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Exercise 115. Use the proper article.

I. James was sitting before fire, in big arm-chair, with camel-hair shawl over his shoulders. His white hair, still fairly thick, glistened in lamplight. His long legs, thin as crow's, in plaid trousers, were bent. Beside him, on low stool, stood half-finished glass of negus, bedewed with beads of heat There he had been sitting, with inter­ vals for meals, all day.

II. At eighty-eight he was still organically sound, but suffering terribly from thought that no one ever told him anything. It is, in­ deed, doubtful how he had become aware that Roger was being buried that day, for Emily had kept it from him. Where was Soames? He had gone to funeral, of course, which they had tried to keep from him. Roger! Roger in his coffin! Funny fel­ low-Roger-original! Younger than himself, and in his coffin!

HI. Family was breaking up. There was Val going to university. He would cost pretty penny up there. It was extravagant age. No­body thought of anything but spending money in these days, and having what they called "good time."

IV. James had eaten poor lunch. But it was after lunch that the real disaster to his nerves occurred. He had been dozing when he became aware of voices, low voices. "Monty!" That fellow Dar-tie-always that fellow Dartie! Voices had receded; and James had been left alone, with his ears standing up like hare's and fear creeping about his inwards.

Exercise 116. Use the proper article.

I. I had come to Stratford on poetical pilgrimage. My first visit was to house where Shakespeare was born. It is small mean-looking house of wood. Walls of its rooms are covered with names and in­scriptions in every language, by pilgrims of all nations, ranks and conditions, from prince to peasant, and present simple but striking instance of spontaneous and universal homage of mankind to great poet.

II. House is shown by talkative old lady, with frosty red face, decorated with artificial locks of golden hair, curling from under ex­ ceedingly dirty cap. She was peculiarly persistent in exhibiting relics, of which there are great number in house. There was broken gun with which Shakespeare shot deer. There too, was his tobacco box, and identical lantern with which Friar Laurence discovered Romeo and Juliet at tomb! Most favourite object of curiosity, however, is Shakespeare's chair. It stands in chimney corner of small gloomy room.

III. Here he may many time have sat when boy, watching meat roasting over fire, or listening to old men and women of Stratford, telling tales and legendary anecdotes of troublesome times of Eng­ land. In this chair it is custom of everyone that visits house to sit. Whether this be done with hope of absorbing any of inspiration of poet I am at loss to say, I merely mention tact; and my guide pri­ vately assured me that, though built of solid oak, chair had to be new bottomed at least once in three years.

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