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Грамматика английского языка.doc
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Глагол to have в настоящем времени

Глагол to have имеет значение «иметь» и переводится на русский язык оборотом «у меня (у него и т. д.) есть».

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

ед. число

мн. число

ед. число

мн. число

ед. число

мн. число

1. I have

1.We have

1.Have I?

1.Have we?

1.I have not.

1.We have not

2.You have

2.You have

2.Have you?

2.Have you?

2.You have not.

2.You have not.

3. He has

She has

It has

3.They have

3.Has he?

Has she?

Has it?

3.Have they?

3. He has not.

She has not.

It has not.

3.They have not.

Отрицательная форма глагола to have образуется:

а) с помощью отрицательной частицы not. В разговорной речи обычно употребляются сокращенные формы: haven’t, hasn’t.

I haven’t a book. He hasn’t a pencil.

б) с помощью отрицательного местоимения no - никакой. No ставится перед существительным, и артикль в этом случае не употребляется.

I have no bag. He has no brother.


1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I have a family. 2. I have a good friend. 3. He has a nice wife and a son. 4. My friend has an English lesson today. 5. Dick’s wife has a good job. 6. They have a nice house. 7. We have three children. 8. Have you a computer? 9. Has Mary a TV set? 10. I have no lectures today. 11. Bob has no problems.

12. I have very good news for you. 13. Helen has a new boyfriend.

2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. I have many English books. 3. We have much work.

2. Peter has two sons.

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. У меня есть план. 2. У Джейн есть книга. 3. У родителей есть новая машина. 4. У Боба нет брата. 5. У меня нет сада. 6. У тебя есть компьютер? 7. У твоего друга есть семья? 8. У него урок в 10 часов. 9. У нас в понедельник английский. 10. У Мэри есть интересные идеи.

Текст №1

I have a large family: a father, a mother, a sister, two brothers, a grandfather and a grandmother. My mother is a housewife. She has much work at home. She is 45. My father is not very old. He is only 50. He is a worker at the plant. They have a good flat in a big new house. My sister and I are students. We have many books.

Текст №2

My name is Michael Sandford. I am a student. Our family is not very large.

My father’s name is Henry. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Helen. She is a housewife. My parents are not old. My mother is thirty-six and my father is forty-three.

I have a young sister. Kate is fifteen. She is a student too. I am seventeen. Kate and I are not married. We are too young.

Текст №3

I have a friend. His name is Boris Smirnov. He is thirty-two years old. He is an engineer at a big plant. He has a lot of work to do at the plant. He is a busy man and he has not much free time.

Boris is married. He has a family. He has a wife and a daughter. Boris has no son. He also has a mother but he has no father. His mother is old. She is sixty-five years old. She is a pensioner.

Boris has a wife. Her name is Olga. She is a nice young woman of twenty-seven. Olga is a student at our Institute. She is a final-year student. Olga is very fond of sport but this year she hasn’t much time for it, because she is busy with her graduation design.

Boris has a daughter. Her name is Ann. Ann is a nice little girl. She is only eight. Ann is very fond of sport too and she has a lot of time for it. Ann is also fond of reading books. She has very many good books. She has a lot of Russian but few English books.

All members of this family are good friends. I am fond of the family.

Olga is free today. She is at home. Boris is not at home. He is at the plant. He has a lot of work to do today. He is busy with his new design and with his social work. Ann is at home now. She has a lot of homework to do today. Now she is busy with her Russian lessons.