it was just a swampy place where Kyivites hunted game. It was criss-crossed and the street which appeared here 200 years ago was called Khreshchatyk.

A: Your knowledge of Kyiv is vast! It feel as if a see its beauty with your eyes.

B: That’s because I love the place itself and its history. There is a lot to see in Independence Square: a model of the old gates through which Khan Batyi’s hordes entered the city in 1240, a monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv, an underground shopping center Globus, the building of the Central Post Office with a globe in front of it and the signs marking the distances to many cities. But the main structure in the square is a monument to the Independence of Ukraine. On the top of the white column you can see a statue of a Ukrainian girl in a traditional costume.

A: I cannot wait to see it all. Let’s go, my friend. I have the car at the door of the hotel.

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