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1. Say the following in one word.

  1. wet light cloud near the ground, which is difficult to see through clearly;

  2. rather cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable;

  3. a gentle pleasant wind;

  4. a short period of light rain;

  5. very cloudy and dash;

  6. extremely cold;

  7. a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds;

  8. frozen raindrops that fall as small balls of ice;

  9. soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather;

  10. a mixture of snow and rain.

  1. Match the words and their definitions.

1. forecast

a. the amount of rain, snow etc. that falls;

2. precipitation

b. rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground;

  1. rain

c. weather conditions of a place or area;

  1. mist

d. a light gentle wind;

  1. weather

e. thick water vapor which is difficult to see through;

  1. climate

f. water falling in drops from the clouds;

  1. fog

g. small dirty pool of rain water;

  1. drizzle

h. water vapour at or near the earth’s surface, less thick than fog;

  1. shower (downpour)

i. a heavy fall of rain;

  1. breeze

j. rain in small fine drops, thin continuous rain;

  1. puddle

k. conditions over a particular area, at a specific time with reference to sunshine, temperature, rain and so on.

  1. Read the text and decide which answer, A, B, C, D best fits each space for questions 1-10. The first is done for you.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you (0) ever thought, ‘Oh, no! Not another grey rainy day!’? Bad weather can really affect your mood, (1) ……… it? Most of us get depressed at some point (2) ……….. the winter, and we can’t wait for spring to come. For some people, (3) …………. , those dark, cold winter days can cause real medical problems.

Doctors have (4) ………… a condition which is (5) ………….. as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and it can be a big problem in countries in northern Europe where the winters are long and dark. SAD sufferers find it difficult to (6) …………… , often feel depressed or anxious and their behavior affects the people (7) …………. them.

The whole problem is caused by a lack of sunlight. Bright light affects the chemistry of the brain, although scientists don’t understand (8) ………… how. There are two main cures. The first is to travel to a country that has a warm (9) ………… , with bright, sunny winters. The second is to use (10) …………. light. So, if it’s raining and you are depressed, perhaps it’s time you had a holiday in the sun!

0 A hardly

B ever

C soon

D every

1 A doesn’t

B wouldn’t

C can’t

D isn’t

2 A during

B while

C into

D of

3 A despite

B although

C yet

D however

4 A invented

B developed

C discovered

D produced

5 A called

B known

C regarded

D named

6 A imagine

B consider

C wonder

D concentrate

7 A around

B among

C nearby

D by

8 A accurately

B mainly

C closely

D exactly

9 A weather

B sunshine

C climate

D season

10 A false

B artificial

C fake

D pretend

  1. Choose the correct option.

    1. This area has a very comfortable ……….. all year around.

A weather B climate C barometer D data

    1. About a hundred trees were destroyed in the ………… .

A static B shower C hurricane D mist

    1. Watch you don’t step in that big ……….. of water!

A flake B gust C flash D puddle

    1. On Win a Million, the game show, four …………… answer questions to win money.

A producers B presenters C contestants D cameramen

    1. We might have to cancel the trip because it’s starting to rain …………….. .

A tough B hard C badly D wetly

    1. Put the news on. I just want to see ………………….. .

A headlines B titles C headings D labels

    1. Let’s hope the weather ……………. Up before the wedding.

A clears B cleans C comes D goes

    1. Last year it snowed, but this winter has been quite ……………

A mild B soft C gentle D smooth

    1. I don’t like ……………… at all. The stories are too dramatic and the characters aren’t real.

A cartoons B game shows C sitcoms D soap operas

    1. Can I borrow your umbrella? It’s …………. with rain outside.

A dropping B pouring C running D flowing

  1. Translate the following dialogues in English.

  • Дощ іде?

  • No, it isn’t. It has stopped raining.

  • Гадаю погода зміниться.

  • I think so.


  • Сніг припинився?

  • Not yet. It has been snowing for two hours.

  • Усюди повно снігу. Давай підемо на лижах

  • I can’t. Urgent business.


  • What summer sports do you go in for?

  • I like swimming and rowing. What about you?

  • Я також люблю плавання, але не люблю веслування.

  • Вам подобаються зимові види спорту?

  • Yes, I’m fond of skating and skiing.


  • Сьогодні мороз?

  • Так, 15 градусів нижче нуля.

  • Не забудь надіти дублянку / пуховик / шубу.

  • I won’t.


  • Погода чудова, чи не так?

  • Так. Дуже тепло і сонячно.

  • Let’s go for a walk.

  • Я не проти.


  1. a) Complete the following text with suitable words.

The single greatest influence on Japanese weather is the wind. During the summer it (1)………. from the Pacific, causing (2) ………. and humid weather, but in winter, the north-westerly (3) ………… from Siberia are very cold and it (4) ………….. heavily on the mountains of the north west. The south-eastern parts receive cold dry air. Between June and mid July, there is a (5) ………….. of wet weather when the rice fields get the water vital for the growth. After that, there is less (6) …………... rain, but the air is still (7) ………….. . Autumn, however, is drier, and usually very pleasant.

b) Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).

  1. a) Read the text about life in the Nordic countries and find:

  • another word for ‘Nordic’, used to refer to countries such as Norway;

  • manufactured items produced in those countries;

  • items of clothing important for a cold country;

  • examples of winter sports

The region north of the Arctic Circle is known as ‘The land of the midnight sun’ because the sun never sinks below the horizon during the summer time. This means that in the winter the sun never rises above the horizon and there is very little sunlight.

Try to imagine living in a country where sometimes there are only a few hours of daylight for the winter months of the year. People wake up in the dark, go to work in the dark and return home at night in the dark. Normal temperatures are often around 00 C, although they can drop much lower and outdoors everyone wears furs, hats, boots, gloves and scarves to keep warm. Ordinary trees and houses, mountains and parks are suddenly transformed by the brilliance and sparkle of snow and ice, which make the long dark nights seem lighter.

Scandinavia is famous for its glassware, candles and light wooden furniture. In winter you quickly understand why. Candles burn in houses and in the windows of hotels, shops and restaurants. Shop windows glitter with displays of crystal vases, glass tableware and sculptures as well as brightly colored wooden toys and jewelry made of local gemstones. All of those things bring color and light to winter days.

Of course, with ice and snow come the winter sports. Skis come in many shapes and sizes as Scandinavian children usually learn to ski at a very early age. Although downhill skiing in the mountains is popular, cross-country skiing is also common and can be practiced in the flatter parts of the region. Snowboarding, which is rather like surfing, is also common on the ski slopes, particularly among the younger skiers. Ice sports are popular, too. Not only can you go ice skating on many of the thousands of frozen lakes but fishing through a hole in the ice is also popular.

b) Say as many words as possible about your reaction to life in a cold climate. Include what you found strange or surprising, what the advantages and disadvantages might be and whether or not you would like to live in a cold place.

  1. a) There are a lot of sayings and expressions with weather in English. Here are ten well-known ones for you to match with their meanings.

Sayings and expressions


1. Make hay while the sun shines

a. extremely happy

2. Come rain or shine

b. disappeared without trace

3. Every cloud has a silver lining

c. in dreamland and completely unrealistic

4. It never rains but it pours

d. even a difficult situation may have some good aspects

5. A storm in a teacup

e. to take advantage of an opportunity

6. It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good

f. a big fuss made over unimportant matter

7. On cloud nine

g. to save something so that you can use it if bad times come

8. Gone with the wind

h. in any event, whatever happens

9. Saving for a rainy day

i. someone usually profits from every misfortune

10. Head in the clouds

j. troubles don’t come along and one problem will bring others

b) Think about sayings in your own language about the weather and explain them in English.


Topics for discussion and essays.

  1. Where do you get your weather information?

  2. Are there any special traditions associated with different season in your country?

  3. Do you sometimes feel under the weather? When?

  4. Speak about the problem of disasters’ influence / consequences on humanity.

  5. How can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in countries?

  6. Can a person influence weather?

  7. Why are sometimes / often weather forecasts wrong and don’t come true?

  8. Why do you think the weather on our planet changes with years?


Global Environmental Problems

Man is a child of his environment.

If a tree dies, plant another in its place.

When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.

I’m not an environmentalist. I'm an Earth warrior.

We cannot command nature except by obeying her.

Take care of the earth and she will take care of you.

The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.

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