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Survive, extinct, green, countryside, endangered, fumes, pollution, farmland

  1. We’re quite …………. in our house and we recycle almost all our rubbish.

  2. People can’t ………… without fresh drinking water.

  3. Water ………… is often caused by local industries.

  4. Irrigation is very important for …………… in areas with little rainfall.

  5. All the …………. from cars and other traffic cause many health problems.

  6. We should act now to protect …………… animals all over the world.

  7. A walk in the …………… can really help get rid of the stress in modern life.

  8. We have to realize that there is no way we can bring a species back once it is …………. .

  1. Choose the correct option.

  1. Someone who loves and cares for the environment, including animals and plants, is a nature lover / nature liker.

  2. A place to deposit used bottles for recycling is called a bottle bin / bottle bank.

  3. A product that does not in any way harm the environment is called environmentally friendly / environmentally fair.

  4. The proper place to dispose of your crisp packet is a litter bin / litter dump.

  5. A destructive product of pollution in the atmosphere is acid rain / chemical rain.

  1. Fill in the gaps of the text using the derivatives of the words in right-hand column. There is an example at the beginning.

Improving Zoos

The (0) protection of animals is one of the main concerns of the World Zoo (1) ……….. , an international society that helps zoos maintain high standards for their animals – and for their (2) ……… . Made up of (3) ………. such as zoologists, the WZO also helps zoos around the world exchanging valuable (4) ………. about their animals’ health, breeding habits, etc. The (5) ……….. of such an organization helps zoos to keep moving in the right (6) ………… . Animal rights (7) ………… keep a close eye on zoos to make certain that the (8) …………. the animals receive is safe and not cruel. They sometimes even send (9) ………… to the zoos for a first-hand look. The WZO has helped in the (10) …………. of a number of truly wonderful zoos around the world, where animals can live safely and happily and can be viewed and appreciated by many people.












  1. a) Fill in the gaps of the text using the words-derivatives in right-hand column. Translate the text in Ukrainian.

It’s Getting Hotter

There seems to be little doubt that (1) ……….. warming is a real phenomenon. Temperatures are rising in many places (2) ……… and (3) ………… farmland is being lost as sea levels rise due to melting of the polar ice. This could cause major problems for mankind in the future. (4) ……… disagrees, though, about whether this (5) ……….. change is being caused by human actions or not. Some believe that the climate has always changed like this and it has (6) ………… causes, while others think what is happening is unique. One explanation is the greenhouse effect. This is where (7) ………… in the atmosphere traps the suns’ rays, like a giant greenhouse. While nobody claims that releasing chemicals into atmosphere can be (8) ………… , not everyone is convinced that all the temperature change is due to (9) …………. activity. It’s an important question, because a (10) ………… can only be found once we understand exactly what is causing the problem.











b) Answer the following questions:

  • What is one result of increasing world temperature?

  • Why is the sea level rising in some parts of the world?

  • What is one explanation for the increase in temperature?


  1. a) Oil tanker, oil slick, deforestation, construction industry: how do these forms of pollution affect the environment? What other forms of pollution can you think of?

b) Rewrite these sentences correctly, using the expressions for introducing an opinion.

  1. From my opinion, there is no point recycling things if large businesses are allowed to pollute our natural environment.

  2. To concern me, the government is doing everything it can to protect the environment.

  3. To my view, we should worry about running out of fossil fuels when it happens, not before.

  4. It seems me that children should be taught how to care for the environment from a very young age.

c) Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statements in b)

  1. Study the text about the ways of rubbish recycling and reducing in Europe and think how it is / can be done in your native country.

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