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Unit 3.doc
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3. Now imagine you are in the following situations. Write what you are wearing and why.

You are at an interview. ___________________________________________________

You are at a party. ___________________________________________________

You are painting your bedroom. ___________________________________________________

You are playing tennis.



SPEAKING Pair Work. Role-play a telephone conversation.

Student A: Imagine you are a PR officer. You are on a two-weeks business trip in Europe. What do you say in your telephone report to the Managing Director describing what you are doing this week and your plans for the next week? Here are some prompts: have meetings with … in London/Berlin/Prague, visit … exhibitions in Paris/Budapest/Bern, make presentations of… in Madrid/Dublin/Vienna, try to find new customers in …, discuss the prices with …, have conference in …

Student B: You are Student’s A Managing Director. Be friendly and first ask him how he is and about the weather and what he is wearing. Then ask him what he is doing this week (on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/weekend …) and his plans for the next week.

WRITING Imagine you are on a holiday of your dream. Write a post card to your friend/family using the cues:

Opening phrase: Dear…/ Hi…

Paragraph 1: Give news and information about the place

  • News about yourself

  • The place you are staying (country/ city/ hotel…)

  • The weather (sunny/ hot/ snowy/ rainy…)

Paragraph 2: Describe your present activities

  • Things you are doing this week

  • Things you are doing next week

  • Things you are doing right now (activities, clothes)

Paragraph 3: Ask your friend/family for news

  • How your friend/family is getting on

  • How your common friend feels

Closing phrase: Goodbye/ Bye!/Yours sincerely/Love

READING Read Text 3 in the Reader.

Text 2. The pictures of n Roerich. (Present Continuous)

1. Read the text and use the verbs in the Present Continuous.

Imagine you are having an excursion in the Novosibirsk Picture Gallery. The guide is telling you about the pictures of the famous artist Nikolay Roerich:

“Look at the picture “Bede, the Preacher”. This is an episode from an old legend about an old blind sage. He ____________(to go) round the world and a little boy __________________ (to accompany) him. Now the boy is tired and he _____________(to sit) on the sand and he says to Bede that a lot of people _________________ (to wait) to hear him. The priest ___________________ (to stand) at the lake’s bank and ____________________ (to preach), the waves ____________________ (to splash) and he thinks that they are the voices of the people who ___________________ (to listen) to him. Look at the mountains. They are not straight but they ________________ (to bend) towards him as if they agree with him. The author’s idea is: if the stones can agree and support something in a chorus, so why should people be meaner than stones?”

2. Translate the following description of the Roerich’s picture using Present Continuous where necessary:

“Эта картина называется “Ведущая” (Leading the way). Вы видите гору, которая символизирует жизненный путь. Женщина идет вверх по горе и ведет (to lead) за собой искателя подвигов. Это поэма о высокой миссии женщины. И она показана в тот момент, когда она восходит (to ascend) и ее духовные силы раскрываются (to reveal). Рерих объясняет, что она ведет за собой странника к сияющим вершинам (radiant peaks) и преодолевает (to overcome) преграды (obstacles), не показывая страха (to show no fear).”

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