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Вопрос 43 The great vowel Shift

Include ME long vowels which were monophtongonized.

General case:

i: > ai /ri:den/ > /raid/ ride, ė: > i: /sle:pen/ > /sli:p/ sleep, ę: > e: > i: /mę:l / > /me:l/ > /mi:l/ meal, a: > ae: > ei /na:m/ > /neim/, ò: (о-долгое открытое) > ou /ro:d/ > /roud/, ǒ: (о-долгое закрытое) > u: /mo:n/ > /mu:n/, u: > au /hu:s/ > /haus/.

There is a contraction(сужение) and push out (вытеснение) of vowels i: and u:, which became diphthongs, e: and o: have taken their place.

Spelling (Orthography): - “ee”: - “ea”, ò: - “ou”: - “oa” (See/sea; meet/meat - the spelling explaince a condition of16 century, and the end of a phase of merge(слияние):it: is 17 century.).

Great, steak, break -: ę: turn into ei. The basic result of this shift is reduction of number of vowel phonemes due to reduction of number of long vowels.

i:-------u:, ė:-----ò:, ę:---ǒ:, a:.

The Great Vowd Shift {14-18 cc). 1 theory - 15-17 century, 2-nd - 16-18 century, in 18 century - rhymes and орфоэпические texts. Historian G.S.Uajld at dating started with an illiterate writing. Bleynd (blind), credyll (cradle) in XV century. On the basis of some similar spelling it dates the beginning of the shift of vowels to 14 century – the beginning of. 15 century, and the end of merge /ė:/ и /ę:/ с /i:/ from ME. /e:/ - концом XVI в.

Some theories explains ВСГ -

1.push-chain. Все началось с e: и o: . Они стали «push out» narrow.

2.drag-chain Узкие ушли в дифтонги и потянули(drag) за собой монофтонги.

But: Both theory shows that: 1. In this chain it became tight (тесно). 2. At first the narrow monophtongs have gone (ушли) and more wide have taken their place.




[i:] – [ai]





Kepen [e]-keep[i:]



Maken[a:] – make [ei]









Mous – mouse




Вопрос 42 The evolution of analytical forms.

In OE there were no analytical forms; they appeared in ME in all Germanic langs and consisted of two elements; 1) a verb of broad semantics (to be, to have) and high frequency; 2) non-finite forms (inf., PI/II). They are Perfect Passive. Future, Cont, Do-forms.

The rise of Perfect forms

1.habbant (transitive verb)/ beon (intransiuve verb) +PII

beon in ME ceased(прекращает) to be used not to confuse Perfect withPassive. 2. In ME also inf. and Participle acquired(преобритать) Perfect forms.

The rise of Passive forms

1. beon/ weorÞ (died out in ME) от переходных глаголов +PII. The Pass. Inf., consisting of beon plus Part. II, is found in OE texts. В с-а гл weorÞan уходит из употребления. Остается 1 глагол д/выражения пассива - bēon. Форма глагола "быть" утратила свое лексич значение. 2.Passive constructions were often used with prepositions by/with to show the doer(исполнитель) of the action and the instrument. В с-а предлог "by" еще не употреблялся (только в конце р-н-а), а были of, from, mid, with, through.

The rise of the Future forms

1. Analytical Future Tense forms developed from OE verbs Sculan/willan"+inf. 2. 13-14 cent. — Future Tense forms became very common "willan/scullan were completely interchangeable.(взаимозамен-й)

3.17lb cent. John Wales established rule - 'shall" – first person, will" - 2/3 person 4.present day tendency “will” is used with ail(нездоровый) persons

The rise of the Continuous Forms OE "beon" +PI - denoted a quality of a lasting(продолж-й) state of the subject. ME in ME this form fell into disuse. NE in the NE there were two forms to show continuous aspect (be+PI/ be +preposition "on"). In the 18 cent. Cont. forms were well established(принята). 19th cent - Cont. forms appear in Passive*, before this time such forms were considered clumsy and a grammatical.

The rise of the do-forms1. do-forms (do-periphrasis) appeared in Past and Present in Indicative Mood. 2. do-forms were used in negative, affirmative(положит-й) and interrogative scents and freely interchanged with simple forms - without do (16-17 cent) (ex. Did you hear this/ Heard you this? don't know/ I know not; I do like ice ­cream/ I like ice-cream) 3. 17 cent, do-forms only in negative and interrogative sents.

В р-на период развивается употреб­ление глагола do как вспомогательного. В XVI — XVII вв. формы настоящего и прошедшего време­ни часто образуются из сочетания «do + инфинитив». 18в. Do как вспом.глагол сохранился лишь там, где он получал доп.грамм.значение: 1)для образования отриц.формы глагола 2) для образования вопросит.формы глагола 3) для образования эмфатической формы глагола.

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