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3. Read the article and check your answers to 2.

Born: 1980 Height: lm 72 Weight: 51 kg Hometown: London

Job: Snowboarder and model

Charlotte Dutton has two jobs. Half the year she's a top model in Europe, and the other half she's a professional snowboarder in Canada. Here she talks about the problems of having two careers.

'I love modelling and snowboarding,' she says, 'but I have to be two different people! You need muscles to be a snowboarder, but you have to be slim to be a model. When I'm modelling I can't eat anything fattening. But in the mountains it's freezing, so you have to eat protein, cakes and chocolate. For the jumps and turns, you have to be strong. Snowboarding is sometimes dangerous, and I often fall. But I have to be careful because I can't break my leg and then go to Paris to model the best skirts. It's funny -half the year I have to wear warm baggy clothes and a crash helmet. Then I go to Europe for a season, and I have to wear beautiful designer clothes.'

Does she want to be a top international model or an Olympic snowboarder? The answer is she wants to do both ... but when she's much older, she dreams of living in a bakery and eating cakes all day!

4. Imagine you could do two jobs. Which two jobs would you like to do? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

5. Work with a partner. The beginnings and ends of these sentences are mixed up. Rearrange them to make realistic sentences.

a) A snowboarder can work from home.

b) A DJ has to have very clean hands.

c) A writer has to wear a crash helmet.

d) A tourist guide can't eat fattening food.

e) A model has to know a lot of history.

f) A cook doesn't have to get up early in the morning.

For example: A snowboarder has to wear a crash helmet.

6. Work with a partner. Complete the interviews with can, can't, have to or don't have to.

Interview A

Interviewer: Cherry Tree, your new film is a big hit. How do you feel?

C: I feel terrible.

I: Sorry?

C: I feel terrible, because I hate being famous. It's boring. I(1) go to parties.

I (2) ___ sign autographs.

I: But you're ...

C: I (3) ___ wear make-up all day. I (4) ___ kiss Brad Pitt.

I: Oh deah. That's terrible. But you're rich now. You (5) ___ buy anything you want.

C: Yes, but there are photographers everywhere. I (6) ___ walk down the street.

I (7) ___ go shopping. I (8) ___ go clubbing and I (9) ___ have a private life.

I: Well, why did you make the film?

C: And I (10) ___ answer stupid questions!

Interview В

Interviewer: Max Nova, can you answer a few questions?

M: Sure, no problem.

I: Your film is a big success. How do you feel?

M: I feel fantastic. I love being rich, and I love being famous!

I: Now that you're rich and famous, is your life very different?

M: Oh yeah, very different. I (1) ___ worry about money any more. I (2) ___ buy anything I want I (3) ___ buy a new can I (4) ___ buy a big house. I (5) ___ travel first class ... and I (6) ___ meet some very interesting people.