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The external environment of the organization (В...doc
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1.2. The external environment of the organization.

Under the external environment of the organization refers to all the conditions and factors arising in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular company, but affecting or likely to have an impact on its functioning and therefore requiring the adoption of managerial decisions.

However, the set of these factors and assessment of their impact on economic activity are different, and not only of the authors of scientific publications on issues of management, but also for each firm. Usually the company in the management process itself determines which factors and the extent to which may impact on its results of operations in the current period and for the future prospect, the output of research or current events are accompanied by the development of specific tools and methods for the adoption of appropriate management decisions. And above all are identified and accounted for factors of the external environment that have an impact on the state of the internal environment that have an impact on the state of the internal environment of a firm.[Management. Meskon M., M. Albert, F. Hedouri. Translator A. Bear. Publisher: Williams. ISBN 978-5-8459-1060-8, 0-0604-4415-0; 2009, p 246]

The external environment of the organization is the source of supply organization of the resources necessary for the maintenance of its internal capacity at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thus providing a possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not limitless. And claim them many other organizations located in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This may weaken its potential and lead to many negative for the organization of consequences. The task of strategic management is to ensure the organization's interaction with the environment, which would allow it to maintain its potential at a level necessary to achieve the objectives, and thus would have given her the opportunity to survive in the long run.

And so, in order to determine the strategy of the behavior of the organization and conduct of this strategy, in life, the management should have an in-depth understanding of how the internal environment of the organization, its potential and development trends, as well as on the external environment, the tendencies of its development and the place occupied by the it organization. At the same time and the internal environment and the external environment are studied strategic management in the first place, in order to expose the threats and opportunities that an organization should take into account to achieve them. And because each firm, operating in the conditions of market relations, is constantly exposed to the external environment, observation and analysis of the state of the environment requires constant attention and are being carried out on a systematic basis with application of methods of the system analysis and computer equipment.

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