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24. Types of connotative meaning.

In the English language, there are many words which possess not only basic information but additional information as well. Connotative meaning is only connected with extra-linguistic circumstances such as the situation of communication and the participants of communication.

The additional information or connotative meaning may be of four types:

a) functional stylistic meaning which is the result of the constant usage of the word in definite speech spheres or situations: foe, maiden, realm are mostly used in poetry; terms and nomenclature words are used in scientific prose style and in official documents. Stylistic connotation is usually immediately recogni­zable.

b) evaluative meaning which bears reference to things, phenomena, or ideas through the evaluation of the denotatum: out-of-date-method - time-tested method, firm - obstinate - pig-headed. Evaluative meaning charges the word with negative, positive, ironic or other types of connotation conveying the speaker’s attitude in relation to the object of speech; e.g.: to sneak - “to move silently and secretly, usu. for a bad purpose”;

c) emotive meaning which expresses the speaker's emotional attitude to the denotatum (chii, puppet, jade). Neutral words that name emotions like anger, pleasure, and pain should be distinguished from the above mentioned emotionally coloured words; the emotive component of meaning may be occasional or usual (i.e. inherent and adherent); inherent: interjections: adherent: He is a BIG boy already!

d) expressive meaning which does not refer directly to things or phenomena of the objective reality, but to the feelings and emotions of the speaker. It is based on the metaphorical transfer (speaking of a man - cockerel, bully, buck).

There are no strict rules for distinguishing between functional-stylistic and other connotative meanings. Moreover, the functional-stylistic meaning which is connected with a certain sphere of communication may serve as a starting point for the word acquiring other connotative meanings.

25. Criteria for stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary.

Stylistic classification of the vocabulary of any language is a very complicated problem. The existing classifications are based on different criteria, which take into account common semantic and stylistic characteristics of words in the given period of time (synchronic approach). The two criteria used for our classification are as follows:

  1. paradigmatic criterion, i.e. the absence or presence in the word semantics of the additional information (evaluative, emotive or expressive meaning);

  2. syntagmatic criterion, i.e. the character of syntagmatic relations between the lexical or lexical-stylistic meaning of the word and its context.

Both criteria are interconnected. Proceeding from them and using N.D.Arutyunova's ideas of the word semantics, we may divide all words of the English vocabulary into two major groups:

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