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Стоматологические ресурсы интернета Периодические издания


Журнал для стоматолога-практика: современный подход к проблемам эндодонтического лечения, обзор новейших технологий в области стоматологии, опыт и рекомендации по их применению, вопросы организации и управления стоматологической клиникой.


На страницах журнала освещаются актуальные вопросы стоматологии, неврологии, нейростоматологии, этиологии, клиники, дифференциальной диагностики, лечения и профилактики заболеваний в области лица и полости рта.


Ежеквартальный журнал о науке и искусстве в стоматологии. Дает обзор новейших достижений в стоматологии, практические рекомендации по применению материалов и оборудования.


Журнал освещает актуальные проблемы современной стоматологии и ориентируется на строго проверенные факты научной и практической деятельности врачей. Все публикуемые материалы проходят обязательное рецензирование ведущими российскими специалистами.


Ежемесячный справочный информационный журнал. Обзоры по медицинской технике, инструментарию, фармпрепаратам, расходным материалам отечественного и зарубежного производства.


Один из лучших украинских журналов для практикующих стоматологов и зубных техников. Наиболее часто обновляемый стоматологический ресурс в Рунет.


сайт журнала «ДЕНТ-ИНФОРМ»


сайт журнала "Институт стоматологии"


журнал рассказывает о проблемах современной стоматологии в Беларусии, можно прочить некоторые статьи.

«The Journal of Dental Technology»

страница "The Journal of Dental Technology" (избранные статьи ).

«Dental Angle»

страница он-лайн журнала "Dental Angle"

«The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice»

страница "The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice" (полнотекстовые статьи с фотографиями, таблицами, навигация внутри статьи, поиск по статьям по ключевому слову, можно загрузить PDF версию каждой статьи).

страница "Journal of Periodontology"


страница журнала "Dentalbytes"

The Best Dentistry Resources


Dental Icon - The Dental Reference Site.

Dental Related Internet Resources.

Link Lists

HSLS Dentistry.

Internet Dentistry Resources.

KFO-IG Internet-Adressen  Sammlung von Adress-Links zum Thema Kieferorthopaedie, begleitenden Disziplinen sowie wissenswerten Informations-Quellen.

MEDPORT:Medlinks: Section:Dental.

Orthodontic Dental Sites.

Useful lnks for dental students.

"Virtual" Dental Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide.

Virtual Periodontology.

Web Resources for Dentists.


General Sites

100mat.ru  Для пациентов, врачей и зубных техников. Самодиагностика,свободные линки, вебконференции, комиссионка,подписка на новости.

BracePlace Home Page"Creating Beautiful Smiles for Over 25 Years!"

Dental Education Resources on the Web: DERWeb The web site for dental education, images and information.

DENTAL IMPLANTS This site on dental implants is dedicated to providing simple to understand answers to most commonly asked questions pertaining dental implants and their use today.

Dental ResourceNet - internet site for dental professionals (dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants).

Dental Student Lounge Dentists and dental or pre-dent students worldwide use the Dental Student Lounge for education links, school contacts, reference, and relaxation.

Dental X Change Dentistry's #1 Internet Resource.

Dentistinfo Your source for dentists and dental information.

Dentistry Interworld This site has been designed as an A to Z guide to dental products and services.

Dentistry Now World Wide Dental Network.

Dental Biomaterials Science Home Page.

dentalxchange.com Dental X Change is a complete, online service and knowledge center for the enrichment of Dentistry.

Dentanet  your gateway to oral health and dental professional resources.

Dentistry - Home Page The starting place to find information, resources and the latest news about dentistry and dental care on the Internet.

DRN Dental ResourceNet. Some sections of this site can be accessed by registered users. Registration free.

Excellence in Endodontics.

General family dentist, Quality dental care, Cosmetic dentistry Leading Dentist: Dental Information, Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Hygiene, Tooth Repair, Teeth Bleaching, Odontology Experts.

German Dental Window Willkommen bei German Dental Window der deutschen Linkplattform fuer den Fachbereich Dental.

GlobalDent - Your online service for dental medicine and technology.


Implant & Periodontal Therapy.

KaVo Homepage.

Prosthodontics Intermedica Dental Implant Center This web site is designed to promote an understanding of prosthodontic and implant dentistry.

prostheticdentistry.com home page.


The World of Discus Dental Only a dentist can get your teeth their whitest and your breath its freshest.

Главная страница сервера Денталь Главной задачей Денталь является объединение в один информационный блок всего спектра актуальных вопросов по основным разделам стоматологии.

Первый Украинский Стоматологический Сервер.

Российский Стоматологический ПОРТАЛ.

Стоматология Для Всех!

Стоматология для профессионалов.

Торговая марка Бленд-а-мед. Содержание сайта  гораздо больше чем просто реклама зубной пасты. В разделе для врачей собраны ссылки на различные публикации по стоматологии, есть статьи о взаимоотношении врача и пациента, об организации клиники и проблемах связанных с работой в клинике, об образовании в стоматологии.

Societes & Associations

ADEA American Dental Education Association.

American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and competency in research, in teaching, and in the clinical practice of crown and bridge prosthodontics.

American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics Dedicated to the prosthetic correction and management of maxillofacial defects acquired from surgical ablation of cancer or traumatic injuries, congenital-birth defects and alterations in growth and development.

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

ADA ONLINE The American Dental Association. Daily news, a scientific journal, a calendar of events, and announcements from the annual session.

APS Web PageThe American Prosthodontic Society.

ASDA Home PageThe American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization which protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in dentistry.

British Dental Association is the national professional association for dentists. It strives to: promote the interests of members advance the science, arts and ethics of dentistry improve the nation's oral health.

CDA-ADC Canadian Dental Association.

IADS Homepage This is the website of the International Association of Dental Students. Check the latest news about our international meetings, student exchange programs and other projects!

IADR/AADR Home Page This is the official homepage of the International and American Association for Dental Reasearch.

National Association of Dental Laboratories.

Organisations in Prosthetic Dentistry.

Orthodontics Online! The American Association of Orthodontists.

Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontists.

Ukrainian Dental Association Асоціація стоматологів України.

Стоматологическая Ассоциация России Интересная и полезная информация по всем направлениям науки и практики, возможности постдипломного обучения, советы юриста, стоматологическая литература, магазин стоматолога, интересная информация для пациентов.


Academy of Laser Dentistry - Dental Laser InformationThe Academy of Laser Dentistry is devoted to dental laser education, research and the development of standards and guidelines for the safe and effective use of dental laser technology worldwide.

American College of Prosthodontists.

Dental Center Calodobowa Klinika Stomatologiczna.

Dental Center Dental Emergency Service. Calodobowa Klinica Stomatoligiczna.

Dental-Resources - Dental Education Sites.

Dental Universities Around The World.

The Department and Clinic of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology is a unit within the Faculty of Odontology at Goeteborg University.

Department of Prosthetic dentistry Umea universitet, Sweden.

EDI Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Eastman Dental Institute for Oral Health Care Sciences University of London.

Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics.

List of Dental Schools and Colleges - Janice Quinn World Wide Dental Schools and Colleges.

New York College of Dentistry.

NIOM Scandinavian Institute of Dental Materials.

School of Dental.

School of dentistry, University of Copenhagen.

University of Geneva - Faculty of Medecine - School of Dentistry - Orthodontics.

University of Iowa College of Dentistry.

US Dental Care - World Class Dentistry in Moscow, Russia : Homepage russian Клиника US DENTAL CARE открылась в мае 1995 года,  и является единственным в России медицинским учреждением, предлагающим высокопрофессиональные услуги американских дипломированных специалистов, проживающих в Москве и являющихся членами Американской Ассоциации Стоматологов.

US Dental Schools A directory of US Dental Schools on the World Wide Web.

Институт стоматологии Санкт-Петербургский институт стоматологии - первое (и пока единственное) в России негосударственное учебное учреждение последипломного образования в стоматологии.

Стоматология МЕДИ МЕДИцинская АССОЦИАЦИЯ МЕDИ имеет самую крупную, в настоящее время, частную стоматологическую структуру в России

Стоматологическая клиника Нормодент

Стоматологические клиники, центры, кабинеты Москвы

Н Е О Д Е Н Т Добро пожаловать на сервер стоматологической  клиники художественной реставрации зубов 'Неодент'! Здесь Вы найдете полезную информацию как для врача-стоматолога, так и для пациента.

News/Meetings/Conferences & other Events

Doctor's Guide to Oral and Dental Disorders Conferences Permits a search of an extensive medical conference database based on keywords, disease, date or location.

EPA 1998 Novel Biomaterials in Prosthodontics and Implantology and Clinically Relevant Aspects on Occlusion. Turku, Finland 27 - 29 August 1998.

The program of the medical exhibitions "The DENTISTRY, MEDICINE, MEDICAMENTS" in UKraine for 1999.

Education Guides & Books

Basic Periodontology.

Guide To The Internet For Dentists.

TMJ OnLine Orthodontic Splint Tutorial  for Orthodontists and other dental professionals. This interactive program has over 60 color images and concise step-by-step instructions for making a TMJ splint.

WebCases Dental Education Sites. This site features actual case studies of dental patients show casing a variety of dental related problems. Each case includes the actual case report and images related to the case. Case discussions by expert review is available for each case.


American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.

BDJ The official journal of the British Dental Association, British Dental Journal publishes fully refereed scientific papers and articles on the latest advances and findings in dentistry.

Den-Tel-Net Dental articles pertaining to dental specialists, periodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, dental public health and oral pathology. Full text.

Dental Bytes  is an online dental mag-e-zine. Articles on dental procedures, dental materials, dental technology, dentistry and the internet.

Dental Journals.

Electronic Journal of Orthodontics.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry  The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: AP, APS and PCSP Information.

Oral and Maxilliofacial Surgery  is the source for info on oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery, rigid fixation and info on dental and orthodontal topics.

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics The Journal is required reading for anyone in the fields of oral medicine, surgery, or advanced general practice dentistry. It is the only major dental journal that provides a practical and complete overview of the medical and surgical techniques of dental practice in five areas. Topics covered include such current issues as dental implants, treatment of HIV-infected patients, and evaluation and treatment of TMD disorders.

The Orthodontic CYBERjournal: dedicated to the sharing of knowledge in the art and science of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics.

When wisdom teeth should be removed.

Вісник стоматологіїThe quarterly scientific-practical journal of the scientific-research institute of dentistry of Odessa. Only the abstracts of articles from №1-1998 available.

Научно-практический журнал "Институт стоматологии".

Издательство "Медиа Сфера" (медицинские журналы): "Стоматология".

Импл.01 Комплексный метод предоперационной подготовки при ортопедическом лечении больных с дефектами зубных рядов с использованием имплантатов.

Новини стоматології The Ukrainian quarterly scientific-practical journal of dentistry. Abstracts from № 4/98 online.

 Mailing Lists & Discussion Groups

Dental Electronic Discussion Groups.

dentist Discussion forum about dental health and problems.

dentalib Dental Librarians List.

Electronic Discussion Groups in Dentistry.

IMPLANTOLOGY The Implant Dentistry Mail List has been created to advance open communication within the international dental community. This mail list is open to dental professionals, auxillaries, suppliers and laboratories.

InternetDentalForum Discussion list for clinical dentistry.

Products & Companies

3M Dental Products.

Aseptico International.

The Benco Connection Benco is the East Coast's #1 Dental Supply and Equipment distributor.

BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. Corporate Internet Site.

Bisco is an ISO 9000 certified manufacturer of dental adhesives, composite restoratives, etchants, and accessories.

Colgate-Palmolive Company.

Degussa Corporationmanufactures a broad variety of chemicals and metal materials.

The Denmat Homepage Welcome to the website that will excite your practice with new materials, techniques, and clinical news! Here at Den-Mat Corporation we manufacture dental materials of the highest degree and quality.

Dental Implant Companies.

Dental Technology Services,Vitallium Chrome Castings.



DMD Dental Medical Diagnostic Systems, Inc. - Education The Leader in Dental Technology Committed to Delivering the Tools for Profitable Dentistry.

ESPE Home ESPE Dentistry - Manufacturer of dental products in the fields of Impressions, Prosthetics, Restorative Dentistry and Dental Laboratory.

GC America Home Page.

Hawe Home Page  Hawe Neos Dental - High-tech products with a scientific basis developed for clinical application.

Infoline (dental materials and equipment) We are a trading firm dealing with dental materials and equipment. Our firm was found in 1995. Its main office is situated in Kiev. Our efforts are directed to meet demands of Ukrainian dentists and dental mechanics in newest dental materials and equipment. / Наша фирма занимается торговлей стоматологическими материалами и оборудованием. Среди наших поставщиков такие известные фирмы, как Юнидент Интернешнл (США), Конфидентал продактс (США), Септодонт (Франция), Дегусса (Германия), Новокол Фармасьютикал (Канада), КМИЗ (Россия) и многие другие.

Ivoclar Homepage.

The John O. Butler Company is committed to providing quality oral health care products worldwide to consumers and dental professionals. Through excellence in all that we do, we are committed to achieving a leadership role in education, innovation, motivation and partnership in the promotion of improved oral health.


Links to Dental Implant Companies.


Nobel Biocare - Branemark System Dental Implants - Procera.


Orascoptic Research, Inc. We are the creators of high quality magnification, illumination, and ergonomic seating for the dental community.

septodont inc.

Shofu Welcome to Shofu Dental Corporation where we pride ourselves with tradition in quality and lead the world as the abrasives expert.

SS White Burs Inc.

Ultradent Products Online.

VITA Zahnfabrik H.Rauter GmbH & Co. KG.

Интэкс: материалы и оборудование для стоматологии.



DERWeb Image LibraryThere are currently 2,300 images.

Direct Vision Software Home Page.

FoxTeeth: The Complete Dental Office Software FOXY, clever, and intuitive software program in search of an intelligent, profit-minded dentist willing to experience increased revenues, relaxed office staffs, and long walks on the beach (less paperwork equals more free time for whatever).

FR-WIN ist ein Dokumentatios- und Vermessungsprogramm fuer Zahnaerzte und  Kieferorthopaeden.

KFO-WIN  ist ein Verwaltungs- und Abrechnungsprogramm fuer kieferorthopaedische Praxen.

OdontoSoft '98 - Dental Software.

Oral Histology Image Index.

Oral Pathology Image DataBase.

SIM/Plant Columbia Scientific ImageMaster, Dental Implant, CT Scanning Interactive CT Software provides 3-D simulation of implant placement and bone augmentation for predictable treatment planning of dental implants.

STOMA-WIN ist ein Verwaltungs- und Abrechnungsprogramm fuer Zahnarztpraxen.

http://www.exansoftware.com/The latest dental practice management software for Windows ’95 and Windows NT.

Программное обеспечение для стоматологии.

Other Resources

Davidoff Dental Seminars Continuing Education On-Line.

The WHO Oral Health Country/Area Profile Programme.

Записки доброго стоматолога.

Стоматология Основные стоматологические ресурсы.

Стоматология. Детский клуб.