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Повторительно-обобщающие упражнения

Упражнение 85. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

Ann: I am so glad you (to'come) at last. Why you (to be) away so long?

Mary: I (to be) in the department store choosing a new pair of shoes.

Ann: It (to rain) still? It (to be) rather dark in the room.

Mary: No, the rain (to stop) but the wind (to blow).

On my way I (to meet) Jane Brown. You (to know) her?

Ann: Of course, I do. I (to know) her since my childhood. When we (to be) children we of- ten (to play) together where you (to meet) her? I (not to see) her for a long time. What she (to look) like?

Mary: She (to change) a bit. She (to go) to the li- brary when I (to meet) her.

Ann: What she (to tell) you?

Mary: She (to tell) me she (to return) recently from a very interesting trip. She (to intend) to see all her friends soon.

Ann: Then she (to come) to see me too, I (to hope).

Mary: Yes, that (to be) a pleasant meeting, I (to be) sure. But what (to be) the time? My watch (to stop) and I (not to know) the exact time.

Ann: It (to be) a quarter to six.

Mary: I must hurry. I have a lot of things (to do) this evening. Good-bye.


Упражнение 86. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. Hello! I (try) to telephone you all week. Where you (be)? 2. "I don't think we (meet) before?" "Well, I (see) you once at a party, but we not (be) introduced then." 3. It (look) as if this light (burn) all night. I must (forget) (switch) it off before I (go) to bed last night. 4. Come in now. I'm sorry (keep) you (wait) so long. 5.1 (buy) the book, but when I (hear) the opinion of the critics, I (change) my mind. 6. At last you're here! I (wait) here for more than half an hour. I might (know) you (be) late! 7. My father (work) in Canada for the last year, so by the time he (return) the month after next I not (see) him for fourteen months. 8. When you (see) him again you (be struck) by the way his health (improve) since he (go) to Switzerland. 9. If you (tell) me you already (buy) the book, I not (give) it to you as a birthday present, but now it (be) too late. 10. I (ring) the bell once more, but as he not (answer) yet, I think he must (go) out. I not (bother) (come) all this way if I (know). 11. It's just as well we (bring) a guide-book with us. If we not (have), we (be) completely lost. 12. You can't (remember) (tell) him how to get here. If you (have), he (arrive) long before now.

Упражнение 87. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. By the time the firemen (arrive), the house (be) ablaze from top to bottom, but it (be) clear that if someone (give) the alarm earlier, they might (stand) a chance of (save) the building. 2. I wish you (tell) me last week that you (come) to London. If I (know) in time, you not (have to) stay in a hotel. 3. Why you not (tell) me you (can) lend me the money? I not (need)


(borrow) it from the bank. 4. The driver said he not (can) (undergo) thorough testing before (be) joined the competition. 5. It's time we (go). If we not (leave) now, we (miss) the last train. 6. (Be) you cut off while I (talk) to you just now? You (be)? I think something must (go) wrong with the telephone. 7. The manager (talk) to an important customer at the moment but he (be) free (see) you presently. (Like) you (take) a seat for a few minutes? 8.1 know I ought (write) to you before, but I (be) so busy recently that I not (have) time for (write) letters, I (telephone) you instead, but I (forget) your number. 9. When I last (see) him, (live) in Lon- don. He (tell) me then that he (think) of (emigrate) to Australia, and he may well (do) so by now. 10. I (be) very excited at the prospect of (go) (ski). It (be) the first time I (try). I think there's nothing like (ski) for (make) a holiday enjoyable. 11. I wish you (let) me (know) you not (be able) to come to dinner. I certainly not (go) to all this trouble if I (know). 12. He said he not (want) (see) the firm as he (hear) that it (be) not as good as the critics (suggest).

Упражнение 88. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

  1. My sister (come) to stay with us at the seaside.

  2. I never (see) snow. I hope to see it when winter (come).

  3. He (play) the piano when our guests arrived last night.

  4. Did you post your letter after you (write) it?

  5. My secretary (not come) yet. She never (come) to work before nine.

  6. In our climate the vine (not grow) out-of-doors, as it (do) in countries with a hotter summer, and hot- house grapes (be) very expensive.


  1. He (finish) this work before you leave.

  2. As I (run) downstairs I heard a shout.

  3. When I (see) him he (sit) asleep in an armchair.

10.1 am afraid he (not pass) his examination.

11. ... you (see) him yesterday? No, (not meet) him since he left our office.

12.1 shall tell you a story as soon as you (be) in bed.

    1. We (must) pay all our debts last year.

    2. He (come) back sooner than you think.

    3. That evening she (feel) very kind to everybody.

    4. We often (pass) the gate that you see in the dis- tance.

    5. The little girl (lose) her doll and she can't re- member where she last (see) it.

    6. This is the same dress that I (wear) a year ago.

    7. It is very sad that you (be) ill such a long time.

    8. Last evening he (run) against a tree and (hurt) his nose.

21.1 (not can) imagine what he looks like!

22. He (slip) and (break) his leg yesterday. As a re- sult he (must) be away from school for the next two of three months.

23.1 knew that you (not write) that letter since I sat opposite you.

      1. Look! The airplane (fall)!

      2. Two friends (travel) on the road together when they met a bear.

      3. What I (be) to do? Somebody (eat) my porridge!

27.1 know the girl with whom you (walk) yesterday.

        1. Things (be) not always what they (seem).

        2. She (become) a very good singer since we last met.

        3. Last Tuesday we (make) a very pleasant excur- sion. We (go) to Ojcow where we (climb) up the rocks. We (come) back late in the evening, tired but very happy. you ever (be) there?


        1. She (have) dinner here if she comes tomorrow.

        2. Listen, somebody (knock) at the door! I (sup- pose) it's the chairwoman. She usually (come) before nine.

        3. After she (speak) to the policeman she knew where she was.

        4. "There will be no summer weather after you (go) away!"

35.1 (not see) such a lovely view in my life!

          1. She already (sew) two buttons to my coat.

          2. At nine o'clock he still (do) his translation.

Упражнение 89. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

            1. And now the trade of this town (develop) with ex- treme rapidity and the ambition of the inhibitions (grow) along with it.

            2. Have you any idea what she (do) when I (ring) her up tomorrow?

            3. We (know) him a long time before we (give) him a position in the accounts department.

            4. I want the full programme you (show) in the af- ternoon of the 4th October. I want to see these pic- tures as your audiences (see) them the week before last. That (not be) possible here, but perhaps the iden- tical programme (run) now in some other picture- house.

            5. He parted from them in the firm conviction that he (receive) far more information than he (impart).

            6. When your case (come) on the stroke of the ap- pointed hour, it (be followed) a minute later by that of the chairman.

            7. He knew he (must) do it though he (not need) to worry about the consequences.


            1. When I was living in England I often (think) how unexcited these English always (be).

            2. I (stay), I am determined to stay here for the present, until the end of June at any rate.

            3. "I thought there (may) be something for me," she said opening the envelope. "I (have) anonymous letters before now and there (be) not one of them that (not mean) something."

            4. Nothing satisfies him, he always (complain)!

            5. By that time you (learn) that nobody can really help you but yourself.

            6. Is it the same lady I (see) you with yesterday?

14.1 (notice) a number of improvements done in this

town since I last was here.

              1. They (add) a new wing to the library since spring.

              2. I'm afraid he (not realize) the importance of this question.

              3. I (dream) that I (walk) in a marvellous garden when the telephone wakened me.

              4. He never (be) the same since his accident.

              5. He got there sooner than he (expect).

              6. He is still a very poor singer for all he (do) to train his voice.

21.1 have sworn that I (not go) back till I (see) all the marvels of this oriental city.

22.1 (see) him last week and he told me he (quit) his job in the despatch department and that he (act) as as- sistant director of the invoice department from the be- ginning of the month.

                1. By the end of summer the greater part of our task (be completed).

                2. What did you do when you (find) out you (lose) your wallet?

                3. Look! I believe it is Mrs. Stern who (cross) the street.


                1. ... you ever (heard) of an honest thief?

                2. These orphans (live) here ever since the cruelty of man (deprive) them of their homes.

                3. "What's the matter?" -- "Someone (scribble) in my book!"

                4. Can you imagine that at 6.30 the two tean (fight) for 2 hours!

                5. Hardly he (glance) at the letter when he dash it impatiently on the ground.

                6. The scientist died without realizing that he (make) a discovery which (revolutionize) the who1 world.

                7. I (take) to her moment I saw her and very I we (decide) to marry. ■■•■■'

33.1 was afraid Diana (break) down when she (be formed) of Alan's accident.

                  1. After you (leave) I (must) apologize for youi behaviour.

                  2. The militarization of science means the open abandonment of the high ideals by which scientists (be nurtured).

                  3. I never (have) such a terrifying experience in my life! I

                  4. That clerk (lose) his place because he (prove) dis- honest.

I am not invited he V she it

we j are not У°и f invited they

« we

(X , I were they 1 invited



Страдательный залог


Indefinite Tenses Passive

to be invited — быть приглашенным

'вердительная ,<орма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Am I invited?

he 1 Is she invited?

it J

we "j Are you > invited? they J

is not invited

was invited



Were you they



1 ]

he ! was not she Г invited

it J

we 1 ,

j were not

y,0J f invited they J


  1. Писатель пишет книгу — Книга публикуется

  2. Школьник пишет упражнение — Упражнение выполняется

  3. Студент помогает — Студенту помогают

  4. Профессор читает лекцию — Профессора спра- шивают

  5. Врач советует — Им советуют

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык, упо- требляя глаголы в Present Indefinite Active или Present Indefinite Passive.

1. Меня всегда хвалят за мою работу. 2. Его доче- ри часто помогают в школе. 3. Их часто посылают в командировку за границу. 4. Иногда ее приглашают в театр. 5. Маленькому ребенку дают сок каждый день. 6. Он всегда забывает какие-то вещи дома. 7. Когда обычно обедают в этой семье? 8. Где обычно хранят деньги? 9. Я часто вспоминаю старых дру- зей. 10. Этот номер телефона обычно хорошо запо- минают. 11. Она часто теряет свою записную книж- ку. 12. Маленьких детей все любят. 13. Я часто посещаю этот ресторан. 14. Большая библиотека в центре города часто посещается школьниками.

Past Indefinite Passive

Не was seen yesterday. Его видели здесь вчера.

Упражнение 6. Выпишите из следующих предло- жений глаголы в Past Indefinite Passive.

1. The best machine was chosen. 2. My bike was sto- len last week. 3. The police were told. 4. Arsenal was beaten. 5. Luton Town was beaten too. 6. The book was finished yesterday.


Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык пред- ложения упражнения 6.

Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Past Indefinite Passive.

1. Собрание провели в.прошлую субботу. 2. Их сфотографировали вчера днем. 3. Его сбила машина на Хай-стрит прошлой ночью. 4. Мэри представили профессору Блэку в прошлый понедельник. 5. Бил- ла и Анну не пригласили на праздник у Мэри.

    1. Машину Тома не полировали в прошлом месяце.

    2. Собаку Билла не кормили до семи часов вечера вчера. 8. Новые ворота не были закончены вчера. 9. Закрывалась ли библиотека ровно в девять часов вечера на прошлой неделе? 10. Правда, что их сфо- тографировали вчера днем? 11. Установили ли вче- ра новые ворота? 12. Вас представили мистеру Бра- уну на собрании вчера вечером? 13. Разве не было танцев вечером в прошлую субботу? 14. Почему но- вые ворота не были установлены вчера утром? 15. Тома повысили в офисе на прошлой неделе, не так ли? 16. Меня представили вашему другу в прош- лом месяце, правда? 17. Вас пригласили на празд- ник у Мэри, не так ли? 18. Эту программу не пере- давали на прошлой неделе, не так ли?

Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite Active или Past Indefinite Passive.

1. Вчера меня навестила подруга. 2. Прошлым ле- том они отдыхали на море. 3. На прошлой неделе его ограбили. 4. Вчера на конференции директору зада- вали много вопросов. 5. Те газеты принесли утром. 6. Их принес почтальон. 7. Кем была разбита ваза?

    1. Где было куплено это красивое платье? 9. Этот


I shall be invited

Shall I be invited?

I shall not be




e+H О

she г " j invited

he ] Will she

it J

, be


she I will not be ^ J invited

fi t-4


we shall be

Shall we be

we shall not be





you 1 will be


1 be

you j will not be

they j invited

j invited?

they j invited


cd Оч

I should be

I should not be





she 1would be j invited

he )

she ? wou^ noti ^ [be invited

о и


we should be invited

you j would be they j invited

we I

vou I not they j be ^vited

Present Indefinite Passive Many new houses are built every year. Много но- вых домов строится каждый год.

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Many books are published in Russia. 2. The ma- chines are tested by the police. 3.1 am always driven to work by my neighbor. 4. The car is serviced at the ga- rage down the road. 5. The machines are tested before use. 6. The car is polished once every three months. 7. Concrete is made of cement, sand, and gravel. 8. A


picnic is arranged once a month by our club. 9. These gates aren't painted every year. 10. I'm not invited to my uncle's every weekend. 11. His car isn't polished every week.

Упражнение 2. Дайте положительный и отрица- тельный ответ, как показано на примере.

Пример: Are your pets fed twice a day? — Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.

1. Are you invited to Bill's for tennis every Satur- day? 2. Is your room cleaned every day? 3. Are your pets fed every day? 4. Isn't your room cleaned every other day? 5. Isn't concrete made of sand, cement, and gravel? 6. Why aren't your pets fed twice a day?

      1. Why aren't you invited to your uncle's more often?

      2. His car is usually polished once every three months, isn't it? 9. Your pets are fed twice a day, aren't they?

        1. These gates aren't painted once a year, are they?

        2. Your room isn't cleaned twice a day, is it? 12. Isn't your room cleaned every day?

Упражнение 3. Образуйте Infinitive Passive от сле- дующих глаголов:

to take, to ask, to read, to write, to invite, to invest, to drink, to eat, to smoke, to drive, to lend, to see.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

          1. Я приглашаю — Меня приглашают

          2. Он присылает — Ему присылают

          3. Она рассказывает — Ей рассказывают

          4. Он вызывает — Его вызывают

          5. Они сообщают — Им сообщают

          6. Рабочий строит — Дом строится


спектакль показали в Санкт-Петербурге в прошлом месяце. 10. На прошлой неделе меня попросили на- писать статью в газету.

Упражнение 10. Дополните предложения, чтобы получился связный рассказ, используя пассив.

They have broken into your house and several things were taken away.

  • They broke into your house?

  • Yes, my house ...

  • So they broke into your house?

  • Yes, my house was broken into.

  • They stole your video?

  • Yes, my video ...

  • They took some of your checks?

  • Yes, some...

  • And they broke the hall window?

  • The hall window ...

  • Did you tell the insurance people?

  • Yes, the insurance people ...

  • Have you written everything down?

  • Yes, everything ...

Future Indefinite Passive

This book will be taken tomorrow. Эту книгу возьмут завтра.

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Indefinite Passive.

1. This program (to broadcast) again tomorrow night. 2. Your room (to clean) tomorrow. 3.1 (to intro- duce) to the director soon. 4. The gates (to paint) again next year. 5. My pets (not to feed) until six o'clock to-


night. 6. This fence (not to paint) again until next year. 7. You (not to bother) by that man again. 8. Will I (to introduce) to the director? 9. Will this program (to broadcast) again tomorrow night? 10. Will Betty (to invite) to Mary's party? 11. Will you (to allow) to go to Europe? 12. Won't this record (to play) at the dance tonight? 13. Won't the director (to ask) to make a speech? 14. Won't this program (to broadcast) again? 15. Won't Tom (to invite) to Mary's party? 16. This program (to broadcast) again tomorrow, won't it?

Упражнение 12. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite Active или Future Indefinite Passive.

1. Завтра мне принесут новый костюм. 2. На сле- дующей неделе она купит новое платье. 3. Я попро- шу папу подарить мне собаку. 4. Факс будет отправ- лен завтра. 5. Они скоро получат мою посылку. 6. Эта посылка будет доставлена через 3 дня. 7. Ма- газин рядом с нашим домом скоро откроют. 8, Пись- ма читателей будут прочитаны в редакции. 9. За- казы будут доставлены клиентам курьером. 10. Мне дадут почитать эту книгу. 11» Потом я верну книгу. 12. Экзамен будут сдавать через две недели. 13. Ан- на попросит их помочь ей. 14. Работа будет провере- на в конце этой недели. 15. Сочинение будет напи- сано ко вторнику. 16. Его пошлют в Нью-Йорк.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past и Future Indefi- nite Passive.

1. Ее послали учиться в Берлинский университет два года назад. 2. Нас всегда приглашают на день рождения их сына. 3. На прошлой неделе по теле-


- - _ - X

This book is often referred to. — На эту книгу часто ссылаются.

This picture was much spoken about. — Об этой картине много говорили.

Не will be taken care of. — О нем позаботятся.

This was insisted upon. — На этом настаивали.

v J

Упражнение 17. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не has always been looked up to as a high author- ity on all questions pertaining to art. 2. This utterance was responded to by the remainder of the company. 3. This was succeeded by his stating the object of his mission. 4. He was reported to have returned from one of his many travels, 5. He went West after returning to America from Europe, and for years has not been heard of. 6. As French was constantly spoken around him, he soon became familiar enough with the lan- guage to understand a great deal of what was said, 7.1 took the hint that he was not supposed to know any other language. 8. Freezing Government owned metals is justified on strategic grounds. Actually, it is in- tended to ward off a depression in the mining indus- try. 9. This country was granted a new loan. 10. This arrangement was finally agreed upon. 11. We kept our reserves till the moment they were called for. 12. The enemy designated his position by the letter G, and this line was so referred to in orders and reports. 13. On more than one occasion artillery forward observers have been called upon to adjust mortar fire. 14. Phe- nolic resins are being constantly drawn upon for giv- ing new and unusual answers to bonding, impregnat- ing and coating problems»


I have been

Have I been

I have not been







d. Д


СП ф


he 1

shej> has been ft J invited

he 1

Has she been

^ J invited?

he Л has not she > been it J invited

we 1 have

Have you }been+

they J lnvlted?

we 1

have not


you } been they J invited

you j> they J

been invited

1 л

Had I been invited?

I >j

Past Perfect

he 1 had been she Г invited it J

you 1 had been

they J invited

he ]

Had she \ been

J invited?

Had you 1 been

they J invited?




we you

they j

had not ^ been invited

I shall have

Shall I have been

I shall not have

been invited


been invited

8- «ы

и £

he 1 will have she r been it J invited

Will she 1 havebefn j invited?

he 1 will not she r have been it J invited


we shall have

Shall we have been

we shall not have


been invited


been invited

you } will have

they 1 been J invited

] have Will f°U \ been

theyi invited?

you 1 they j

will not have been invited



а Он О Л


Й ч-Ц

I should have been invited

I should not have been invited

he l she

it J

would have been invited

he 1 would not she > have been it J invited


<чн и

Q Рч

we should have been invited

we should not have been invited

Ф 5н


you they

1 would r have been J invited

1 would not ylou \ have been theyJ invited

Perfect Active

Perfect Passive

We have built many new houses this year.

Мы построили мно- го новых домов в этом году.

Many new houses have been built this year. Много новых до- мов было построено в этом году (Present)

We had seen him be- fore he came here. Мы видели его до того, как он пришел сюда.

Не had been seen be- fore he came here. Его видели до того, как он пришел сюда. (Past)

Не will have taken this book before you come. Он уже возьмет эту книгу прежде чем вы придете.

This book will have been taken before you come. Эта книга уже будет взята прежде чем вы придете. (Fu- ture)



I am being invited he

she > is being invited

it J

we i

you r are being invited they J

I .

he 1 was being she Г invited it

you 1 werebein£ they J invited

видению показали много интересных фильмов. 4. Завтра меня вызовут. 5. Летом Анну отвезут в деревню. 6. Об этой новой книге много говорили. 7. На выставке нам показали много хороших кар- тин. 8. Об этом событии много говорят. 9. Это пись- мо ей передали вчера. 10. Меня часто об этом спра- шивают. 11. Их пригласят на юбилей института.

Present Continuous Passive в значении будуще- го (намерения).

Someone is going to be promoted at his office.

Кого то повысят в должности в офисе.


Упражнение 14. Переведите на русский язык.

1. She's going to be knocked over if she isn't care- ful. 2. This program is going to be broadcast at eight o'clock. 3. They're going to be invited to Mary's party. 4. Tom isn't going to be invited to Mary's party. 5. She isn't going to be knocked over. The car has stopped. 6. This program isn't going to be broadcasted again for a month. 7. Is Tom going to be promoted at this office? 8. Are John and Anne going to be asked to make a speech? 9. Is the meeting going to be held next Wednesday morning? 10. Am I not going to be intro- duced to your friend? 11. Isn't Professor Black going to be invited to make a speech? 12. Aren't you going to be allowed to go to Europe? 13. These gates are going to be painted again soon, aren't they?

Future in the Past Passive They said that this book would be published the following month. Они сказали, что эта книга будет издана в будущем месяце.

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