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Latest in Technology Gives Life a Clearer Focus

Is low vision limiting your world?

This condition, which can result from a number of eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, often results in depression and social isolation.

New York researchers have identified a novel molecule that builds up in cells that control the body’s breakdown of sugar and that can lead to diabetic retinopathy, the most common cause of blindness.

The discovery of this molecule, called methylglyoxal, or MG, will unleash a hunt for drugs to prevent a cascade of events that leads to blindness, said Dr. Michael Brownlee, director of the JDRF International Center for Diabetes Complications Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. Brownlee also is lead author of the study, published in the journal Cell. MG also plays a role in other bodily functions, including giving the signal for whether cancer cells live or die.

Normally, the molecule is produced in response to fatty acids and sugar in cells. But when something goes wrong, and too much sugar and fatty acids accumulate, MG produces its own toxic molecules, called oxygen-free radicals. MG turns on a certain gene. This gene makes a protein that damages small blood vessels in the retina. The retina then starts growing new blood vessels, but they are inadequate to the task and leak into the retina. This leads to blindness.

If scientists can develop drugs that block the MG molecule, it could protect against the death of the vulnerable cells in the retina, Brownlee said.

Remarkable advances have been made through electronics, computerization and miniaturization to create devices that can help patients read, see and function well again. New and better gadgets are continually being developed at places like the Schepens Eye Research Institute.

Low vision is not the same as blindness, but it can make normal life a tremendous challenge. As Dr. Eleanor E. Faye, a low-vision ophthalmologist in New York and pointed out about people with low vision:

“Daily life becomes complicated when they are unable to read their mail, check price tags in stores, read nutritional information on food packages, drive, sew or travel alone. Social isolation often becomes the rule when they can no longer see facial details or enjoy simple activities such as playing cards or going to a movie. Even their health may be compromised when they cannot recognize medications or labels or when they lose interest in cooking because the microwave panel or stove dials are indiscernible.”

There are both adaptive aids and optical aids. The former include large-type books; talking clocks and calculators; Braille and talking watches: big button telephones: large-print cards and address books: easy needle threaders: bump dots to help with location ( for example, on an oven dial, computer or telephone) and high-intensity lamps and lighting.

The variety of devices is endless. Magnifiers, for example, come in different strengths and styles. There are hand magnifiers, stand magnifiers, pocket magnifiers, magnifiers that look like tiny telescopes and others that look like glasses. Some are worn, others attach to lamps, and some have built-in lights.

Optical aids include simple and advanced electronics. They include closed-circuit television systems (even portable ones), special goggles onto which images from a video camera are projected and computer programs that enlarge text and switch it from black on white to white on black, reduce distracting colour to black and white, and convert text to speech.

Training and practice in the use of optical aids is critical to success. Even learning to use a simple magnifier can require practice. For example, a hand magnifier should be held straight – tilting will distort the image – and on the paper, not lifted to the eyes.

But focusing on devices, low-vision people often neglect simple “housekeeping” aids. When working on a task or reading, good lighting should be provided throughout the room. Move lamps close to the work area and light it from both sides to eliminate shadows. Reduce glare by covering shiny surfaces with carpeting or clothes, placing shades on bare bulbs, using adjustable blinds and curtains on windows, and sitting where you don’t look directly at a window. Provide contrast wherever possible. Avoid clear drinking glasses. Rather, use a dark glass for a light-coloured drink, and vice versa. Likewise, place foods on plates of contrasting colours. Use contrasting-coloured drawer pulls and door handles throughout the home.

Family, friends and helpers can do much to aid the functioning and safety of people with low vision. Always ask first if help is wanted or needed. A person with limited vision may want to retain as much independence as possible.

When you approach a person with low vision be sure to identify yourself, and tell the person when you leave the room. In social situations, grasp the person’s hand in greeting – your extended hand may not be seen. Try to avoid sudden changes in illumination, like having the person go from a brightly lit room to a dark one.

Night lights should always be used wherever there are dim areas and in bedrooms at night. Furniture should contrast with the walls and be positioned to avoid collisions day and night. Needless to say, trip hazards like shoes, clothing or books left on the floor are unacceptable.

In guiding a person with impaired vision, be precise. Say, for example, “There is a flight of steps going upstairs directly to your left,” not just, “There are steps over there.”

The use of low-vision rehabilitation services, low-vision aids, help from family members, friends and caretakers can bring back a productive, enjoyable and independent life for most people who are visually impaired.

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

1. eye diseases; 6. optical aids;

2. needless to say; 7. bump dots;

3. visually impaired; 8. to eliminate shadows;

4. tremendous challenge; 9. to leak into the retina;

5. low vision; 10. diabetic retinopathy

3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1.самая обычная причина слепоты; 6. искажать изображение;

2. начать охоту за лекарствами; 7. по всему помещению;

3. нарушение сахарного обмена; 8. блестящие поверхности;

4. новые и лучшие устройства; 9. лампы сильного


5. стационарный увеличитель; 10. быть неприемлемым

4. Найдите в тексте однокоренные слова, определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

1. blind; 6. accept;

2. end; 7. need;

3. help; 8. discover;

4. safe; 9. adequate;

5. illuminate; 10. body

5. Задайте к предложению все типы вопросов: общий, альтернативный, специальный (а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения), разделительный:

Optical aids include simple and advanced electronics.

6.Найдите и выпишите из данных предложений случаи следующих грамматических явлений: группа времен Indefinite в действительном и страдательном залогах, модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, степени сравнения прилагательных, притяжательный падеж и множественное число имени существительного:

1. The molecule is produced in response to fatty acids and sugar in cells.

2. The discovery of this molecule will unleash a hunt for drugs to prevent a cascade of events that leads to blindness.

3. Even their health may be compromised when they cannot recognize medications or labels.

4. A person with limited vision may want to retain as much independence as possible.

5. A hand magnifier should be held straight.

7. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What is the most common cause of blindness?

2. How is the novel molecule called?

3. What do low-vision people often neglect?

4. Why can low vision make normal life a tremendous challenge?

5. What is unacceptable in simple housekeeping for people with low vision?

6. Why is it important to hold a hand magnifier straight?

7. What are the optical aids for visually impaired people?

8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту.

9. Составьте реферат текста (10-15 предложений).

10. Составьте план текста и устно перескажите текст.

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