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умк_Боброва_Анг.яз_для экон._2010.doc
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                  1. Entry test

1. Choose the most appropriate variant.

1. An entrepreneur is most commonly the

child in the family.

b) middle

d) doesn't matter

b) divorced d) widowed

b) a woman

a) youngest c) oldest

2. An entrepreneur is most commonly:

a) single c) married

3. An entrepreneur is most typically:

a) a man c) either

4. An individual usually begins his or her first significant entrepreneurial business enterprise at which age?

a) teens b) twenties

c) thirties d) forties

e) fifties

5. Usually an individual's entrepreneurial tendency first appears evident in his or her:

a) teens b) twenties

c) thirties d) forties

e) fifties


6. Typically an entrepreneur has achieved the following educational attainment by the time the first significant business venture begins:

                  1. less than secondary (high) school

                  1. secondary (high) school diploma

                  1. secondary-technical school diploma

                  1. higher education

7. An entrepreneur's primary motivation for starting business is:

a) to make money b) to be famous

c) to create job security d) to be independent

8. The primary motivation for the entrepreneur's need for achievement is based upon a relationship with:

a) spouse b) mother

c) father d) children

9. To be successful in an entrepreneurial venture you need:

a) money b) hard work

c) good idea d) luck

e) all of the above

10. Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists:

a) get along well b) are the best of friends

c) have different objectives

11. A successful entrepreneur relies on which of the following for critical management advice:

                  1. internal management team

                  1. external management professionals

                  1. no one

12. Entrepreneurs are best as:

a) managers b) venture capitalists

c) planners d) doers

13. Entrepreneurs are:

                  1. high-risk takers (big gamblers)

                  1. moderate-risk takers (realistic gamblers)

                  1. small-risk takers (take few chances)

14. Entrepreneurs:

                  1. are the life of the party

                  1. are bores at a party


                  1. never go to parties

                  1. just fit into the crowd at a party

15. Entrepreneurs tend to “fall in love” with:

a) new ideas

c) new manufacturing ideas

e) all of the above

16. Entrepreneurs typically create:

a) service businesses c) financial companies e) a variety of ventures

b) new employees d) new financial plans

b) manufacturing companies d) construction companies