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  1. Lexical work.

loose, adj.

Matter-of-fact, adj.


to get all worked up

hot-shot, adj.




II. Analysing microcontexts.

l. p.102 1.17. Give some ideas what Patty would prefer to do with her life.

  1. p.104 l. 6-9 Comment on the function of abundant repetition in the paragraph. What other stylistic devices can you find in the convergence?

3. p.104 1.20. What is the function of zeugma in the passage?

  1. p.105 1.3. Define what is implied in the simile used.

  1. p.105 1.11. By what means is the exclusiveness of the shirt shown? Account for the choice of words and alliteration.

  1. p.105 1.23. Define the stylistic devices of the convergence and its function.

7. p.104-105. Analyse the function of different types of print in the chapter.

8. p.l06 l.26 Does Anton realises all the danger he faces? What might be the best way out for him?

9. p.107 l.2-4 Comment on the structure of the sentence and its significance.

  1. p.107 1.19-35 Analyse the ways Patty's feeling are expressed. Find the instances of repetition, metaphor, antithesis, different figures of speech.

III. Questions on the chapter.

1. Explain the reasons of the narrator's digression into the past, and detailed description of choosing Fathers' Day present. What present do you think, did Mr Bergen get the last Fathers' day? What is the difference between two "Thanks"?

2. Find proof in the text that Patty is falling in love with Anton.

3. Study Patty's attitude to Freddy Dawd, include the information you had in

chapter V. Compare Freddy to other citizens of Jenkensville.

  1. Compare the final parts of chapter V and chapter X. What difference do you note?

IV. Reading and translation paragraph p.107 l. l-12


  1. Lexis.

griddle cake


perplexed, participle II

conceited, participle II


to rummage through


II. Microcontexts.

  1. p.112 1.1-25. Comment on the beginning of the chapter. Compare it to other ways to begin the chapter.

2. p. 113-114 1.15. Pick out the most striking epithets that help to see vividly the scene in the kitchen. What other devices are used in this function?

3. р.114 l.23-26 Define the convergence of stylistic devices that helps to see Patty's feelings as well as her reaction to Ruth's question. Reason your point of view.

4. p.117 l.22-29 Analyse the function of parallel construction used to describe Freddy. Find other stylistic devices in the same function.

  1. p.l.20 l.l-16 Ноw serious is Anton in promising Patty further beauty and inteiligence. Prove your ideas.

  1. p.120 1.22. Explain the function of repetition in the sentence.

7. p.121 1.19-25. What devices show the reader Anton's excitement? Why is it so important for him to be able to risk his life for somebody?

III. Questions on the chapter.

  1. What are Ruth's feelings on learning about Patty's secret? Analyse the ways the author shows Ruth's hesitation in the question of Anton. Find the passage in the text where Ruth makes a decision.

2. Comment on Anton's observations about cruelty and his comparison between Mr Bergen and Hitler. Give some examples of your own to prove or contradict his viewpoint.

3. Sum up what you know by now about Mr Bergen. Define his good and bad features. Explain his behaviour (p.115 1.25)

IV.The passage for reading and translation p.112 1.5-14.

V. Individual Tasks for compositions.

  1. Analyse the means and medium the author used to make the reader sympathize with one character of dislike the other. Choose one character to prove your conclusions.

2. Analyse the differences of speech in the novel. Sum up your ideas in a composition .

3. Try to work аs a translator. Give a literary translation of a chapter (5-8 pages).