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2. Человеческая природа human nature

натура nature: Later on when he rested in my arms, bit in the safety of my hold, I considered my sadistic nature

нрав disposition: From this early period, he was distinguished for the sweetness of his disposition, which characterized him through life, temper: Once he has finally tamed his temper, then you can let him back into your life

природа nature: Man must be awakened to his true nature; (во фрезах «показать, обнажить, увидеть и т. п. истинную природу) colours: Now that the mask is off, Kane will show his true colours

по природе / от природы naturally: As a naturally malicious girl, she inflicted great pain upon others; by nature He is lazy by nature

сущность essence: / feel my whole self / know exactly who / really am. / have reached my very essence, self: Of what use are the laws of grammar and etiquette, may I ask ? They merely aid in the deceit that a M may better cover his real self among his fellows; (во фразах «показать, обна­жить, увидеть и т. п. истинную сущность») colour : The more he psychotically spews his venom, the more he shows his true colours — black, like his cold dead heart

темперамент temperament: No child is just like another, and the ways in which you care for and play with your baby need to be tailored to his temperament

характер disposition: He had a cheerful disposition; character The writer reinforces the strength of Jane's character by making her plain. By doing this, she forces us to realize the beauty of her character rather than her looks; temper. My boyfriend has a really bad temper

черта - trait: What trait of character do you most admire in man ?; streak: Dennis is curious about his dad Sharon shorn him photos and recalls his dad's good and bad streaks

внутреннее я the inner self: This diary reflects my inner self and tells things which are not supposed to be known

внешнее я the outer self: At this time in my life my outer self and outer reality seemed more valuable than my inner

3. Социальное окружение social environment

банда gang: Cory, one of the leaders of the gang, said that his boys were just a bunch of fun-loving guys; mob: The Italian «Mob» as we know it from movies and folklore has mostly died off or gone legitimate

группа group: When you work together in a specific group activity your relationship with each other needs to become professional. Before this can be achieved, the group may go through certain stages; bunch: With rifles and grenades, they stood in bunches, wearing green khakis, desert camouflage, civilian clothes or a mixture

класс class: The gown is commonly seen on middle class women, but some upper class women have been shown wearing a version of it as well

высший upper

непривилегированный underpriviledged

низший lower

образованный educated

правящий ruling

привилегированный priviledged

рабочий working

средний middle

компания company: Twenty minutes later, we sat down on a comfortable sofa, full glasses in hand, in the company of friends; bunch: My brother and kit bunch in basketball fanatics

кучка bunch: Your staff is obviously made up of a bunch of idiots

общественность public: At last the public is now becoming more aware of the benefits of the traditional ways of living and keeping well; (группа

людей, объединенная какой-либо деятельностью) community: The scientific community, above any other subgroup of the population, has become overwhelmingly atheistic

общество society: He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god (Aristotle); (в значении чьё-либо общество) company: The only thing that men and women have in common, is that they both prefer the company of men (Oscar Wilde); (чьё-либо общество) society: We have a right to act upon our unfavourable opinion of any one, not to the oppression of his individuality, but in the exercise of ours. We are not bound, for example, to seek his society; we have a right to avoid it, for we have a right to choose the society most acceptable to us

без наркотиков drug free

буржуазное bourgeois

высшее high

гражданское civil

гуманное humane

классовое class

приличное polite

низшее lower

равное equal

ученое learned

цивилизованное civilized

человеческое human

семья family: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way (Leo Tolstoy)

бабушка grandmother

бабушка и дедушка grandparents

близнецы identical twins

большая семья large / big family

брат brother

внук grandson

внуки grandchildren

внучка granddaughter

двойняшки twins

дедушка grandfather

дети children

деверь brother-in-law

дочь daughter

единокровный брат / сестра (по одному родителю) half brother / sister

золовка sister-in-law

зять son-in-law

мать mother

мать одиночка single mother

мачеха stepmother

невестка daughter-in-law

неполная семья one parent family

отец одиночка single father

отчим step father

прабабушка great-grandmother

прадедушка great-grandfather

прародители great-grandparents

приемная семья adoptive family

приемный ребенок adopted child

родители parents

родная мать / отец birth mother/father

родственник relation; relative; (ближайшие) the next of kin; (со

стороны жены или мужа) in-laws

свёкр father-in-law

свекровь mother-in-law

сводный брат/сестра step brother / sister

сестра sister

супруг / -a spouse

сын son

тесть father-in-law

теща mother-in-law

тройняшки triplets

шурин brother-in-law

сообщество community : The only way that a film community outside of Los Angeles could ever viably survive as a community — not just as a bunch of unrelated individuals making movies — is if it really strives to do amazing work

толпа crowd: «Two's company, three's a crowd!»; mob: Beware of angry mob шайка ring: The ring trafficked drugs as far south as Georgia and Louisiana