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  1. Lexical work.

collect call

fixed (participle II)

to harass

Pick out Lexis concerning court terms, make up sentences with them.

II. Analysing nicrocontexts

1) р.165, l. 11. Comment on the sentence, its structure and the idea expressed.

2) p. 165, l. 28. Find other instances of the same behaviour of Mr. Bergen, analyse his feelings.

3) p. 166, l. 12-13. Define the SD used to describe Mary Wren.

4) p. 167, l.16-24. Fill the gaps in the dialogue.

5) p.167, 168. Comment on the usage of foreign words in Grandma's speech. Compare that to her speech in the previous chapters (chapter 2, chapter 5).

6) p.169, l.15. Define the stylistic device used by Mrs. Fried.

III. Questions on the chapter

l. Analyse the behaviour of the FBI men. Confer to previous chapters if needed.

2. Pick up all the details of the Bergens behaviour. What are their feelings?

3. Analyse the crowd's actions. Confer to Mrs. Fried's phrase (p.170, l. 17-20). Do you think everybody in the town shared the samе emotions?

4. Write a small information newspaper article or a text for a TV-announcer about the event. What would be the reaction of the press to the fact (p.l70, l.20-30)? Of people reading about it? What do you think might have been the reaction of Russian people?

  1. Give reasons for Charlene Madlee's coming. Would you come?

IV.A reading and translation paragraph p.170, l.21-28.


  1. Lexical work





chicken wire



  1. Analysing microcontexts

1) Comment on the beginning of the chapter.

2) Speak on the ironical and detached attitude of the girl to herself. What was the reason to that?

  1. P.173, l. l-2. What was Patty laughing at?

  2. P. 173, 1.14-23. Could you паme any other blessngs Patty had?

  3. p. 175, l.31-32. Define the convergence of stylistlc devices and its function.

6) p. 174. Prove that the girl retained her ability to notice things.

7) р. 179, l. 5-8. Comment on the paasage, the stylistic devices and their function the idea implied.

8) р. 179, l.14-16. Translate the sentence. What stylistic devices are ued here?

9) p. I80, l. 11-16. Analyse the importance of the closing paragraph.

III. Questions on the сontents

  1. 1.What is the time of the action? Do we feel the atmosphere of a holiday? Why?

  2. Comment on the way the events are presented in the text. Why are they presented like that?

  3. Why does the girl confer in Mr. Grimes?

  4. What do you think is Mr. Kishner's line of defense?

  5. What does Patty mean when she says that "loyalties got her into trouble in the first place"?

  1. A reading and translation paragraph p. l77, 1. 9-18.