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27. Speak on one of the following topics. Use the words and phrases provided below each topic.

1 Early systems of law.

The history of law; ancient Egyptian law; date back to; be based on; codify; put smth in stone; address/concern; such issues as; business/labour/family relations; the Torah; contain moral imperatives; ancient Athens; society based on;  major constitutional innovations/ principles; important for; modern democracy.

2 Roman law and its influence.

the bridge to; Emperor Justinian; the Corpus Juris Civilis; distinction between public law and private law; concern/be related to; relations between the state and citizens; disputes between persons/individuals; Germanic codes/laws; replace; show some/significant Roman influence; be heavily influenced by; (in) the Renaissance; revival of the study of Roman law; be/become the basis of continental law; civil law countries.

3 Anglo-American law.

Anglo-Saxon courts; pass judgment; customary law; the royal courts; common law; a unified system of law "common" to the whole country; adhere to/be based on precedent; money damages; petition the King; the system of equity; administered by the courts of chancery; rely upon; the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875; first settlers; English common-law system.

28. Discuss in groups.

  1. Can you give any examples of early law systems other than those mentioned in this unit?

  2. Does the legal system of your country show any effects of Roman law? (If yes, explain what sort of effects.)

  3. Compare common law and equity using the following criteria: time of formation; basic principles and sources; remedies provided; administration of justice.

  4. Compare two legal systems – common law and civil law (i.e. common law vs. statute law). Discuss pros and cons of each system.

  5. Comment on the quotations.

"Laws gain their authority from actual possession and custom: it is perilous to go back to their origins; laws, like our rivers, get greater and nobler as they roll along: follow them back upstream to their sources and all you find is a tiny spring, hardly recognizable; as time goes by it swells with pride and grows in strength.”

Michel de Montaigne

“Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered.”

Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), Politics

1 distinct (adj) – отдельный; особый; отличный (от других)

2 permit (v) – позволять, разрешать

1 promulgate (v) – объявлять, провозглашать

1 deficiency (n) – недостаток, неполноценность

2 opinion of court (n) – судебное решение

1 approve (v) – одобрять, утверждать

1 in the circumstances – при данных обстоятельствах

1 faith (n) – вера, доверие