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ПІДГОТУВАЛА: асистент кафедри іноземних мов

факультету міжнародних відносин



Самостійна робота студента у V та VI семестрі включає: підготовку до практичних занять, виконання усних і письмових завдань, опрацювання основного й додаткового лексичного та граматичного матеріалу з перекладу; систематизацію вивченого матеріалу для написання модульних контрольних робіт, перекладів та підсумкових тестів.

Самостійна робота у V семестрі охоплює 33 год., у VІ семестрі – 33 год. Окрім названих аспектів, студент виконує наступні завдання у межах відповідних змістових модулів:

Переклад 15 статей англійською мовою на українську з вебсайтів: www.diplomatrus.com, www.mfa.ua та інших.

Змістовий модуль 1 (14 год.)

Тема 1.Стаття на переклад «International Day for Disaster Reduction: United Nations focuses on engaging communities at the local level»

Тема 2.Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську

Тема 3.Стаття на переклад «UN assistance gives Thai Officials better monitoring data to deal with flood crisis». Завдання для перекладу з української мови на англійську.

Тема 4. Стаття на переклад «General Assembly President holds talks with other leading UN officials». Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську

Змістовий модуль 2 (10 год.)

Тема 5.Стаття на переклад «Ban voices concern after deadly violence in Gaza and southern Israel» Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську.

Тема 6. Стаття на переклад «As South Sudan joins UNESCO, major challenges in education lie ahead»

Тема 7. Завдання на переклад з української на англійську мову.

Змістовий модуль 3 (9 год.)

Тема 8. Стаття на переклад «Ban condemns latest killings of civilian protesters in Syria». Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську.

Тема 9. Стаття на переклад «United Nations Development Programme»

Тема 10. Завдання на переклад з української на англійську мову.

Змістовий модуль 4 (11 год.)

Тема 11.Переклад офіційних документів

Тема 12. Стаття на переклад «International Organization for Migration». Завдання на

переклад з української на англійську мову.

Тема 13. Стаття на переклад «International Conference Marks IOM’s 60th Anniversary

Globally and 15 Years of Presence in Ukraine». Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на


Змістовий модуль 5 (11 год.)

Тема 14.Стаття на переклад «Olivier Adam delivers a speech at the 2nd Black Sea Economic

Forum». Завдання на переклад з української на англійську мову.

Тема 15. Стаття на переклад «Fourth Annual International Debate Tournament “Kyiv Open”».

Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську.

Тема 16. Стаття на переклад «Peace and Democracy: Make your voice heard!» Завдання для перекладу з англійської мови на українську.

Змістовий модуль 6 (11год.)

Тема 17. Стаття на переклад «UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Antonio Banderas spotlights Horn

of Africa food crisis». Завдання на переклад з української на англійську мову.

Тема 18. Стаття на переклад «More than one third of Ukrainian households (37,7%) experience

acute social exclusion, the 2011 Human Development Report says». Завдання для перекладу з

англійської мови на українську.

Тема 19. Стаття на переклад «Ukrainian peacekeepers’ get UN Medals». Завдання на

переклад з української на англійську мову.

Матеріали та завдання самостійної роботи Змістовий модуль 1 (14 годин)

Тема 1.

Перекладіть статтю з англійської на українську мову. Складіть словник і вивчіть невідомі слова на пам'ять. Придумайте зі словами з тексту 10 речень на переклад (з української мови на англійську).


International Day for Disaster Reduction: United Nations focuses on engaging communities at the local level

Kyiv, Ukraine, 13 October 2011 – The United Nations calls on local governments and communities to increase their commitment to disaster prevention and preparedness on International Day for Disaster Reduction.

Observed annually on 13 October, the International Day for Disaster Reduction is an opportunity to raise awareness about how to make communities safer from disasters. This year’s theme is to engage children and young people in disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts.

Since 1991, Ukraine has experienced at least 69 disasters, which have affected over 2.7 million people and caused over $2.5 billion in economic losses, according to EM-DAT, an international disaster database. Furthermore, the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine reports that mining accidents between January and July 2011 alone have led to over 100 casualties—an average of one casualty every two or three days.

The most prominent disasters in Ukraine are related to industrial pollution and flash floods. Last year, the Government of Ukraine declared an ecological emergency in Kalush, where obsolete mining facilities and toxic stockpiles of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) threatened to contaminate local soil and water sources. In July 2008, floods in the Carpathian Mountains affected over 224,000 people and caused around $650-870 million in losses.

“We need to shift our mindset from just responding to disasters to preventing disasters,” said Ricarda Rieger, Country Director of UNDP. She added, “The impact of disasters can be minimized—even prevented—if local governments, communities, and other relevant stakeholders work together to identify the risks and implement mitigation measures.”

In 2009, UNDP and Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on disaster risk reduction efforts. Among the activities to spur from that agreement include engaging communities and governments in disaster planning activities at the local level. For example, the United Nations is promoting a campaign called “Making Cities Resilient,” which encourages cities to implement a checklist of 10 practical actions to reduce disaster risk. The checklist includes activities such as preparing risk assessments and protecting natural buffers that mitigate floods and storm surges.

While there is much work to be done, the International Day for Disaster Reduction is a chance to raise awareness and mobilize communities toward building more resilient communities.

Тема 2. Завдання для перекладу з англійської на українську:

Проаналізуйте текст з перекладацької точки зору, вкажіть який це тип/ вид перекладу. Віднайдіть в тексті граматичні трансформації та перекладацькі явища і поясніть їх.


Export/Import Controls in Ukraine

Excerpted from the U.S. Department of Commerce - International Trade Administration

Export/Import Control Legal Basis

A legal basis for export control in Ukraine was initiated by the "act on foreign economic activity" adopted by the Verkhovna RDA in 1991. Article 20 of the Act specified that the export and import of weapons, special components for their manufacture, explosive agents, nuclear material, technologies, and services that could be used for the production of weapons require authorization by the Ukrainian state. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in coordination with appropriate standing commissions of the Verkhovna Rada, oversees the nomination of foreign economic policy executives and the regulation of related export and import activities. In March 1992, a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers established the Governmental Export and Technical Commission. The principal task of the commission was to establish and develop an export control system in Ukraine, as well as to promote international cooperation in this area between Ukraine and other countries.

Since the status of the commission as a consultative interagency body did not allow export control issues to be handled quickly and effectively, the President of Ukraine issued a decree "On Improving State Export Control" on January 3, 1993. Based on this presidential decree, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a decree establishing the Governmental Commission on Export Controls and the Export and Technical Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers, which is the executive body of the governmental commission.

Under the jurisdiction of the State Commission are issues related to licensing of exports and imports of arms, military equipment, and dual-use goods and technologies.

In March 1993, by a special decree, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a list of materials, equipment and technologies which can be exported from Ukraine only after special authorization.

On July 27, 1995, decree N563 of Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers approved "regulations guiding the control over the export, import and transit of missile technology items, as well as of equipment, materials and technology used in the manufacture of missile weapons". Also, this decree approved control lists which superseded the section "Missile Technology and Equipment" of the list of 1993.

On March 12, 1996, decree N302 of Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers, approved "Regulations on the Procedure for Controls on the Export, Import and Transit of Commodities Which May Relate to Nuclear Activities and May be Used to Develop Nuclear Weapons". The decree also covers items subject to export/import/transit controls and licensing that is an inherent part of the regulations.

In compliance with Section 228.6 of the Penal Code of Ukraine, the violation of established procedures for the export of commodities, raw materials, equipment and technologies that can be used in the production of missile, nuclear, chemical and other types of armaments, special military equipment or services related to the creation of arms, military and special equipment, and the illegal export of the above mentioned items and related spare parts and ammunition is punishable by imprisonment of up to 8 years with confiscation of property.

State Export Control Authorities

Ukrainian export control authorities are the Governmental Commission on Export Controls and the Export and Technical Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. There are also units responsible for export control in a number of ministries and agencies.

The Governmental Commission on Export Controls is a broad managerial organ responsible for the coordination of state policy in the area of export control, licensing and determinations of quotas for export and import of commodities subject to export control, and arranging control over legislation implementation. It is made up of representatives, usually at the level of heads or deputy heads, from the Export and Technical Committee, the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Machinery Building, military-industrial complex and conversion, the Defense Ministry, the State Customs Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, the Security Service, the Ministry of Economics, and others.

The Export and Technical Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers is the main state executive organ on export control. The committee conducts its activity in compliance with the decisions of the Governmental Commission on Export Controls, and functions as a permanent body.

The Export and Technical Committee examines applications and issues licenses for export, import and transit of goods subject to export control, submits proposals for renewing the list of commodities subject to export control, provides reports on the implementation of export control legislation, and organizes and maintains cooperation with appropriate organs on export control in foreign countries.


There are two types of export/import licenses: individual and general. The general license allows export to or import from a single country or several countries of an unlimited amount of a specified good. This type of license is granted mainly to states of the former Soviet Union. For export, import and transit of commodities subject to export control, uniform individual licenses are used. Applications for export, import and transit licenses for commodities subject to export control are submitted to the Export and Technical Committee for consideration.

When submitting a license application for the export of indigenous goods and technologies, or the re-export of goods controlled by international regimes, the applicant must attach the following documents:

1. An international import certificate;

2. An end-user contract;

3. A copy of the contact;

4. Technical specifications, if required.

Applicants are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

When submitting a license application for the import of goods and technologies controlled by international regimes, the applicant must attach the following documents:

1. A copy of the contract;

2. Technical specifications, if required.

At the request of the country of origin, the Export and Technical Committee issues an international import certificate. This procedure is tax free.

When submitting a license application for transit of goods and technologies controlled by international regimes, the applicant must attach a document that affirms that the specified goods are transported through Ukraine on a validated export license from the country of origin, are intended exclusively for the consignee described in the export license, and in the same form as they entered into Ukraine.

The applicant may be asked for additional information necessary to make a decision on the eligibility for export, import, or transit of commodities subject to export control.

The processing fee of license for export, import or transit of commodities subject to export control is not collected.

Тема 3. Перекладіть статтю з англійської на українську мову. Складіть словник і вивчіть невідомі слова на пам'ять. Придумайте зі словами з тексту 10 речень на переклад (з української мови на англійську).


US assistance gives Thai Officials better monitoring data the deal with flood crisis.

The United Nations has enabled disaster officials in Thailand, which its facing its worst floods in more than half a century, to have more frequent access to real-time satellite images of the inundations so they can better monitor and respond to the crisis.

After a request from the Thai Government, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has arranged through a series of international partners to provide the Government with up-to-the-minute international satellite images of both flood waters and flood wave dynamics.The partnership will also ensure long-term capacity development for disaster risk management in Thailand and ongoing regular access to relevant satellite-based data.

At least 370 people have died since the floods began in Thailand several weeks ago following unusually heavy rainfall and vast swathes of the country, including the capital, Bangkok, now lie under water.

Thailand is one of a handful of Asian countries to be hard hit by floods and heavy rains in recent weeks, with Pakistan, Cambodia and the Philippines among the other nations badly affected.

Завдання для перекладу з української на англійську мову:

Завдання 1. Перекладіть текст з української мови на англійську використовуючи машинний та літературний переклад. Проаналізуйте помилки машинного перекладу як перекладач. Представте правильний та відредагований переклад тексту.