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The external environment of the organization (В...doc
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Analysis of the external environment is very important for the development of the strategy of the organization and is a very complex process requiring a powerful tracking in the environment of processes, estimation of factors and the establishment of links between the factors and the strong and weak parties, as well as the opportunities and threats, which were concluded in the external environment.

All the factors of external environment are in a state of strong interaction. Change one of the factors necessarily leads to the fact that there is a change of other factors. Therefore, their study and analysis should be conducted not in isolation, but systematic monitoring not only the change of one factor, but with the condition that, as these changes will affect other factors.

Also the degree of impact of individual factors on the organization of various different. In particular, the degree of influence is manifested in different ways depending on the size of the organization and industries accessories. In addition, the organization must make a list of the external factors which are potential customers of the threats to the organization. You must also have a list of all the external factors, changes in which can open up additional opportunities for the organization.

To enable the organization to effectively study the state of the factors that should be established a special system of tracking of the external environment. This system should be implemented for carrying out special observations, corresponding with some special events, and regular observation of the state of important for the organization of external factors.

It is obvious, that, not knowing the environment, the organization is not able to exist. However, it is not floating in the environment, like a boat without a rudder, oars and sails. Organization of the studying environment, to ensure a successful progress toward their objectives.


  1. Alvar O.Elbing “On the Applicability of Envizonmental Models”, in J.W.Mc Guire, ed.. Contemporary Management (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.Prentice-Hall)

  2. George A.Steiner and John B.Miner, Menedgment Policy and Strategy (New York: Macmillan, 1977)

  3. F.W.Emery and E.L.Trist, «The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments”, Human Relations, vol. 18 (1963)

  4. Emery and Trist, op. Cit

  5. Management. Meskon M., M. Albert, F. Hedouri. Translator A. Bear. Publisher: Williams. ISBN 978-5-8459-1060-8, 0-0604-4415-0; 2009, p 246 (Translated by A. Ivanov.)

  6. Zub AT Strategic Management. Theory and practice. 2002, p.180 (Translated by A. Ivanov.)

  7. www.vuzlib.net


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