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Vocabualary practice


  1. Put these words and phrases into the following categories: Ship / Plane / Train.

Words / Phrases





express / carriage / ferry / platform / cruise / departure lounge / cabin / ticket inspector / flight / delayed / sail / runway / voyage / land / rails

  1. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete these collocations.

  1. a school excursion / trip

  2. a business trip / journey

  3. time off / out work

  4. a round-the-world / round-the-earth trip

  5. the holiday of a life / lifetime

  6. a five-star / five-mark hotel

  7. holidaymakers / holidaydoers

  1. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.




1. suburban train

  1. носій


2. luggage van

  1. валіза


3. voyage

  1. багажний вагон


4. harbor

  1. контрабандист


5. chambermaid

  1. прибуття


6. carriage

  1. проводжати


7. check-in

  1. гавань, порт


8. porter

  1. морська подорож


9. arrival

  1. приміський поїзд


10. suitcase

  1. зареєструватися


11. see off

  1. плацкартний вагон


12. reserved seats

  1. попадати під обмеження


13. smuggler

  1. вагон


14. to fall under restrictions

  1. покоївка


  1. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.

  1. the part of a ship where passenger cabins are located;

  2. a person who meets you at the car of a train;

  3. a person who is usually sea-sick;

  4. items which are not liable to duty;

  5. a person who makes up your room at the hotel;

  6. part of the flight when the plane touches the ground;

  7. the windows on a ship;

  8. a person who helps you with your luggage;

  9. the part of a ship where cargo is kept;

  10. a person who checks you in at the hotel.

  1. Use a word from the box to complete each sentence.

Carriage, resort, destination, arrival, cruise, brochure, cabin, platform

  1. We were very disappointed when we got there. The hotel had looked so much nicer in the ………… .

  2. Bella and Derek are going on a ………….. round the Indian Ocean in the summer.

  3. The train leaves at half past three, so I’ll meet you on the ………… at about quarter past.

  4. We are pleased to announce the …………. of flight BA 635 from Barcelona.

  5. The coach stops in Tamworth, but its final ………….. is Birmingham.

  6. We had a tiny ………….. right at the bottom of the ship.

  7. Blackpool is a well-known holiday …………… in the north-west of England.

  8. I had to walk up the train with my heavily suitcase because I’d got in the wrong ………...

  1. Complete each sentence changing a form of the word in brackets.

  1. My family runs a hotel, so I’m thinking of studying …………. at college. (TOUR)

  2. I find traveling backwards on trains really ………….. , so I always sit facing forward. (COMFORT)

  3. We regret to announce that the………… of flight SA121 has been delayed. (ARRIVAL)

  4. Teenagers seem to prefer places like Australia to …………….. countries when they go on holiday. (EUROPE)

  5. They made an……. at the airport saying that our flight had been delayed. (ANNOUNCE)

  6. In these days of mass travel, the ………… between Europe and America seems to be much shorter. (DISTANT)

  7. There are a number of reasons for the ……….. in the popularity of Iceland as a holiday destination. (GROW)

  8. I’ve always believed that travel …………… the mind. (BROAD)

  9. It’s interesting to see what ……..…… differences exist in different parts of the world. (CULTURE)

  10. The ……….. of many Pacific islands rely on the money that visitors spend. (INHABIT)

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Потяг запізнюється. Ми не встигаємо на важливу зустріч у центрі міста.

  2. Оскільки квитки на пасажирський поїзд було розпродано, ми були змушені їхати у товарному поїзді.

  3. Перед тим, як літак підніметься в небо, пасажирам необхідно застебнути паски безпеки.

  4. Я люблю подорожувати без багажу і тому зазвичай беру із собою тільки необхідні речі.

  5. Носій забрав її валізи і вирушив до вокзалу.

  6. Провідник перевірив у всіх пасажирів купейного вагону квитки і розніс чай.

  7. У переліку речей, що провозяться через кордон, є речі, за які потрібно сплачувати мито.

  8. Митник перевірив мій паспорт, візу, багаж і дозволив перетнути кордон.

  9. Після того, як підняли трап, корабель відплив до Нью-Йорку.

  10. Вони плавали на рятувальних кругах протягом доби у відкритому морі, поки їх не підібрав танкер.

  11. Вчора у мене зламалася машина і на дачу мені довелося їхати електричкою.

  12. В якому аеропорту приземляються літаки із Берліна?


    1. Read the following dialogues.

Calling Your Travel Agent

  • Cathai Pacific Airways. Can I help you?

  • Yes. I need a flight from Tokyo to New York for Friday. Do you have any seats?

  • Let me see. Yes. I have one on the 5:30 flight.

  • Five thirty! What’s the check-in time?

  • One hour economy. Thirty minutes business class. Will you take that?

  • Ni, I won’t get to the airport in time. When will the next flight leave?

  • There won’t be another direct flight on Friday. There will be one on Saturday at the same time.

  • Fine, I’ll take that.

  • Just let me check. Oh, I am sorry. That flight’s full.


On the Ship

  • Do you happen to know when our ship is due in Amsterdam?

  • According to the timetable we are due there at noon tomorrow, but I think we are one hour late.

  • Oh, it doesn’t matter, we’ll catch up.

  • The sea has been quite calm since the beginning of the voyage, but I’m afraid the night might bring us a storm.

  • There is nothing to be afraid of, I’m sure we’ll come on schedule and have a good landing tomorrow.

  • Well, good night, then. I’m going to my cabin now. I feel somewhat sleepy.

  • Happy dreams.


At the Customs

  • The passport control officer is coming. He will ask you for your passport and visa.

  • Here it is. I believe he will ask me about the purpose of my visit.

  • That’s right. Besides, he may look through your luggage.

  • Do I have to answer all of his questions?

  • No doubt, and try to be polite as well.

  • I see. I have got a bottle of perfume and a bottle of whiskey. Are they liable to duty?

  • I don’t think so. I’ve got a box of liqueur chocolates. It’s duty free.

  • I wonder if it’s necessary to declare tobacco.

  • There’s 100% duty on it if you exceed 300 gr. Then, you pat the duty. Anyhow as soon as we go through customs our journey will be coming to an end. I’m happy about it as I’m quite exhausted.


  • Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please?

  • Sure. Here it is.

  • Where are you coming from?

  • I’m coming from Seoul, Korea.

  • What is the purpose of your visit?

  • I'm here on business.

  • How long are you planning to stay?

  • I'll be staying for three weeks.

  • Where will you be staying?

  • I'll be staying at a hotel.

  • Have you ever been to Canada before?

  • No, this is my first time.

  • Do you have anything to declare?

  • No, nothing.

  • Enjoy your stay.

  • Thank you.


  • Could you tell me, please, the time of the first morning plane to Frankfurt?

  • Yes. The first plane leaves at 8.15.

  • Thanks. And can you tell me when it arrives so that I can let my secretary know.

  • It arrives at 10.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.

  • I see. Do you happen to know the time of the last plane this evening then?

  • Well, there’s one at 11.15 but it’s fully booked, I’m afraid.

  • Oh, well, I wonder if you’d let me know at my hotel if there’s a cancellation on that fly, I’d be very grateful.

  • Yes, sure. I’ll do that for you. What’s your number?

  • 3596. Thank you. Now could you tell me how I can get to Leicester Square, please?


  • Hello, Helen! You seem to have a lot of luggage with you. Don’t you want a porter for your case?

  • I’d rather not. It’s not heavy.

  • Going far?

  • All the way. I’m going to Manchester.

  • Got a sleeper?

  • No.

  • You ought to have a sleeper going all the way like that. Two nights on a train. It’s no joke.

    1. Fill in the right word from the word box.

A Railway Station

to lose tickets, to start, compartment, the lunch basket, has arrived, station, to miss the train, waiting for the train, luggage, the best seat, railway station, passengers, blow their whistles, departure, are banged, the platform, arrive at the destination

Hardly anybody is in the normal state of mind on a ….. . Either one ….. far too early and is irritated by the vast of time involved in ….., or one has left for ….. too late and is afraid to leave ….. behind, or to forget ….., or ….. or ….. altogether. All one’s natural kindness and good manners seem to disappear on the railway station and in a train which is about ….. . One rushes for ….., looks indignantly at ….. who come into the same ….. . As the time of ….. of the train draws nearer, the anxiety increases. Doors ….., guards shout and ….. . everybody shouts out the things that have been said a thousand times, those on ….. beg those on the train to write to them when they ….. .

    1. Translate the words in brackets. Render the story in English.

All on Board?

All of us who (подорожувати літаком) probably find reasons to complain about (авіалінії), but it less common for airlines to complain about us! At 2.53 p.m. (рейс 767) was ready to leave for Ibiza and nearly all the passengers were (на борту). At 6.10 p.m. the plane was still on (злітна смуга). Two passengers hadn’t boarded. If people (зареєструватися) but don’t board all the luggage must be unloaded. All the passengers had (зійти з літака) and all of them identified their (багаж). At the end there were two pieces of luggage left. Just then, both missing passengers appeared. “We went to the bar and we had something to drink and a sandwich,” they explained. We had been sitting in the bar for hours! The captain scolded the men severely and the other passengers were very angry with them.

    1. Do the traveling crossword.


1. a long flight causes this

4. short trip for tourists

6. used for transporting clothes

8. form of identification

9. money used in a country

12. proof of payment when travelling

14. visiting places of interest


2. useful reading for tourists

3. a place to sunbathe

5. without taxes

7. place to stay when travelling

10. bus for tourists

11. necessary to enter some countries


  1. Read the text below and decide which answers (A, B, C, D) best fits each gap.

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