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b) was admitted to the inpatient therapeutic department of the hospital 2. Выберите соответствующее слово.

1.(Dry, moist) rales were caused by diffuse bronchitis.

2.The shadow at the base of the left lung was particularly marked due to the (enlargement, decrease) of the lymphatic glands.

3.(Mild, severe) forms of lobular pneumonia are difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy.

4.Luminal and bromide were prescribed to the patient (to improve, to impair) his sleep.

6.3.Ситуационная задача упр. IX стр.182

7. Список тем по УИРС, УИР:

«найти информацию о новых методах лечения и новых лекарственных препаратах, применяемых при респираторных заболеваниях»

Занятие № 3.

1.Тема: «Main Medicinal Forms. Medicines»

2.Значение изучения темы – знакомство студентов-фармацевтов с основной терминологией по специальности.

3.Цели занятия: на основе теоретических знаний и практических умений обучающийся должен уметь составлять диалоги, поддерживать беседу по данной теме.

4.План изучения темы:

4.1.Исходный контроль знаний. Письменный опрос.

4.2.Изучение нового материала.

1.Введение нового и повторение пройденного лексического материала (см. приложение).

2.- Поисковое чтение Text «Tablets» стр. 71.

-Ознакомительное чтение (см. приложение №1)

3.Упражнения после текста стр. 72-73.

5.Основные понятия и положения темы:

Тема: «Main Medicinal Forms. Medicines»

The tablet is the most common form for the administration of a drug in a dry state. A tablet shows definite properties of mechanical strength and is characterized by a

definite rate of desintegration with water. It's observed that tablets can be made from certain drugs, even without the addition of auxiliary substances. The application of different pressure during tableting plays a very important role. It helps to avoid unnecessary complications. Another important effect of higher pressures is an increase in friction, which demands the use of greater amount of lubricants and glidants.

6.Задания для уяснения темы занятия, методики вида деятельности:

6.1. Вопросы для самоподготовки:

1.What is a tablet characterized by when brought into contact with water?

2.What substances are used for tablet making?

3.Why are some difficulties experienced in the process of tabletting?


4. What is necessary to do in order to avoid unnecessary complications during tabletting?

6.2.Тестовые задания по теме.

Переведите русские слова каждого предложения, используя слова, данные ниже: to know, to state, to recognize, to be necessary, to find

1. Известно, that the tablet is the most common form of medication. 2. Было установлено, that starches possess very good glidant properties increasing the flow of tablet materials. 3. Было необходимо to remove the testa or pericarp which contains no oils. 4. Указывают, that the results obtained from these tablets are satisfactory.

7. Список тем по УИРС, УИР:

«найти информацию о новых методах лечения и новых лекарственных препаратах, применяемых при респираторных заболеваниях»

приложение №1

Manufacturing of medical products during New time. In XIX century significant achievements of technology medicinal Forms the invention William Brokdonom of tablets (1843) is, Introduction by the French pharmacist Lehabom firm gelatinous Capsules (1846), use as bases for ointments of vaseline (1873) and lanolin (1875). Lanolin was applied still in Ancient Greece, but in Middle Ages has been forgotten. A merit of revival Applications of lanolin belongs to the German pharmacologist to the professor O.Librajhu.

The big influence on pharmaceutical technology rendered Achievements of microbiology. French scientist L.Pasteur (1822-1895) and others have proved that fermentation and rotting are Consequence of ability to live of the lowest microorganisms. Under Influence of jobs of L.Pasteur English surgeon D.Lister has suggested A way of protection of wounds from a suppuration with the help carboxylic acids (1867.)

At the end of 80th years of XIX century D.Listera's method has been added in the physical ways of sterilization. Marks in development of technology solutions are: Introduction of a method of sterilization the ferry in Koch’s device (1885); Results of studying of Dutch physiologist D.Hamburgera Intravascular application gipo-and hypertonic solutions, and also use of 0, 9 % of a solution of sodium of chloride in quality A physiological solution (1885). V.Berkefelda's offer about Sterilizations of solutions by filtering through ceramic Candles (1891) in 1916г.

The Nobel Prize winner Austrian analytical chemist R.Zhigmondi has made membrane filters from Derivatives of cellulose. On a boundary of 19 and 20 century the domestic pharmacy has replenished with a galaxy Scientists who further created Soviet Pharmaceutical science, the first have organized the maximum Pharmaceutical educational institutions, formed technology Medicinal forms as scientific discipline.

The decision of the first congress on pharmaceutical education to science, studying manufacture of medicinal forms and galena preparations, the name « technology has been appropriated Medicinal forms and galena preparations». Speaking about the period of becoming of Soviet pharmaceutical science, It is necessary to note some representatives of the grown-up especially The generations, left the big trace in development of technology Medicines. L.G.Spassky (1868-1929) - the professor managing faculties’ technologies galena and


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