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6. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Стівен не можекерувати машиною, тому що він – дальтонік.

2. Якщо ви хочете схуднути, притримуйтеся дієти і займайтеся спортом.

3. Мені шкода, але я не можу продати Вам ліки без рецепта.

4. Цей відомий лікар оперував мою маму.

5. П’ятеро людей отримали тяжкі ушкодження у вчорашній аварії.

6. У Метью стався нервовий зрив після смерті його пса.

7. Думаю, він зламав ногу. Негайно викликайте швидку!

8. Мені довелося годину чекати на лікаря в приймальному покої.

9. У тебе кров! – Я порізався ножем. – Ось пластир, візьми.

10. Багато людей ведуть здоровий спосіб життя – відвідують фітнес-клуби, їдять здорову їжу, не вживають алкоголю.


1. Read the following dialogues.

Patient:Good afternoon, Doctor. I have a terrible toothache.

Doctor:Which tooth is bothering you?

Patient:This one on the bottom left.

Doctor: Open your mouth so I can look into it. (Pause) I see. You have a cavity.

Patient:What do I need to do, Doctor?

Doctor:You need a filling. I can do it today. But remember, you should brush and floss your teeth two or three times a day, OK?

Patient:OK, Doctor. But I can still eat candy, right?


Patient:Doctor, please help me. My ankle hurts.

Doctor:What happened?

Patient:I twisted it when I was playing soccer.

Doctor: Let me have a look. (Pause) It is very swollen, you need an X-ray.

(One hour later)

Doctor:I have your X-rays back.

Patient: What’s the matter with my ankle?

Doctor:It’s broken. I am sorry. You will need to wear a cast for three months.

Patient:That’s too bad. I guess that means no more soccer this summer!


Doctor:What can I help you with today?

Patient:I’ve got a bad cold, running nose, sore throat and a temperature. I think I need antibiotics.

Doctor:How long have you had these symptoms?

Patient:Since yesterday morning.

(Examination of the patient)

Doctor: OK, you don’t need antibiotics for a cold. You need to rest in bed, have lots of fluids and take panadol to keep your temperature down. If you don’t feel any better in two days come back and see me. I’ll write you a doctor’s certificate until then.

2. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate words from the box.

dizzy, migraine headache, nauseous, stiff neck, toothache, ill, stomachache, backache,

sore toe, vomit, cavities, symptoms, heartaches, pains

Doctor:Hello. Not feeling so good, I hear.

Patient:Hello, Doctor. I feel terrible and I need to give a big presentation on Thursday. I’ve got to get better fast!

Doctor:Well, you still have a few days to recover. Let’s see what we can do. Can you describe your _________ to me?

Patient: I feel really ________ all the time, like I need to vomit. I also have sharp _________ in my stomach occasionally. (Rubs his neck with his hand) I’ve had a really _________ in the mornings when I wake up. I also have been experiencing terrible _________, so much that I can hardly stand up straight.

Doctor:Have you been sitting down a lot?

Patient:I’ve been glued to my computer every day for the past week preparing for this presentation. It could mean a promotion for me.

Doctor:And how long have you been feeling _________?

Patient:I don’t know. I guess for about 5 days. I tell you, Doctor, I need some painkillers for this awful back pain. I can hardly stand it!

Doctor:Well, let me ask you how you sit at work.

Patient: Huh? Okay. (Patient slumps forward with rounded shoulders)

Doctor:I think I know what may be causing all of you pain.

Patient: Really? What?

Doctor: Apparently you are experiencing a high level of stress, which commonly causes _________ and _________. You are obviously sitting improperly in your chair and since you’ve been at your desk for long hours over the past week, it’s no wonder you have a __________ and __________ pains. I would suggest some Tylenol. And perhaps you want to consider purchasing a more comfortable chair, one that adjusts to different positions and supports your lower back.

Patient:That’s a good idea, Doctor. I never thought of that. Thank you.

Doctor:If you have any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact my office.

Patient: I won’t. Good bye.

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