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3. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

  1. He greeted… me… a smile.

  2. The chairman introduced the lecturer … an audience.

  3. Remember me… your mother. She is such a nice person.

  4. How are you getting …? Not too bad, thanks you.

  5. It was necessary to make introductions … all around. There were many people present at the party.

  6. You took me … somebody else.

  7. Your name has slipped … my mind.


1. Read the following dialogues.

  • Harry, have you met Mr. Grey?

  • No, we haven’t met.

  • Come along, then. I’ll introduce you to him if you like.

  • With pleasure.

  • Mr. Grey, I’d like to introduce Mr. Smith, a friend of mine.

  • How do you do, Mr. Smith! Pleased to meet you.

  • How do you do, Mr. Grey! I’m very glad to know you.


  • Can you do me a favor, Jim? Would you mind introducing me to Miss Jones?

  • Oh, yes, with pleasure, though it’s rather strange you don’t know each other yet.

  • I just didn’t have a chance to get acquainted with her. Is she a nice girl?

  • Yes, of course and she has a friendly dog.


  • Hi, Jane!

  • Oh, Peter, hello, how are you? You see, I’m in a trouble. My car has broken and in half an hour I must be in the airport to meet my great grandfather. He’s coming back from Brazil.

  • It’s not a problem. Get in my car, I’ll give you a lift.

  • This is so nice of you. Peter, thank you so much.

  • Don’t mention it.

2. Complete the conversations with the correct expressions.

I’m sorry / excuse me / of course / pardon

A _______! Can I get past?

B _______?

A Can I get past, please?

B _______ . I didn’t hear you. Yes, _______ .

A Thanks a lot.

That’s right / what a pity / congratulations / never mind / I hear

A ______ you’re going to get married soon. _______ !

B ______, next July. July 21. Can you come to the wedding?

A _______! That’s when we’re away on holiday.

C _______ . we’ll send you some wedding cake.

A That’s very kind.

Hurry up / all right / oh, dear / just a minute / I haven’t got a clue

A ______! Look at the time! _______ , or we’ll miss the train.

B _______! I can’t find my umbrella. Do you know where it is?

A _______ . But you won’t need it. It’s a lovely day. Just look at the sky!

B Oh, ________ . Let’s go, then.

3. Make up your own dialogues with the following word combinations.

  1. Hello, hi, it’s good to see you again, here you are, I’m glad we’ve met, nice to see you, glad to meet you, cheerio, bye.

  2. I beg your pardon, Mr. Hopkins, that’s me, it’s my name, I guess, I saw you somewhere, I bet I know your name, I’m sorry you took me for somebody else.

4. Translate the following dialogues into English.

  • Ось іде Білл. Він один з моїх найкращих друзів.Ти його знаєш?

  • Ні, ніколи його раніше не зустрічав.

  • Хочеш із ним познайомитися?

  • Звичайно.


  • Добрий день, пане Хілле. Чудовий день, чи не так?

  • Прекрасний! Як ви почуваєтеся?

  • Добре, дякую. А ви?

  • Сьогодні набагато краще. Бувайте.

  • До побачення. Був радий зустрітися.


  • Добрий день, пане Блейку. Я прийшов попрощатися.

  • Добрий день, пане Брауне. Ви від’їжджаєте?

  • Так, повертаюся додому. Я тут свою роботу закінчив.

  • Шкода, ви нам дуже сподобалися.

  • Дякую, усього найкращого.

  • Передавайте вітання своїй дружині.

  • Дякую, обов’язково. Бувайте.


Topics for discussion and essays.

  1. Speak about Ukrainian etiquette. Does it differ much from the world nations?

  2. Speak about Ukrainian superstitions.

  3. Americans tend to be much more casual and informal meeting people, Germans and Japanese keep distance while talking, Asians prefer to use less eye and physical contact… What about Ukrainians?

  4. People shake hands to greet each other. Do you know any other forms of greeting?

  5. What are some good / insulting gestures in your country? Can you think of some gestures that have different meanings in different countries?

  6. What are some gestures that you used when you were a child that you don’t use anymore?

  7. What are some gestures you know that relate to the sporting world?


Family relations (Family Tree, Love and Marriage, Horoscope Signs)

Love me, love my dog.

In time of test, family is best.

The family is the nucleus of civilization.

A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space.

I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich.

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