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Big history

Big History examines history on a large scale across long time frames through a multi-disciplinary approach. Big History gives a focus on the alteration and adaptations in the human experience. Big History is a discrete field of historical study that arose in the late 1980s. It is related to, but distinct from, world history, as the field examines history from the beginning of time to the present day and is thus closer to the older concept of universal history.

Big History looks at the past on all time scales, from the Big Bang to modernity, seeking out common themes and patterns. It uses a multi-disciplinary approach from the latest findings, such as biology, astronomy, geology, climatology, prehistory, archeology, anthropology, cosmology, natural history, and population and environmental studies. Big History arose from a desire to go beyond the specialized and self-contained fields that emerged in the 20 th century and grasp history as a whole, looking for common themes across the entire time scale of history. Conventionally, the study of history is typically limited to the written word and the systematic narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; yet this only encompasses the past 5,000 years or so and leaves out the vast majority of history and all events in time, in relation to humanity.

The first courses in Big History were experimental ones. The first book in Big History was published in 1996 by Fred Spier entitled, The Structure of Big History: From the Big Bang until Today, which offers an ambitious defense of the project and constructs a unified account of history across all time scales. One notable text in Big History is David Christian's Maps of Time:An Introduction to Big History, which explores history from the first micro-seconds of the Big Bang, to the creation of the solar system, to the origins of life on earth, the evolution of humans, the agricultural revolution, modernity, and the 20 th century. Christian examines large-scale patterns and themes, and provides perspective of time scales.

III. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

IV. Find English equivalents of those expressions in the text:

  • зосереджуватися на викладі події окремими людьми;

  • виявляти різноманітність людського досвіду;

  • висувати на передній план відмінності різних культур;

  • матеріальна та духовна еволюція людства;

  • сприяти розвитку зростаючій різноманітності ремесел;

  • сповістити про початок;

  • зростати в геометричній прогресії;

  • планета з вичерпаними ресурсами;

  • останні одержані данні;

  • вийти за межі спеціалізованих та замкнутих галузей;

  • широкомасштабні зразки та теми

V. Give Ukrainian equivalents of those expressions in the text:

  • to look for common patterns;

  • accelerated globalization;

  • to herald the advent;

  • to create the infrastructure for lasting, accurately transmitted memories;

  • to give rise to permanent settled communities;

  • to centre about life-sustaining bodies of water;

  • to revolutionize communication;

  • to usher in modern times;

  • to grasp history as a whole;

  • to provide perspective of time scales