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6. Translate into English.

1. Нам пощастило сісти в автобус, хоча він був переповнений.

2. Щоб дістатися до готелю, Вам потрібно буде проїхати по цій вулиці й повернути наліво.

3. Як тільки я відремонтую машину, ми поїдемо оглядати місто з моїм племінником, який приїхав до нас у гості. Він живе у маленькому містечку на заході нашої країни і ще ніколи не був у столиці.

4. Кажуть, що високоякісний бензин забезпечує більшу потужність двигуна і виділяє менше оксиду вуглецю.

5. Таксі під’їхало до узбіччя й зупинилося.

6. Водій попросив пасажирів пройти в кінець автобуса, тому що там було багато вільних місць.

7. Раз чи два на рік я проводжу повний технічний огляд машини.

8. Я впевнена, що я ніколи не змогла б водити машину у місті з таким інтенсивним рухом.


1. Read the following dialogues.

Bus driver:Stand back from the door, please. Let the passengers off first.

Mrs. Oldridge:How much is the fare, please?

Bus driver:20 cents. Move along to the rare of the bus, please. There are plenty of seats to the rare.

Mrs. Oldridge: (nervous) Does this bus go up Riverside Drive?

Bus driver:Take bus number 5. That goes all along the drive. And this is number 4.

Mrs. Oldridge:But somebody told me that this was the right bus to take. My daughter lives in Riverside and I’ve come to see her. My son-in-law used to drive me from the station before, but this time he pretended he was busy.

Bus driver:This is not the right bus, madam. You’re holding up the rest of the passengers.

Mrs. Oldridge:You needn’t be so impolite. I only asked you a simple question.

Bus driver:And I gave you the simple answer. I don’t have time to enter into conversation with every passenger that gets on the bus. Look at the crowd waiting to get in.

Mrs. Oldridge: Such manners! It’s disgusting.

Bus driver:I’m sorry, madam. Keep moving everybody… Move along to the rare of the bus.

Mrs. Oldridge: (getting off) You are lucky I am not your wife. If I were, I’d give you a good dose of poison.

Bus driver:And if I were your husband, I’d take it!


At the Filling Station

Samuel:Fill it up, please.

Attendant:High-test or regular, Mr. Bradley?

Samuel:Regular, please. Why should I pay3 cent a gallon extra for high-test gasoline when I really don’t notice any difference?

Attendant: They say the high-test has a little more power and causes less carbon.

Samuel:I’ve tried both kinds many times and as to power, the regular gasoline seems to be just as good as the high-test. It’s possible the high-test leaves less carbon, but I turn my car in every year or two anyway, so I’m never bothered by any carbon.

Attendant:Shall I check the oil?

Samuel:Yes, please. By the way, next week my wife and I are going down South for a month. So you might look at the battery too.

Attendant: Can your wife drive a car?

Samuel:She’s learning to…

Attendant:How long has she been learning?

Samuel:It’ll be exactly ten years next July.

Attendant: (smiling) Women certainly don’t seem to make very good drivers.

Samuel:I agree with you. I know that whenever I’m driving and see a woman going toward me in the opposite direction, I always make sure to give her at least half of the road.

Attendant:But how can you tell which half of the road she wants?

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