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Грамматика английского языка.doc
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1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I shall go to England next year. 2. Tom will help you with your homework. 3. I shall become an engineer in two years. 4. The meeting will take place on Monday. 5. Everybody will attend the lecture. 6. They will arrive tomorrow afternoon. 7. My parents will buy a house soon. 8. She will accept your invitation to spend the week-end at your place. 9. Next summer we shall spend much time in the open air. 10. Bill will go to the reading room before classes.

2. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. She will not finish her work next month. 2. We shall not telephone you tomorrow evening. 3. I won’t see you tomorrow. 4. Will you stay at the Institute after classes? 5. What will you do in the evening? 6. The children won’t go for a walk before supper. 7. Will you go to see your friends next month? 8. We shan’t meet him next week. 9. My parents won’t leave for Kiev next week. 10. Where will you go in summer?

3. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. Sam will go on business to Dublin. 2. She will come this evening. 3. I shall send you a telegram. 4. They will read English texts without a dictionary. 5. We shall try to translate this article into English.

4. Заполните пропуски глаголами в соответствующей форме.

Переведите предложения:

1. I (know) the result in a week. 2. Perhaps he (arrive) in time for lunch. 3. Jack (be) twenty years old next week. 4. I (get) up early tomorrow. 5. We (have) a holiday next week. 6. I (do) my homework this evening. 7. She (stay) at home tomorrow. 8. I (see) my mother this evening. 9. I (do) my homework in the evening. 10. They (tell) us about their work.

5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Студенты будут работать на этом заводе. 2. В начале урока вы будете писать текст. 3. Том будет изучать английский язык. 4. Я сделаю этот перевод. 5. После урока мы пойдем в читальный зал. 6. Они не купят новую машину на следующей неделе. 7. Я не поеду в Лондон в следующем году. 8. Ты пригласишь Джо на вечеринку? 9. Что ты будешь делать вечером? 10. Мой сын не встретит вас на станции.

Текст № 1

It is summer. It will be Sunday tomorrow. We go to the country every Sunday in summer. Usually we meet at the railway station and go to the country by train. Last Sunday we went to the river to bathe. The weather was very good. It was very warm and the water in the river was warm too. We swam and took sun-baths for two hours. Then we went to the forest. Tomorrow my friends will call for me at eight o’clock and we shall go to the river by bus. We shall not go there by train tomorrow.

Текст № 2

I study at the Institute. There are four faculties at our Institute. We study a lot of subjects. Classes will be over in a few days. The examinations will begin on the 2nd of January.

During the autumn term I worked hard. I attended all the lectures and never missed the seminars. Now I am quite ready for the examinations and I hope to pass them successfully.

When the examinations are over we shall have our winter holidays. They will last from the 23rd of January till the 7th of February. Some of us will go to the country, others will stay in town. During the holidays we shall go to the cinemas and theatres. We shall go in for sports. We shall spend a lot of time in the open air. Those students who do not live at home will be able to go to see their parents. They will soon leave for their native towns and villages.