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English For Ph students.doc
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Grammar Perfect Tenses

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. She has had much work this week. 2. He has written his test paper well. 3. Have you ever read English books in the original? 4. Have you already answered these questions? 5. Many new novels have been translated into English. 6. The newspaper will have been delivered by 6 a.m. 7. How long have you been learning Arabic? 8. The problem of folklore festivals has not been touched upon yet. 9. The report had been written before the arrival of the chief. 10. The student will have passed the exam in the History of Linguistics by the end of the week. 11. He had left the city by that time. 12. Has she been to any book exhibition this year? 13. The experiment had been completed by that time yesterday. 14. The lecturer has been listened to inattentively. 15. This magazine will have been returned by this time tomorrow. 16. Will the work have been finished by September?

  1. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences. Consult the Grammar Support if necessary.

1. He (has, have been, will have) read the book on poetry by the end of the next week. 2. By the time he was 25 he (had, has, will have) become a Doctor of Philosophy. 3. The room (has, had, will have) not been slept in for many years. 4. Many new interesting magazines (has been, have been, will have) published by now. 5. The lecture (have, have been, will have been) delivered by this time tomorrow. 6. Their test (has been, had been, will have) written by 2 o’clock yesterday.

  1. Make the sentences passive.

1. Your friends have invited you to dinner. 2. Someone has given me this book. 3. They have staged Shakespeare’s plays. 4. He has put the clock on the shelf. 5. She has lost her dictionary. 6. Nobody has ever written about her. 7. They had sent for the doctor by 4 p.m. 8. We had passed exams before he arrived. 9. By this time I will have received the letter. 10. It surprised me that they had completed their research.

  1. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы уже перевели текст? 2. Я видел этот фильм недавно. 3. Он когда-нибудь бывал в Англии? 4. С тех пор она не была в Америке. 5. Мне только что задали этот вопрос. 6. Этот клуб уже посетили многие журналисты.

It’s Interesting to Know Degrees

Degrees are higher education qualifications that help you develop a thorough understanding of a subject. There are several different types and a vast number of subjects to choose from.

Bachelors degrees. A bachelor’s degree (sometimes known as an 'ordinary' or 'first' degree) can lead to a qualification such as a bachelor of arts (BA), bachelor of science (BSc), or bachelor of medicine (MB). Depending on the subject you choose, it normally takes three or four years to complete full-time.

Foundation Degrees. Foundation Degrees combine academic study with work-place learning. They are broadly equivalent to the first two years of a bachelors degree. They provide a route into university or college for a broad range of students from many different backgrounds.

Higher degrees. Higher (also called postgraduate) degrees, diplomas and certificates usually require that you already have a bachelors degree. They lead to qualifications such as master of arts (MA) and master of science (MSc).

Higher National Certificates (HNCs) and Higher National Diplomas (HNDs). HNCs and HNDs are work-related courses provided by higher education colleges and further education colleges. They are available in a wide range of subjects from accounting to video production.

Higher education diplomas and certificates. As well as HNCs and HNDs, you can study for a range of higher education diplomas in subjects as varied as accounting, construction, engineering, nursing, science, technology and textile design. They usually take two years. You can normally convert your higher education diploma to a degree with an extra year of study. Certificates of higher education are academic, rather than vocational qualifications. There are broadly equivalent to an HNC, and usually take a year of full-time study to complete.

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