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Exercise 55. Use the proper article.

I. I was born 30th of November, 1835, in almost invisible village of Florida. My parents removed to Missouri in early thirties; I do not remember just when, for I was not born then and cared nothing for such things. It was long journey in those days and must have


been rough and tiresome one. Village contained hundred people and I increased population by 1 per cent...

II. Village had two streets, each couple of yards long; rest of av­ enues were lanes, with rail fences and cornfields on either side. Both streets and lanes were paved with same material - tough black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry. Most of houses were of log-all of them, indeed, except three or four... There were none of brick and none of stone.

III. Country schoolhouse was three miles from my uncle's farm.

It stood in clearing in woods and would hold about twenty-five boys and girls. We attended school with more or less regularity once or twice week, in summer, walking to it in cool of morning by for­est paths.

IV. All pupils brought their dinners in baskets and sat in shade of trees at noon and ate them. It is part of my education which I took back upon with most satisfaction. My first visit to school was when I was seven. Girl of fifteen, in customary sunbonnet and calico dress, asked me if I "used tobacco" - meaning did I chew it. I said "no". It roused her scorn. She reported me to all crowd and said: "Here is boy seven years old who can't chew tobacco."

V. By looks and comments which this produced I realized that I was degraded object;: I was cruelly ashamed of myself, I determined to reform. But I only made myself sick; I was not able to learn to chew tobacco. (After M. Twain)

Exercise 56. Use the proper article.

1. It was now only after midnight, but still extraordinary hour for someone to be ringing bell in that persistent series of three rings, pause, then three more rings. 2. It was early evening by local time, but hours past bedtime to which John's body was accustomed, when they went to restaurant for light supper of fried fish and salad. 3. For lunch he took them to Runway Beach Hotel which was not very far out of town. He had told her to bring their bathing kit and before lunch, they had swim, but did not try out their new masks. 4. He ate late hearty breakfast in deserted dining-room served by boy who had brought in his bags. 5. He went to small restaurant in old port for dinner. Alone. He had spoken to enough people that day. 6. At night when wind roars and child sleeps quietly in its wooden cot by chimney piece I light lamp and walk about, thinking of my friends. 7. Kite stayed up there all through night, and at breakfast time next morning small blue dot was still dancing in sky. After breakfast I hauled it down. 8. How often do you go out to dinner or to theatre on Monday night? 9. Some of our guests enjoy substantial breakfast in restaurant while they're on holidays. 10. Next day Herbert Macaulay telephoned me: Hello. I didn't know you were back in town till Dorothy told me. How about lunch?" 11. They had finished dinner and children were


in bed, and there was good hearty sound of Mrs. Burnsdale washing dishes in kitchen.

Exercise 57. Use the proper article.

I. "Brine two candles and take away lamp," the major said. Or­ derly brought two lighted candles each in saucer, and took out lamp blowing it out. (Hemingway)

II. We were talking softly out on balcony. Moon was supposed to rise but there was mist over town and it did not come up and in little while it started to drizzle and we came in. (Hemingway)

III. Night I was to return to front I sent porter down to hold seat for me on train when it came from Turin. Train was to leave at midnight. (Hemingway)

  1. He was man no longer young with small beard, now some­what grey, and thin face. He was dressed in singlet, without arms, and pair of duck trousers. He wore neither shoes nor socks. He spoke English with slight accent. (Maugham)

  2. She stared straight in front of for her minute, then with shrug of shoulders opened drawer by her bedside and from little bottle took couple of sleeping tablets. (Maugham)

  3. Tom was wearing his new dinner jacket for first time and he and Julia exchange little private glance, of satisfaction on his part and of complements on her. (Maugham)

VII. Doreen went into kitchenette, and heard familiar pop of gas and clatter of cups. Then she was back again holding up teapot with half its spout gone. "Cup of tea from brown pot, eh?" (Cusack)

Exercise 58. Use the proper article.

I. I walked down damp gravel driveway looking at villa through trees. Windows were all shut but door was open. I went in and found major sitting at table in bare room with maps and typed sheets of paper on wall. (Hemingway)

  1. Out in street again he stopped in front of small window where bald-headed man was bowed over watch, instrument like small binocular clamped to his eye. There were only few things in window, tray of opals, some watch-chains and watches and half dozen rings. (Cusack)

  2. She lay for long time looking at her watch reminding herself that it was time to get her lunch. It was set out on tray in kitch­enette, but effort of getting out of bed tormented her for hour be­fore she forced herself to do it. Her legs were shaky and she needed support of chairs and table to get herself across room. (Cusack)

IV. That night bat flew into room through open door that led on to balcony and through which we watched night over roofs of town. It was dark in our room except for small light of nights over town, and bat was not frightened, but hunted in room as though he| had been outside. (Hemingway) 39

Exercise 59. Use the proper article.

I. That night I slept badly. In morning I was first-comer to bridge, as I lived nearest I hid my books in long grass near ash pit at end of garden where nobody ever came, and burned along canal bank. It was mild sunny morning in first week of June. (J. Joyce)

П. She walked for about quarter of mile and then suddenly broke into oblique run up soft part of beach. She stopped short when she reached place where young man was lying on his back. (Salinger).

III. In late summer of that year we lived in house in village that looked across river and plain to mountains. In bed of river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in sun, and water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in channels. (Hemingway)

IV. Everything in room was dear and familiar- divans with their bright covers and cushions, pictures on wall, flower bowl on table. There was new chintz cover on her bed-delicate pink pat­ terned with cornflowers. She ran her hand over glazed surface of material, and looked up at Doreen with shining eyes. (Cusack)

Exercise 60. Use the proper article.

  1. Room reminded her very much of some of lodgings she had lived in when she was first on stage. She noticed pathetic attempts he had made to conceal fact that it was bedroom as well as sitting-room. Divan against wall was evidently his bed at night. Years slipped away from her in fancy and she felt strangely young again. What fun they had had in rooms very like that and how they had enjoyed fantastic meals they had had, things in paper bags and eggs and bacon fried on gas ring! He came in with tea in brown pot. She ate square sponge-cake with pink icing on it. That was thing she had not done for years. Ceylon tea, very strong, with milk and sugar in it, took her back to days she thought she had forgotten. (Maugham)

  2. Left alone, Jinnie looked around, without getting up, for good place to throw out or hide sandwich. She heard someone coming through foyer. She put sandwich into her coat pocket.

Young man in his early thirties, neither short nor tall, came into room. His regular features, his short haircut, cut of his suit, pattern of his necktie gave out not real information. He might have been on staff, or trying to get on staff of news magazine. He might have just been on play that closed in Philadelphia. He might have been with law firms.


Exercise 61. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with the nouns "school", "university", "bed", "town".

I. 1. Felicity certainly wants to leave school. 2. They had met through Labour Party activities when Мог had been teaching in school on south side of London. 3. "I suppose I can't give either of you lift back to school?" Invitation did not sound very whole­ hearted. 4. Demoyte was former headmaster, now retired, but still living in his large house near to school. 5. St. Bride's became, dare we say it, sound and reputable school of second class. 6. Mr. Loveday went to school to meet his son's teachers. 7. After my daughter leaves school, I want her to go to university. 8. What a shame! He seemed to forget completely way to university. 9. I hear Simon left university without doing his examinations. 10. Actually, many children hate school. Towards top of hill school was shut in by high wall. 11. Miss Carter might have gone into school to call on Ewy. 12. Donald's success was obviously pleasing to school. 13. She had known Jim for more than ten years, ever since her husband, who was teaching at that time in Grammar school in south London, had first made his acquaintance through Labour Party. 14. When scandal was over, he would start school of his own.

II. 1. Then he found out that he could not stay in bed. 2. He went to bed and slept excellently. 3. He got into bed but could not sleep. 4. He found Dora lying on bed in their bedroom reading novel. 5. I'll bring you up some coffee and egg in bed. 6. Did you make bed on Saturday morning? 7. He sat up in bed and saw it was just daylight. 8. He jumped out of bed, and put on dressing- gown while I told him of Pilbrow. 9. "You look like miniature owl," said Alleyn, and sat on bed. 10. It was nine o'clock when he awoke and sat up in bed. 11. "Good night, Ellen," said Cassie, stooping over bed. 12. I put him to bed one night in old shirt of my hus­ band's and then I washed and mended and ironed every stitch he had on. 13. It will be too late to take him away that night. (What will he think as he lies for last time in hard iron bed?) In morning I will go and fetch him and take him to train to Paris. 14. She turned away from bed and passed on through dormitory.

HI. 1. To him it was inconceivable that intelligent man should be happy to live in provincial town. 2. Dusk was falling in desert town of Eldorado when Bob Eden alighted from train. 3. He had some school business in London, and they had agreed that she should meet him after lunch when it was done and they should spend rest of day in town. 4. Eddie was in terrific rush when he got back to town. 5. How long have you been in town? 6. I must get back to town after dinner. 7. I'd been in town week and there was nothing

in paper saying where I was staying. 8. We saw town with mist over it that cut off mountains. 41

Exercise 62. t

Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with the names of meals.

1. I have cup of coffee and biscuit in morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. 2. I hadn't slept well night before and, having eaten heavy lunch, was agreeably drowsy. 3. "Won't you both stay to dinner?" suggested Sally Jordyn. 4. Table was laid out for tea. 5. A young man, from his appearance perhaps clerk, was eating modest dinner at Chan's side. 6. The maids told me he hadn't been in to breakfast or lunch. 7. Still, If we have this girl at dinner we shall at last escape Miss Handforth.

8. "D'you want to go and wash?" she said. "Supper's ready."

9. When he had gone, Chan and Eden ate cold lunch in cookhouse.

10. Dinner was announced. 11. At end of dinner it suddenly struck her that she had been talking entirely of herself. 12. Before breakfast was served he had full hour for reflection. 13. "Lunch isn't over," said Nan, "just because you've finished eating." 14. They gave dinner nearly every week. So nice of them! 15. "Well, what am I to do about dinner?" said Miss Handforth. "Spoil it by overcooking or let it get cold?" 16. After lunch they went across garden to music-room. 17. Now, I understand that during dinner Miss Seacliff complained of headache. 18. They all went in to dinner. 19. Coffee was taken in library. 20. She turned to her son and said, "Bernard, will you pour out coffee." 21. Some hours later, while they waited for lunch, Bob Eden and Madden sat talking in big living-room. 22. That night they ate early dinner so that they could make first show at movie theatre. 23. "Thank you," he said, "for very pleasant lunch." 24. "1 must be off," he said. "I'll be back for lunch." 25. "We are eating jolly good dinner." He held up leg of chicken. 26. Dinner began in silence. 27. "What nice lunch!" said Clare, eating sugar at bottom of her coffee cup. 28. "Luncheon is served," said Leigh ton, but he said it too late. 29. There was to be ceremonial dinner, at a date not yet arranged, to honour presentation to school of portrait of Mr. De- moyte. 30. You mustn't take cup of tea and biscuit in place of regular dinner, because dinner happens to be a trouble. 31. I must say, I didn't notice it. He was being honest. He had had other problems to think about during and after dinner. 32. I think 111 just go and give Mr. Ocmerod a hand with dinner. 33. They had felt pretty hungry before, but when they actually saw at last supper that was spread for them, really it seemed only a question of what they should attack first where all was so attractive. В

Exercise 63. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the article with nouns de­noting tile parts of the day.

1. Night was still dark. 2. The wind of clear winter morning had put colour into her cheeks. 3. Day was chill, and there was promise of rain. 4. Morning passed quickly, and little before one o'clock Мог


set out on his bicycle for Mr. Everard's luncheon party. 5. Anyway she wouldn't come back in night. 6. Somewhere in the early hours of morning he dozed. 7. Then she began to wake up in night and speculate about what Bill was doing. 8. He usually wears corduroys and sports coat during day, and black trousers and velvet smoking-jacket in evening. 9. A Drown cupboard contained Donald's bed, which was folded up during day. 10. Мог had never seen it (the rose-garden) by night. 11. We travelled by day and stayed at hotels every night. 12. It was day later that she began to be afraid. 13. It was cold evening with hint of frost on air. 14. It was sunny morning with tang of autumn about it. 15. On sunny afternoon Constance arrived at the house in South Halkin Street, and rang bell. 16. "What lovely evening," Constance said. It wasn't really lovely evening but her happiness made it seem so. 17. Evening approached by time Fielding and Miss Quested met. 18. It was broad day when I awoke. 19. She did not get it (the telegram) until nearly midnight. 20. He turned in bed and looked towards window. It was early morning. 21. I awoke and It was still night. 22. Towards evening of following day, at a time when she was alone, letter arrived to herself. 23. Returning home in afternoon she became conscious of her own betraying radiance. 24. There's electric fire but I thought real one would be more cheerful on miserable day like this. 25. It was horrible day, dark and cold. 26. It was on day after this that Danny received note. 27. It's been wonderful evening for me.

Exercise 64.

Use tile proper article. Pay attention to the words in bold type.

1. We're sailing at dawn. 2. At sunrise Bart slipped quietly out of room. 3. I suppose he had pushed off at daybreak. 4. Why. only last week, when they were riding home at twilight from Fairhill, he said: "Scarlet, 1 have something so important to tell you that I hardly know how to say it." 5. Between beds were white curtains which were pulled back In day-time. 6. Like child he believed him­self invisible in dark. 7. Alleyn's voice came quietly out of darkness: "I've seen her." 8. It was already getting towards dusk when he plunged without hesitation into the wood. 9. AD day a February rain had spattered over town, bringing early dusk. 10. They sped on through gathering dusk. 11. Dark had fallen by time I reached offi­cers' quarters, where I was spending night. 12. We walked back to farm and sat down again in silence on straw, out of wind, which like animal seemed to know that dark was coming. 13. I had come in before dawn. 14. Gardener had been up since dawn. 15. It was cold after dark in Hanoi. 16. It was long after sunrise, but no one dreamed of going to sleep. 17. Look at sunset! I never saw one redder. 18. You'd have to meet me at station - if I walk through

town In broad daylight, someone is lure to see us. 19. Sun was

down now and air was denser with twilight, 20. They agreed that this weather was strange after such sunset. 21. My heart began to


beat fast, and though I was hidden by darkness I withdrew into shade of bushes. 22. She sat very still And train rattled on in dying twilight

Exercise 65. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the "with-phrases" (attributive and ad­verbial).

I. l. He was slight crazy-looking boy with small head. 2, Marsh- ington was old village with fine broad main street. 3. Though he stooped now, he was still tall man and with head only just not grotesquely large for his body. 4. It was little pink house with white snow on roof and green windows and brown door. 5. She was tall woman with untidy brown hair, and very winning smile. 6. General Henderson was tall man, slim and erect, with lined bronzed face and white hair. 7. He was enormous man, over six feet in height and with shoulders and neck of bull.

II. 1. Then she said with sudden gesture, "Oh, dear, it's no good," and turned away. 2. He left room again, closing door behind him with bang. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Bode followed their daughter with smile. 4. Brown was looking at him with anxious glance. 5. He si­ lenced her with good-humoured motion of his hand. 6. Girl shook her head, and with sudden movement slipped her arm out and dived away like swallow. 7. With shiver, though not of cold, she drew her wrapper close. 8. They watched them go with amusement. 9. Мог looked at her with approval. 10. Nan rose with determination, 11. "Oh, Harry?" cried lad with ripple of laughter. 1Z Hilary said with most careful casualness, "I wonder, old man, if you'd mind very much if I asked you to let me go." 13. Only so could he win what he wanted with desperation of a perishing man.

Exercise 66.

Use the proper article. Pay attention to the "like-phrases" (predicative and ad­verbial).

I. 1. He did not look quite like Englishman. 2. He looked like man who was used to these garments. 3. She looked like boy with her head turned shamefacedly away. 4. Poor Winifred was like fish out of water. 5. As he felt the big car purring quietly along under his control Мог felt like king. 6. She looked like child's picture herself, extremely gay and simple. 7. She was like little poem in herself. 8. Funny, Jane thought, he didn't look like musician, more like lawyer or doctor. 9. Now she looked elegant, like heroine in magazine illustration, and almost as unreal. 10. She spoke in very quiet pensive voice. It was like moaning of dove.

II. 1. Miss Garter went up steps like bird. 2. Branches above her were murmuring like river. 3. Her heart beat like heavy bell. 4. He felt as if Nan would launch herself upon him like tiger as soon as he let her in, 5. Dulcia fascinates me like snake. 6. Sky shone pale, and one bird drifted high like dark fleck


in jewel. 7. Involuntarily she shut door, and advanced like great dangerous bird. 8. Marble floor glittered like water. 9. He lives like low-grade clerk.

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