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7. Он уехал в Крым, чтобы отдохнуть там во время отпуска. 8. Я взял мальчика за руку, чтобы удер- жать его. 9. Они поедут на север, чтобы исследовать этот район. 10. Его попросили прийти сюда, чтобы починить велосипед.

3. Объектный падеж с инфинитивом

I want you to come here tomorrow. — я хочу, чтобы вы пришли сюда завтра.

Our teacher likes us to read well. — Наш пре- подаватель любит, чтобы мы хорошо читали.

Не ordered the torpedo to be adjusted. — Он приказал, чтобы торпеду отрегулировали.

Не felt it to be true. — Он чувствовал, что это правда.

Не found the yield to average 30 centners an acre. — Он установил, что урожай в среднем составляет 30 центнеров с акра.

Table I shows the hard wheat to contain 80% of protein. — Таблица 1 показывает, что твердая пшеница содержит 80% протеина.

Инфинитив после глаголов восприятия

I often hear him speak at meetings. — я часто слышу, как он говорит на собраниях.

We see them work every day. — Мы видим, как они работают каждый день.

Когда хотят показать, что действие, выражен- ное инфинитивом, происходит или происходило в момент разговора, вместо инфинитива часто ста- вится Present Participle:


Упражнение 27. Переведите на русский язык.

1. They wanted the expedition to start on the 1st of June. 2. The commander ordered the gun to be ad- justed. 3. My father likes me to play the piano. 4. We all felt these words to be true. 5. We found the plant to contain 5% of rubber. 6.1 often see them play tennis. 7. We hear N. sing with the greatest pleasure. 8.1 hear him singing. 9. She saw him working in the garden.

  1. At what time do you wish the lecture to begin?

  2. The plane found the enemy to be concentrating his troops near the crossing. 12. The captain ordered the ship to be unloaded. 13. We heard him speak at the meeting. 14. This table shows the yield to average 30 centners per acre.

Упражнение 28. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он хотел, чтобы мы пришли. 2. Мы установи- ли, что прибыль в этом году возросла. 3. Я чувство- вал, что это правда. 4. Она видела, как они шли домой. 5. Он приказал отремонтировать машину. 6. Слышали ли вы, как N. поет этот романс? 7. Ви-


дите ли вы, как сейчас вон там едут мотоциклы? 8. Моя жена хочет, чтобы я не курил. 9. Я хочу, чтобы мой сын часто бывал на открытом воздухе. 10. Он приказал солдатам открыть огонь.

4. Именительный падеж с инфинитивом или инфинитив после сказуемого в Passive Voice. Такая конструкция наиболее часто встречается с глаголами: to say, to think, to suppose, to believe, to require, to expect, to report, to consider и др.

It is said that he is here. Говорят, что он здесь.

Не is said to be here.

It is thought that they have gone to Moscow. — Думают, что они уехали в Москву.

They are thought to have gone to Moscow. — Думают, что они уехали в Москву.

Не was heard to say that he was very busy. — Слышали, как он говорил, что (он) очень занят.

They are known to live in Siberia. — Известно, что они живут в Сибири.

She is expected to come here tonight. — Ожида- ют, что она придет сюда сегодня вечером.

The machines were found to be in order. — Было установлено, что машины в порядке.

Упражнение 29. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не is thought to live in Kiev. 2. The battery was ordered to open fire. 3. This engineer is said to have in- vented a new machine. 4. This mine is considered to be the best in the whole district. 5. This experiment is said to have been completed successfully. 6. She is be- lieved to be one of the best dancers in this country.


7. The expedition is thought to have reached the Angara river, 8. This dam is considered to be the larg- est structure of its kind in the world. 9. They were heard to say they had not yet finished the experiment. 10. The representative of this state was expected to ar- rive at N in a few hours. 11. The airship was reported (to be) missing. 12. This invention is supposed to be of the greatest importance in coal mining. 13. She is said to have written a brilliant play. 14. The state of his health is considered to be normal. 15. The ship is sup- posed to have been attacked by a raider. 16. The possi- bility of landing tanks was tested in 199 ... and found to be practicable.

Упражнение 30. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The main enemy force was believed to be in the area south of A. 2. New Britain Island was bombed 24 days out of 30, mostly in the vicinity of Rabaul, where the enemy's main force was supposed to be. 3. This group's lack of success in holding up the enemy is al- leged to be due to lack of tanks. 4. The headquarters are reported to be near N. 5. The interior of New Guinea was believed to be impassable mountains and jungle, completely devoid of food. 6. The pipe-rolling mill is reported to be the first restored plant to exceed its prewar output. 7. The enemy was reported to be de- stroying crops and property. It was the policy to secure this food for themselves or else destroy it to keep the unoccupied areas in a condition approaching starva- tion. 8. This battery was required to operate in the vi- cinity of the village. 9. The new regulations are an- nounced to take effect on October 15. 10. This politi- cian was heard to express a similar point of view in connection with the recent debates. 11. This statesman


is known to hold a different opinion on this question. 12. Heating the diamond is sometimes said to affect the stone or the polished cutting edge even at a tem- perature of 500°C. 13. For their size, more air is said to be drawn through the B-29 nacelles than any others in existence. 14. Ten division are noted as airborne di- visions, expected to be dropped inland — perhaps as far as B. 15. The rest of the day was spent in organiz- ing the envelopment of the 15 000 enemy troops be- lieved to be caught somewhere between the landings.

Упражнение 31. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не is stated to have replied: "Under these condi- tions I don't see any possibility of taking this responsi- bility upon myself." 2. He is reputed to have been one of the most outstanding scientists in this field. 3. The remains of the garrison are reported to have consisted of 2 infantry divisions. 4. Figures recently released by the Aircraft Production Board indicate that more than 40% of enemy fighter production is estimated to have been knocked out by the beginning of 1943. Their present production is estimated to be a little over 20, 000. 5. He was supposed to be a good engineer and to have made these positions impregnable. 6. The Boeing B-29 "Superfortress" is easy to fly, and is said to have no undesirable ground or flight characteris- tics.

Упражнение 32. Дополните предложения, используя инфинитивные обороты.

1. What could have provoked him ...? 2. The Gov- ernment appointed a committee ... . 3. The new incen- tives are aimed at stimulating exporters ... . 4. Who taught you ...? 5. Public health authorities should try harder to persuade the public ... . 6. He ordered the


cab-driver ... . 7. The realities of the situation forced us .... 8. No one could understand what led him ... . 9. Cancellation of the flight obliged many passengers ... . 10. Everyone went home immediately after the party, leaving me ... . 11. While I was filling up with petrol, I got the mechanic ... . 12. Seeing my friend's holiday brochures tempted me ....

Упражнение 33. Составьте предложения, используя инфинитив. Ваши предложения должны начинаться с выражений, указанных в скобках.

1. Young Smith will be leading the sales mission to America. The manager thinks he's the best man for the job. (The manager has chosen ...) 2. I hope you didn't tell anyone. It was supposed to be a secret. (I didn't mean ...) 3. An invitation to dinner from the Robinsons? What's come over them? (I didn't expect ...) 4.1 shall never finish all this work by myself. (Will you help ...?) 5. The manager is very firm about punc- tuality. (He expects ...) 6. John is terribly inefficient these days. I doubt whether he'll keep his job any longer. (The firm will probably ask ...) 7. I'd like some information, and you're the very person to give it to me. (I want...) 8. The police are interested in two par- ticular men. An interview with them would be very helpful at this stage. (The police wish ...) 9, The man was given two alternatives: a small fine or a term of imprisonment. He refused to pay the fine. (The man elected ...) 10. I'm sure he didn't realize you'd be so unhappy about it. (He didn't mean ...) 11. We really must visit your parents soon. They've asked us to go there time and again. (Your parents have been begging ...) 12. The man was being blackmailed, but he didn't inform the police because he was afraid of any public- ity. (He didn't dare...)


Упражнение 34. Дополните предложения, используя инфинитив без to.

1. I've no wish to make him ... if he doesn't want to. 2. It's no good. The car's broken down and I can't make it... . 3. My brother refuses to let problems ... . 4. If you're not satisfied with the job, you should make the workman .... 5. Do you think it's wise to let your chil- dren ...? 6. Since the car was being driven erratically, the police made the driver ... . 7. We shouldn't let one small setback ... . 8. The Minister was accused of let- ting the situation ... . 9. Many unions seem unable to do anything to make their members ... . 10. The way the situation later developed made the Government....

Инфинитивным оборотом можно заменить без- личное предложение, именная часть которого выражена прилагательными easy, difficult, hard, good и др.

It is easy to plough sandy soil. — Легко пахать песчаную почву.

Sandy soil is easy to plough.

This sight is pleasant to see. — Это зрелище приятно видеть.

This book is pleasant to read. — Эту книгу приятно читать.

Упражнение 35. Переведите на русский язык.

1. This point is easy to reach in summer. 2. This news is pleasant to hear. 3. This fact is difficult to ex- plain. 4. This thing is difficult to imagine. 5. This story is hard to tell. 6. This stone is hard to polish. 7. This grief was hard to bear. 8. These chips are easy


to bum. 9. This sight was awful to see. 10. This part is difficult to act. 11. This house is pleasant to live in.

Упражнение 36. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Трудно было поверить этому рассказу. 2. Легко понять это чувство. 3. Это препятствие трудно пре- одолеть. 4. Приятно видеть этот ландшафт. 5. Не- легко объяснить это происшествие. 6. Хорошо от- дыхать в такую погоду.

Аналогичные обороты с глаголами to happen, to seem, to appear.

It seems that he is very busy. — Кажется, что он очень занят.

Не seems to be very busy. — Он, кажется, очень занят.

It happened that I was there at that time. — Случилось, что в то время я был там.

I happened to be there at that time. — Мне довелось быть там в то время.

It seems that they have finished their work. — Кажется, что они закончили свою работу.

They seem to have finished their work. — Они, кажется, закончили свою работу.

Упражнение 37. Раскройте скобки, употребив тре- буемую форму инфинитива.

1. The negotiations seem (to be) completed. 2. The enemy seems (to lose) many tanks. 3. This experiment seems (to solve) a very important point. 4. They hap- pened (to be present) at this lecture. 5. I happened (to meet) your brother in Yalta. 6. This fact seems (to be)


  1. Г no actual importance. 7. This new airplane seems (to equip) with two heavy machine guns. 8. He happens (to know) every tiling. 9. The exploring party seems (to

  2. ollect) a great variety of samples. 10. Those people неет (to be) suffering from scurvy for some time. 11. These planes seem (to fly) at a height of not less I lian one thousand meters. 12. These flowers seem (to kill) by frost. 13. These buildings seem (to be badly <liimaged) by fire. 14. The animal seemed (to wound) Hoverely. 15. The room seemed suddenly (to grow) dark. 16. He seems (to paint) a picture. 17. He seems (to paint) a picture already.

Упражнение 38. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I happened to be sitting there. 2. My friend scorned to be laughing. 3. This explanation happens to I"- true. 4. The plan seemed to have the Coast Defense (Commands delayed and if possible break up the leading invasion forces. 5. No one appeared to notice me and my last difficulty seemed overcome. 6. There were one or two people about now, but they did not seem to no- tice me. 7. Thus the conductors supplying an induction motor can each be conceived to be carrying two cur- rents simultaneously. 8. He seemed to have forgotten my presence. 9. My friend seemed to have lost his head entirely. 10. The remainder of the division appears to Imve remained at their posts. 11. The enemy appeared to have obtained some information as to the coming of- i i iisive. 12. He seemed to have been chosen the leader of this party by mutual consent.

Упражнение 39. Раскройте скобки, переведя выра- жения в них на английский язык.

1. This turned out (абсолютно невозможно). 2. Не (оказался) one of the most capable engineers of this


ч 16 упражнений

plant. 3. Our planes (оказались) more than a match for the enemy. 4. The four-seat "air-cruiser" (оказался) a heavy load carrier, it is claimed. Its reaction to spins is reported (сравнимо) to that of other planes. 5. He was the first (кто понял) the enormous importance of their discovery. 6. They were among the last (кто покинул) the hall. 7. He was the first (кто применил) this method in flax-breeding. 8. I shall come (чтобы убе- диться). 9. Be sure (закопать) all local wire lines.

    1. Be sure (приготовить) the report by 10 o'clock.

    2. This job was too profitable (чтобы бросить ее), be- sides giving him the opportunity to conduct research work. 12. His life was too full of adventures (чтобы описать) briefly.

Упражнение 40. Переведите на русский язык.

1. It is too good to be true. 2. But to get on with the story, the weather was fine and there were no clouds in the sky. 3. To begin with, I shall tell you about the first stage of my research. 4. But to return to our discus- sion, the following figures will give you a clear idea of the increase of output for the last quarter. 5. "This is the right thing to do," he answered. 6. This will be a very difficult thing to accomplish. 7. It wasn't the right thing to do. 8. My position was unusual, to say the least. 9. It's very odd, to say the least. 10. The time necessary for the ingredients to dissolve varies consid- erably. 11. This mechanism is provided with special devices for the whole system to function automati- cally. 12. The tendency of the wheels to lift off the ground is lessened by this means. 13. At the end of the operation the slides are all back again in the loading position, leaving big room for the production to be re- moved. 14. The spindle comes to rest automatically and a brake assists in stopping it.


Упражнение 41. Раскройте скобки, используя тре- буемую форму инфинитива.

1. She said she was very anxious for the doctor (to nee) the patient as soon as possible. 2. There was enough time left for him (to catch) the train. 3. They arrived at the moment when the shop was just going (to close). 4. He wouldn't suffer the things (to move) another step. 5. He had ordered his private room (to re- tain) for him. 6. He ordered the guns (to reload). 7. He ays that it has got (to prevent) at any cost, but how is it going (to do)? 8. The children are going (to take) back to town in a few days. 9. I was going (to be) no party in this agreement if I could help it.


She likes reading. — Она любит читать.

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Have you finished eating? 2. I like swimming. 3. Tom likes lying in the sun. 4. The child doesn't like washing. 5. His car needs repairing. 6. Thank you for calling. 7. Let's go fishing. 8. He could work all day not feeling tired. 9. Jane Eyre was fond of reading. 10. He often went hunting. 11. Seeing is believing. 12. They suddenly stopped talking. 13. Your boots want mending. 14. He gave up smoking last year. 15.1 remember seeing this film last year. 16. She regrets leaving us so soon. 17. He disliked being disturbed af- ter dinner. 18. Jane remembered telling us about it. 19. You like reading. 20. We must begin working hard.

Упражнение 2. Дополните предложения, используя герундий подходящего глагола. Используйте сле- дующие глаголы: eat, follow, increase, lend, meet, re- strain, smoke, speak, stay, travel.

1. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to ... the U.S. President. 2. He should be accustomed by now to ... English food. 3. Do you think your father would object to ... me some money? 4. He said he


\\ iiHii't used to ... in public. 5. Having almost run out nf money, we were reduced to ... in a cheap hotel. 6. He i nod to limit himself to ... ten cigarettes a day. 7. Manufacturers were asked to devote all their ener- gifs to ... exports. 8. We shan't be going. My wife 11<>osn't feel up to ... so far. 9. The committee could see no alternative to ... the plan in its original form. 10. The Government set up a Prices and Incomes Board with a view to ... both price rises and wage demands.

Perfect Gerund

без определения: I remember having asked you about it. — Я помню, что спрашивал вас об этом.

с определением: His having done it so well aston- ished everybody. — To, что он сделал это хорошо, удивило всех.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I remembered having seen this picture before. 2. My friend's having decided to leave the city was very strange. 3. My father liked my having given up smoking. 4. He praised her having prepared this les- son so well. 5. Your father's having received the pen- sion solved the problem. 6. She liked my wife's having learned to sing. 7. They disliked our having chosen this trade. 8. Their having done the work saved us much time.

Present Gerund Passive

He was very lucky to escape being sent to prison. Ему очень повезло, что удалось избежать тюрьмы.


Упражнение 4. Найдите герундий и объясните все случаи его употребления.

1.1 heard of the bridge being built. 2. The flowers grew rapidly being watered well. 3. I was informed about his being in town. 4. Excuse my arriving so late. 5. They knew of his having returned to Moscow. 6. She has heard about their being invited. 7. They thought of my having lost a watch. 8. My father was angry at my being late. 9. His being absent at the meeting is easily explained.

Упражнение 5. Переведите текст упражнения 4 на русский язык.

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык и объясните употребление герундия.

1. Whatever you propose doing must be done quickly. 2. The man kept glancing at his watch. 3. See- ing that he had been noticed, the man started running. 4. It is no use trying to look for my purse as I seem to have lost it. 5. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 6. I did not mind giving him this magazine though I was sure he would keep it for a long time. 7. They finished putting everything in order just to catch the last train in time. 8. When they heard this strange noise they stopped talking. 9. He couldn't afford living at such an expensive hotel. 10. I remember hearing something about it. 11. He regrets telling us this very unpleasant news. 12. I intend writing to him tomorrow. 13. His coat wanted mending. 14. He gave up smocking. 15. All this time was taken up answering letters. 16. I went on taking notes as if nothing had happened. 17. He didn't put off visiting the patient as the case seemed urgent. 18. He kept on saying nothing when


I lie horse dealer finished telling him what a wonderful nniinal it was. 19. The professor hated being disturbed in his studies. 20. As he had been living in America for many years he hated being taken for a foreigner.

1. He disliked being suddenly awakened in the middle of the night and taken to persons whose illnesses were purely imaginary.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык.

1. То, что он интересуется этой книгой, совер- шенно естественно. 2. Я ничего не знаю о том, что она едет за границу. 3. Они слышали о том, что г-н М. очень болен. 4. Я знаю о том, что она приехала сюда. 5. То, что она не позвонила мне вчера, очень J странно. 6. Вы ничего не знаете о том, что он изобрел какую-то машину? 7. Извините, что я не пришел вчера.

Герундий с определением

His knowing English well helped him in his work.

Его хорошее знание английского помогло ему в работе.

Her doing homework took her a lot of time. — У нее ушло много времени на то, чтобы сделать до- машнее задание.

Упражнение 8. Переведите на русский язык.

1. His coming so late seemed most unusual. 2. Our studying so well is easily explained. 3. His friend's falling ill upset all his plans. 4. He regretted our in- forming him so late. 5. I liked my son's being fond of sports. 6. Sweeping the floor was one of Jack's duties.


Упражнение 10. Переведите на русский язык, объясняя употребление герундия.

1. Не left without having seen the director. 2. On hearing this she fainted. 3. On finding his purse he was very glad. 4. He convinced us by proving that he had been there. 5. After having repaired the motor we started. 6. In doing so she overturned a chair. 7. Don't go south without consulting your doctor. 8. I cannot tell him such a thing without being rude. 9. By listen- ing attentively she at last understood everything.

7. Giving the girls holidays will please them. 8. His be- coming a captain involved certain responsibilities. 9.1 had not heard of Jane's being ill. 10. This event pre- vented his arriving in time. 11. The terrible cold pre- vented the explorer's penetrating into this region. 12. My not writing this letter caused me much trouble.

Упражнение 9. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Sitting on a park bench was his favorite pastime. 2. Driving a truck in the city is difficult. 3.1 do not ad- vise your seeing him now. 4. I like long walking after dinner. 5. After swimming in the sea they were sun- bathing. 6. I like living in this district. 7. Flowers growing in the garden were very beautiful.

Глаголы, требующие герундий (в качестве прямого дополнения): to avoid, to postpone, to go on, to finish, to delay, to put off, to stop, to give up.

Глаголы, требующие герундий (в качестве косвенного дополнения): to burst out, to deny, to en- joy, to excuse, to keep (on), to mind.


10. On arriving at the station we learnt that the train had already left. 11. They came without being invited. 12. I hurt my friend without knowing. 13. Before go- ing home I talked it over with an engineer. 14. It is im- possible to play football well without practicing every day. 15. I was very sorry on finding him so tired. 16. You will gain nothing by telling lies.

Упражнение 11. Дополните предложения используя глаголы arrive, cry, laugh, lend, listen, lose, make, read, redecorate, speak, support, take, tell, speak, travel, wait.

1. The newspaper's financial editor advised his readers not to buy speculative shares unless they were prepared to risk ... their money. 2. This room will look very cheerful once you've finished ... it. 3.1 wish you wouldn't keep ... me what I already know all too well. 4. It is difficult to see how the company can avoid ... another loss this year. 5. The Prime Minister has stated that the Government does not intend to resume ... supplies of arms to either side. 6. It was so ridicu- lous that I couldn't resist... outright. 7. The secretary asked if I would mind ... for a few minutes. 8. The way to learn a language is to practice ... it as often as pos- sible. 9. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed ... to the speech. 10. When you've finished the book, you can tell me if it's worth ... . 11. The scheme was so im- practicable that I refused even to consider ... it. 12. She was so upset that she couldn't help .... 13. The job will entail your ... to different parts of the country, often at short notice. 14. The teacher said that he wouldn't tolerate my ... late every day. 15. The ques- tion is so trivial, it hardly justifies our ... up any more time discussing it.


Упражнение 12. Замените герундием выделенные курсивом конструкции.

1. Не didn't even acknowledge that he had received the invitation. 2. The witness reported that he had seen a dark saloon car parked outside the bank at the time of the robbery. 3. The accused admitted that he had received the stolen goods. 4. The headmaster sug- gested that I should try my examination again the fol- lowing year. 5. I don't recollect that I actually prom- ised to help you. 6. A group of MPs has advocated that the Government should set up a special commission of inquiry. 7. Do you anticipate that there will be any real problem in getting support? 8. Surely he won't deny that he was there on that occasion. 9. No one doubted that he was sincere in his beliefs. 10. I can't imagine that he would ever agree to such a proposition.

Упражнение 13. Дополните предложения, используя герундиальные конструкции.

1. The public authorities should prohibit ... . 2. I strongly resent your .... 3. It would be unwise to defer ... . 4. It's no good ... You know how he detests ... . 5. If he mentions ..., I shall be able to resist ... . 6. Forgive my ..., but don't you miss ... now that you're living in England? 7. Fancy ... here today! 8. Will the new job involve your ...? 9. Why don't you stop ... if you so dis- like ...? 10.1 can't imagine his ever ... . 11. The magis- trate stated that the court appreciated the man's .... 12. My wife suggested ... for a holiday, but I favored ... instead. 13. We tried to delay his ..., our main con- cern being to prevent him .... 14.1 see no harm in your ... . 15.1 doubt whether the landlord will insist on our ... . 16. How can we be sure of his ...?


Упражнение 14. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он ушел, не оборачиваясь. 2. Услышав эту новость, она немедленно позвонила им. 3. Он лег спать, не окончив своей работы. 4. Мы очень устали, осматривая этот город весь день. 5. Вернувшись домой, я поужинал. 6. Перед уходом отец сказал, что вернется в 7 часов. 7. Он обидел нас, сказав неправду. 8. Мальчик ответил, не поднимая головы.

  1. Вы ничего не добьетесь, не повидавшись с ним.

  2. Установив этот факт (по установлении этого факта), он почувствовал полную уверенность в том, что был прав.

Упражнение 15. Употребите Gerund Passive.

1.1 did not know about he (to send) to England. 2.1 remembered he (to be elected) some months before.


3. Your father (to be given) the money solved the prob- lem. 4. Tom opposed (to be sent) abroad. 5. (to be as- sisted) in work, she was very pleased. 6. (to be helped) by his friend, he managed to finish the work in time.

Упражнение 16. Употребите Present Gerund Passive с определением.

1. We regret his being removed to another plant.

    1. Their being kept so long annoyed him greatly.

    2. This event prevented the ambassador's being in- formed in time. 4. This event prevented his being in- formed by them in time. 5. Her being so well prepared pleased him very much.

Конструкция "герундий с определением, управляемый предлогом"

Упражнение 17. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не insisted on my accepting the offer. 2. He re- ferred to our having come to an agreement. 3. The dis- cussion ended with our coming to an agreement.

    1. Martha earns a living by painting. 5. I am aston- ished at your putting it that way. 6 You really have no excuse for your not answering my letters. 7. There were many reasons for his having acted in this man- ner. 8. He spoke about their being prevented from com- ing. 9. This process of mounting the equipment proved very ineffective, and therefore the manager objected to its being applied in this case. 10. He objected to my being appointed to this post. 11.1 am surprised at see- ing you.


Упражнение 18. Раскройте скобки, используя герундий.

1. We regret we (to trouble) you. 2. I remember he (to call) on me. 3. We could excuse he (to forget) his promise. 4. I hate she (to return) alone in the dark. 5. Stop (to talk)! 6. They ignored we (to criticize) them.

      1. My sister (to work) at the mill helps us a great deal.

      2. These circumstances, taken together, prevented we (to see) the matter in its proper light. 9. The fading light prevented we (to see) anything at all. 10. The se- vere cold prevented the explorer (to penetrate) into that region. 11. His burden prevented he (to shut) the door behind him. 12. It's no good you (to sit and look) as though I had done murder. 13. My brother (to do) nothing caused me much anxiety. 14. "I don't mind (to be teased) by you," he said, smiling at her.

Упражнение 19. Раскройте скобки, используя ге- рундий.

1. Не ignored we (to be detained) at the office.

        1. They (to repair) the lathe saved us much time.

        2. But do what he would he could not prevent the door (to be opened) to its utmost width. 4. The length of life of any mechanism depends upon it (to be) kept in or- der. 5. The functioning of this device depends upon it (to be well lubricated). 6. You (to call) on him set the matter right. 7. Her husband (to meet) me made every- thing easy. 8. She liked my wife (to learn) to sing.

      1. They disliked we (to choose) this trade. 10. He keenly regretted he (to place) himself in so awkward a situation. 11. He (to be asked) to accept this post was welcome by everybody. 12. Our conversation was cut short by we (to arrive) at the station. 13. That night he was greatly astonished at his son (to come) home so


      1. late. 14. His father was opposed to he (to go) abroad. 15. These circles were totally opposed to we (to inter- vene) in the conflict. 16. Our journey ended with we (to be requested) to return to N. immediately. 17. The po- liceman couldn't swear to (to see) the accused man at the scene of the crime. 18. There's one thing I dislike about him: he will never admit to (to make) a mistake.

Предлог of и герундий (основные варианты перевода на русский язык):

the season of ripening — сезон созревания (р. п., сущ. в функции определения);

the way of speaking — манера говорить (неоп- ределенная форма).

Упражнение 20. Переведите на русский язык.

1. There are many ways of travelling from place to place. 2. The method of testing is the best of all known. 3. Pedestrians are required crossing the road at the special places. 4. The problem of producing the chemi- cal is the old equipment. 5. The season of fishing is short in this area. 6. The opportunity of meeting such a good specialist made him stay at work for extra two hours. 7. His manner of speaking made understanding him almost impossible. 8. He thinks of going to Mos- cow. 9. She is fond of dancing. 10. He answered me without looking up. 11. On hearing this tragic news, she fainted. 12. He knew of our coming here.

Упражнение 21. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не is capable of doing anything. 2. She is inca- pable of telling the truth. 3. I am fond of dancing.


4. She was aware of his listening at the door. 5. She is fond of being much talked about. 6. This car should be capable of being driven at the speed of 260 km per hour. 7. He left for Paris with the purpose of studying music. 8. Instead of getting up he again went to sleep. 9. At last he got tired of waiting for her. 10. There is not the slightest chance of his being elected. 11.1 know of his learning English. 12. We learned of their having gone to the North.

Герундиальные обороты, перевод которых может оказаться затруднительным

Упражнение 22. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не could not help laughing. 2. She could not help crying. 3. I don't mind sitting here. 4. He didn't mind waiting for her. 5. Do you mind my smoking? 6. Do you mind my asking you some questions? 7. Excuse my coming so late. 8. Fancy her being an actress! 9. Fancy his marrying her! 10. She was busy preparing dinner. 11. We were busy answering (telephone) calls. 12. This is worth seeing. 13. This is worth doing. 14. It is no use arguing with him. 15. It is no use trying! 16. By way of helping him I offered him some money. 17. There is no knowing what may happen. 18. There is no telling what he will do. 19. As for going with you, it is out of the question.

Упражнение 23. Образуйте герундий, используя гла- голы в скобках.

1. She said she was afraid of (to return) home alone. 2. When a boy he was very fond of (to skate). 3. Instead of (to send) him away, she kept he (to wait) for 2 hours.


4. This method of (to test) requires very careful ma- chining. 5. He said he was contemplating the possibil- ity of (to accept) this offer. 6. This was the only means of (to remind) his companion that there was nothing else to be done. 7. He could not resist the temptation of (to listen) to their conversation. 8. He was in the habit of (to sit) up late. 9. He told us about his intention of (to go) abroad. 10. I'm sure I had the satisfaction of (to listen) to your report last year. 11. She seemed to be delighted at the thought of (to see) him again. 12. She suddenly expressed the desire (intention) of (to go) home. 13. At first he had no desire of (to become) a writer. 14. I wished to see if there was a chance of (to get) what I wanted. 15. There was a slight hope of (to make) him accept this proposal. 16. The minister ac- cepted me proposal to call a conference only in the event of these direct negotiations (to break) off. 17. He thought this fact worthy of (to be) noted down.

Конструкция "предлог of + пассивный ге- рундий" широко используется в технической литературе.

Упражнение 24. Переведите на русский язык.

1. In the process of the equipment being tested de- fective items were replaced. 2. In the process of as- sembling the car tuning of the engine was made. 3. While being tested the racing car's new suspension proved to be better than the old one. 4. When the metal being put into certain liquids it produces gases. 5. The gun should be capable of being rapidly moved. 6. The process of annealing has been greatly improved lately . 7. A new process of welding high quality steels has been recently patented.


Конструкция "предлог of + герундий" широко используется в разговорной речи.

Упражнение 25. Составьте предложения, используя указанные выражения.

1. The pleasure of meeting ... . 2. The opportunity of seeing ... . 3. The purpose of comparing ... . 4. The way of speaking ... . 5. The danger of losing .... 6. The way of travelling....

Конструкция "предлог of + герундий", если предлог of имеет значение "о", "об" (часто после глаголов to think, to speak, to hear to know и др.) на русский язык обычно переводится инфини- тивом с союзными словами "о том, что", "о том, чтобы".

Упражнение 26. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не never thought of marrying her. 2. He never thought of my marrying her. 3.1 know nothing of their being offered this job. 4. We heard of his having been awarded the order. 5. Last night he spoke of going to the theatre. 6. We talked of his being sent abroad. 7. He told us about his having bought a car. 8. Every- body knows of his book being published.

При переводе на русский язык конструкции "любой предлог + герундий" следует уделять особое внимание значению предлогов. Средства передачи этой конструкции очень разнообразны.


Упражнение 27. Переведите на русский язык.

1. This scale is also used for determining the angle of elevation. 2. This device is widely used in welding. 3. He insisted on going with us. 4. He was greatly as- tonished at being offered this post. 5. The boy per- sisted in saying that he had told the truth. 6. The snow-storm prevented us from going out. 7. She suc- ceeded in getting rid of him. 8. I had much pleasure in accepting your invitation. 9. He was far from agree- ing. 10. On his arrival at the station, he was surprised at seeing her.

Упражнение 28. Дополните предложения, используя герундий.

Пример: I wish you'd do something to help, instead of... .

I wish you'd do something to help, instead of standing there giving advice.

1. The government was unable to make any prom- ises about ... .2. There are many difficulties involved in .... 3. You must be tired of .... 4. The boy was se- verely reprimanded for ... . 5. The public were warned of the dangers of .... 6. He doesn't take any interest in .... 7. You seem to be very fond of .... 8. The soldier was court martialled for ... . 9. Miners are always warned against ... . 10. Who is responsible for ...? 11. The answer to the housing problem seems to Me in ... . 12. You ought to think about ..., instead of ... . 13. This new scheme goes a long way towards .... 14. I would never think of ... . 15. They saw no reason for not.... 16. Far from ..., this agreement will help in ... .


Упражнение 29. Дополните предложения, используя герундий.

1. My doctor advised me to give up .... 2. We had to put off ... . 3. That company specializes in ... . I. People should be asked to refrain from .... 5.1 must apologize for ... . 6. The judge was accused of not ... . 7. He prides himself on .... 8.1 told him not to bother about.... 9. We had to put up with .... 10. The teacher decided against ... . 11. On ..., he took off his hat. 12. We asked a solicitor for advice before ... . 13. By ..., he ran the risk of ... . 14. After ..., the customer left the shop without.... 15. In spite of ..., the swim- mer succeeded in ... . 16. By ..., the student improved liis chances of ... .

Предложные герундиальные обороты в фун- кции обстоятельств переводятся деепричастным оборотом или обстоятельственным придаточным предложением. Типичные предлоги after (после), before (перед), by (путем), on, upon (когда, после), in (имеет значение в процессе совершения дей- ствия), without (без).

Упражнение 30. Переведите на русский язык.

1.1 lost much time in looking for her. 2. On coming home, he found a man waiting for him there. 3. He in- sisted on learning the truth. On learning the truth he got very angry. 4. By cutting all expenses, he suc- ceedecLin making ends meet. 5. This is achieved by cut- ting the cylinder in two. 6. On being requested to pro- duce his pass, the man tried to run away. 7. She an- swered me without turning her head. 8. He came with- out being invited.


Упражнение 31. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму герундия.

1. Не asked us to assist him in (to carry) out these plans. 2. I never met his equal for (to make) trouble. 3. Care should be taken to prevent grease from (to come) in contact with the brake lining. 4.1 was for (to punish) the guilty but (to let) the innocent go. 5. He was set on (to get) to the place you spoke of. 6. He at last succeeded in (to discover) the source of this phe- nomenon. 7. I shall not lend my hand to (to bring) about what you desire so much. 8. The ambassador turned away, after (to film). 9. I am far from (to sat- isfy) by this statement. 10. After having carefully con- sidered this question, they thought of (to set up) a spe- cial commission. 11. He is very keen on (to win) the bet. 12. What's wrong about (to ring) him up? 13. This difficulty was solved by (to cut) the block in half. 14.1 was no good (to ask) any of the crowd we met. 15. At last we found the bridge by (to ask) a soldier.

Герундий глагола to be (вследствие неупотреб- ления в русском языке глагола "быть" в настоя- щем времени, за исключением значения пребы- вания, нахождения, герундиальные обороты с герундием часто переводятся на русский язык придаточным предложением).

Упражнение 32. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I did not hear of her being on leave. 2. The pilot greatly increased the speed without our being aware of it. 3. This alloy has the advantage of being rust- proof. 4. The young man was polite without being ob-


trusive. 5. He had the reputation of being one of the most clever diplomats of his day. 6. This gave her the appearance of being a middle-aged woman.

Perfect Gerund глагола to be обычно пере- водится придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого стоит в прошедшем времени.

Упражнение 33. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не spoke of his having been here before. 2. I knew of her having been an actress. 3. They told us about their having bought a house. 4. He was proud of his having met this famous writer. 5. They spoke of his having done the work fine. 6. We learned of his having been awarded.

Упражнение 34. Переведите с русского на англий- ский, используя герундий.

1. Его присутствие в такой необычный час очень нас удивило. 2. Мы не возражаем против того, что он находится с ними. 3. Он был примерно среднего роста, но худоба его тела и длина его ног придавали ему вид более высокого человека. 4. Репутация профессора, как ведущего авторитета в его отрасли науки была им хорошо заслужена. 5. Для него было облегчением не чувствовать симптомов того, что он болен. 6. Он постоянно боится, что не сможет закончить работу вовремя. 7. Как только он вошел в дом, у него было неприятное ощущение, что он находится в тюрьме. 8. Они были в ужасе от того, что не могли сесть на поезд. 9. Она гордилась, что первая закончила задание. 10. Я не мог понять,

какой у него был мотив, чтобы находиться здесь. 11. Я знал о том, что он присутствовал на конфе- ренции. 12. Он потерял свой единственный шанс, будучи невнимательным. 13. Мы не слышали о том, что вы были на юге. 14. Он поздравил себя с тем, что встал рано, когда увидел красоту этого утра.

Герундий глагола to have часто переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.

Упражнение 35. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не insisted on having a copy of this letter. 2.1 did not know of her having a brother. 3. He left without having any definite idea of where he was going. 4. I heard of their having had a good time. 5. He had to leave suddenly. 6. He regrets having to leave sud- denly. 7.1 am astonished at your having nothing to do. 8. He had the letter typed. 9. I thought of having the letter typed by 5 o'clock but changed my mind. 10. She informed the chief of having typed the letter. 11. He spoke of having the typewriter repaired.

Упражнение 36. Переведите с русского на англий- ский, используя герундий.

1. Он сожалеет, что должен уйти так неожиданно. 2. Вместо того чтобы защищать границу протяжен- ностью более 500 миль, они смогли сконцентриро- ваться на защите границы в 250 миль под защитой грозной крепости. 3. Он находил большое удобство в том, что о нем кто-то заботится. 4. Гаубица отли- чается от пушки тем, что имеет более высокую тра- екторию и меньшую начальную скорость. 5. Никто


не может помешать тебе иметь собственный путь. 6. Вы можете решить, что вы предложите делать, но вы не можете заставить наших представителей слушать вас. 7. Он отклонил мое приглашение на том основании, что у него есть срочные дела, где он должен присутствовать. 8. Он не думал о молодом человеке, который гордился тем, что он ассистирует ему. 9. Я был совершенно уверен в возможности попасть в беду, при всех других возможных условиях. 10. Всегда был шанс, что ему найдут синекуру его друзья по колледжу.

Упражнение 37. Переведите на английский язык, передавая инфинитивные и деепричастные обороты и придаточные предложения герундиальными конструкциями.

1. Она внезапно перестала говорить. 2. Они не любили, чтобы им задавали вопросы. 3. Почему Вы не бросаете курить? 4. Продолжайте читать! 5. Я никогда не любил (to like) кататься на коньках. 6. Я предпочитаю (prefer) пойти в кино. 7. Он не выносит (he can't stand), чтобы его беспокоили (disturb) во время обеда. 8. Когда вы начали играть в хоккей?

  1. Что она предпочитает (intend) делать вечером?

  2. Эту статью стоит (to be worth) прочесть. 11. Сна- чала у нее и мысли не было (idea of) о том, чтобы написать книгу. 12. Они знали, что существует опасность (danger of) заболеть. 13. Нет риска в том, что вы сюда приедете. 14. У нее нет шансов по- лучить (obtain) это место в министерстве. 15. То, что она учится в институте, меня сильно удивляет. 16. Их обвиняют (accuse of) в совершении (commit) убийства (murder).


Упражнение 38. Переведите на английский язык, передавая инфинитивные и деепричастные обороты и придаточные предложения герундиальными конструкциями.

1. Просматривая этот журнал, я нашел одну очень интересную статью. 2. Он знал, что мне пред- ложили (offer) этот пост. 3. Он поблагодарил меня за то, что я принесла эту газету. 4. Я устал от того, что мне нечего делать. 5. Нельзя сказать с уверенно- стью, что может произойти (happen). 6. Ты ушла, не взглянув на меня. 7. Они говорили (о том), что вернутся очень скоро. 8. Я помню, что я слушал эту симфонию в прошлом году. 9. Директор настаивает (insist on) на том, чтобы они закончили эту работу? 10. Я слышал о том, что она больна. 11. Он видел (be aware of), что вы стоите у двери. 12. Я слышал, что вы хорошо провели время (have a good time). 13. Он собирался уезжать (to be on the point of), когда ты позвонила ему. 14. Ты удивил меня, рассказав мне об этом. 15. Он один виноват в том, что забыл день нашей встречи. 16. Я поблагодарил его за то, что он принес этот журнал.


Образование Present Participle:

to do (без to) + -ing = doing — делающий, делая to stand (без to) + -ing = standing — стоящий, стоя to take (без to) 4- -ing = taking — берущий, беря to sit (без to) + -ing = sitting — сидящий, сидя

Упражнение 1. Образуйте причастие настоящего времени.

То drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.

Упражнение 2. Переведите причастия на английский язык.

Делающий, читающий, рисующий, пишущий, плывущий, считая, бегая, прыгая, играя, поющий, летающий, открывающий, едущий, идущий, броса- ющий.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The man calling me is my old friend. 2. This is an article describing the battle in Flanders. 3. Going home, I met my friend. 4. As the sun was setting, we returned


home, 5. They were sitting on the bench. 6. She is dancing with Peter. 7. The rising moon flooded the room with light. 8. She comforted the crying child. 9. He stood watching the match. 10. Moving forward I touched her hand. 11. Being in town he visited his friend. 12. Returning from the club I met Sir Brown. 13. While studying at the institute I read a lot of books. 14. Being in town he came to see me.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мужчина, покупающий это кресло, — мой сосед. 2. Старая женщина, стоящая возле автобус- ной остановки, ждет свою внучку. 3. Плачущий мальчик мешал пассажирам. 4. Вчера в газете была статья, описывающая историю города. 5. Она стоя- ла, наблюдая за играющими детьми, 6. Человек, сидящий на скамейке, пьет сок. 7. Выходя из дома, его жена не выключила телевизор. 8. Он стоял, рассматривая витрину. 9. Возвращаясь домой, он вспомнил, что не отправил важное письмо. 10. Он смотрел на танцующую девушку. 11. Полная жен- щина, стоящая у окна, — его бабушка. 12. Это вагон для курящих. 13. Входя в здание театра, он понял, что спектакль еще не начался. 14. Елена вошла в комнату, оставив дверь открытой. 15. Мальчик, слушающий музыку в соседней комнате, — друг моей сестры. 16. Ложась спать, девочка вспомнила, что не сделала задание по математике.


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