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Unit 4 Administration of Drugs

Grammar: Participle II

1. А) Прочтите слова из Vocabulary List вслух.

б) Изучите список слов и укажите слова, называющие:

- способы введения лекарств.

Vocabulary List

the route of administration - способ введения (лекарства)

to absorb - всасываться

parenteral - парентеральный

to dissolve in saliva - растворяться в слюне

nausea - тошнота

rectal - ректальный

vomiting - рвота

to accomplish - достигать; завершать

location - местонахождение

a buttock - ягодица

to dissolve - растворять(ся)

topical - местный

surface - поверхность

sublingual - подъязычный

to accelerate - ускорить

to heal - заживать; заживлять

inhalation - ингаляция

moist - влажный

lotion - лосьон

oral - пероральный

subcutaneous - подкожный

2. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания в скобках:

1. What do we call the route of administration when a medicine is taken by mouth? (oral)

2. In what case are suppositories used? (when oral route of administration presents


3. What is taken into the nose or mouth during inhalation? (vapors or gases)

3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык. Administration of Drugs.

The route of administration of a drug is very important in determining the rate and completeness of its absorption into the blood stream and speed and duration of the drug’s action in the body.

Oral Administration.

The route of administration is by mouth. Drugs given orally must pass into the stomach and be absorbed into the blood stream through the intestinal wall. This method may have several disadvantages. If the drug is destroyed in the digestive tract by the digestive juice or if the drug cannot pass through the intestinal wall or mucosa, it will be ineffective.

Sublingual Administration.

In this route of administration, drugs are not swallowed but are placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve in the saliva. Absorption may be rapid for some agents. Nitroglycerine tablets are taken this way to treat attacks of chest pain.

Rectal Administration. Suppositories.

Sometimes, drugs are given by rectum when oral administration presents difficulties such as, when the patient is nauseating and vomiting.

Parenteral Administration.

This type of administration is accomplished by injection through a syringe under the skin, into a muscle, into a vein or into a body cavity. There are several types of parenteral injections:

  • Subcutaneous injection. This injection is sometimes called hypodermic, and is given just under several layers of the skin. The outer surface of the arm and the anterior surface of the skin are usually locations for subcutaneous injections.

  • Intradermal injection. This shallow injection is made into the upper layers of the skin. It is used in skin testing for allergic reactions.

  • Intramuscular injection (I.M.). This injection is given into the muscle usually into the buttocks. When drugs are irritating the skin or a large volume of a long-acting drug is to be given, I.M. injections are advisable.

  • Intravenous injection (I.V.). This injection is given directly into the veins. It is given when an immediate effect from the drug is desired or when the drug cannot be given into other tissues.

  • Intrathecal injection is made in the case of anesthesia into the sheath of the spine marrow and the brain.

  • Intracavitary injections are given into the body cavities: thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity and others.

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