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III. Complete the following sentences:

1. When you want to buy something ..: 2. There are different kinds of shops in our city: ... 3. A department store is divided-into-several departments:... 4. In the men's clothing department you can find... 5. In the women's clothing department you can choose ... 6. After you have chosen the thing you ... 7. If you need a jacket or a pullover you can go to... 8. Shoes are sold at... 9. In a supermarket you can buy ... to. The greengrocery is stocked by ... 11. At a dairy you can buy ...

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

Ass: Can I help you?

Cust: No, it's alright. Thanks, I'm just looking.

Ass: Have a look around then. May be you would like something in our shop.

Cust: (in some minutes) I like this navy-blue jacket very much. Can I try it on?

Ass: Certainly. The fitting room is in the right-hand comer.

Cust: Oh, it suits me very well, doesn't it?

Ass: That's a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern fashion.

Cust: How much is it?

Ass: $ 55. English clothes are really of good value. They are so well-made.

Cust: All right. I can afford the price.

Dialogue 2:

Ass: Can I help you?

Cust: Yes please. I would like to have something from this shopping list.

Ass: Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three items you ask for: butter, milk and cheese.

Cust: Two packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk, please.

Ass: Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk.

Cust: Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham, minced meat and beef sausages?

Ass: They are all sold at the butcher's.

Cust: And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here?

Ass: I'm afraid we don't You should try the shop next door for the cigarettes.

Dialogue 3:

Cust: Hello. I'm looking for a pullover. Can you show me one?

Ass: Certainly, madam. What kind of pullover do you want?

Cust: A woolen one. Medium size.

Ass: How about this one? It's very attractive.

Cust: Yes, but it's too thick.

Ass: How about this yellow one?

Cust: Oh, it's quite nice but it's too short and I don't like the colour.

Ass: What colour do you want?

Cust: I think blue or brown will do.

Ass: Well, we have some pullovers of that colour. Here they are, which one do you like best?

Cust: Can I try this brown one?

Ass: Of course, madam... Oh, it fits you perfectly. It's exactly your size.

Cust: Yes, but I don't think it suits me. Can I try that blue one? It matches the colour of my eyes.

Ass: Which one? The dark blue or the light blue?

Cust: Light blue suits me better. But you see it's too long. Can I try another one?

Ass: May be this one is what you need. The price is 25 pounds.

Cust: Good heavens! That's a lot of money.

Ass: Nowadays that's cheap, madam.

Cust: No, it's too expensive for me. I'll look for something less expensive.

Ass: Unfortunately, we can't offer you exactly what you want. The colour, size, material, price are all wrong. Try another shop, please.

Cust: Good-bye, then.

Ass: That's right. But you'd better go to a big supermarket next time. You'll find everything there.

Cust: Thank you very much. It was very kind of you to explain me all that. I'm a foreigner here and I'm not accustomed to your service and prices yet.