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In this method of administration, vapours, or gases are taken into the nose or mouth and are absorbed into the blood stream through the thin walls of the air sacks in the lungs (alveoli).

Topical Application.

This is the local external application of drug on the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth or other surfaces. It is commonly used to accelerate the healing of abrasions, for antiseptic treatment of a wound, and as an antipruritic (against itching). Topical application may also include administration of drugs into the eyes, ears, nose and vagina. Lotions are used most often when the skin is moist, or “weeping”, and ointments and creams are used when the lesions are dry.

4. Закончите предложения, заменив русские слова в скобках их английскими


1. Vapours and gases are absorbed into (кровяное русло) through the thin walls of the air

sacks in the lungs.

2. Parenteral administration is accomplished by injection through (шприц) under the skin,

into a muscle, into a vein or into (полость тела).

3. (Внешняя поверхность) of the arm and the anterior surface of the skin are usually

(местоположение) for (подкожный) injections.

4. (Мази) are used most often when the skin is (влажный).

5. In (подъязычный) administration, drugs are not swallowed but are placed under the

tongue and allowed (растворять) in (слюна).

  1. It is commonly used (усиливать) the healing of (ссадина), for antiseptic treatment of a

wound, and as (против зуда).

5. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие по смыслу слова, приведенные ниже.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Ointments are semi-solid preparations for … application.

2. There are two main … of drugs according to their …: for external and internal usage.

3. Various remedies are applied for total … .

4. Hormonal … are produced by the artificial way using synthetic components and also

from the organs and urea of animals.

5. Liquid medicines … for the people who will not or cannot … tablets.

6. Suppositories are very useful if a drug cannot be taken … .

7. Ointments and creams are used when … are dry.

Drugs, by mouth, application, lesions, anesthesia, are useful, groups, external, swallow.

6. Найдите в тексте “Administration of drugs” английские эквиваленты

следующих слов и словосочетаний. Составьте предложения с ними по содержанию


- лекарства, даваемые перорально; - непосредственно в вену;

- способ назначения лекарств; - немедленный эффект;

- абсорбироваться в кровяное русло; - внутриполостные инъекции;

- лекарство кладут под язык; - подоболочечные инъекции;

- ректальное применение; - пары и газы;

- пациента тошнит и рвёт; - антисептическое лечение ран;

- шприц; - мази;

- подкожные инъекции; - лосьон;

- большой объем сильнодействующего лекарства; - препараты против зуда.

- ягодица;

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