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Vocabulary 2a

touching/ to touch – трогательный/трогать

striking/ to strike (struck, stricken) – потрясающий/потрясать

scaring/ to scare – пугающий/ пугать

shocking/ to shock – шокирующий/ шокировать

exciting/ to excite – волнующий/ волновать

fascinating/ to fascinate – увлекательный/ увлекать (завораживать)

boring/ to bore – скучный/наводить скуку

disgusting – отвратительный

funny – забавный, смешной

senseless – бессмысленный

marvelous – великолепный

impressive/ to impress – впечатляющий, впечатлить

to produce a good (bad/ no) impression on smb – произвести хорошее (плохое/никакого) впечатление (-я) на кого-то

It (he, she, etc.) is worth seeing (listening to, etc.) – Это (его, ее..) стоит увидеть (услышать и т.п.)

the plot/the story of a film ( a book) – сюжет фильма (книги)

the plot of the film goes around… – главная идея фильма …

to take place – происходить, разворачиваться где-то

actor/actress – актер/актриса

leading (starring) actor/actress – актеры, исполняющие главную роль

to star in a film – играть главную роль в фильме, предоставлять главную роль (о режиссере)

director of a film/ producer of the show

costumes –

scene, episode –

special effects –

to last several hours – продолжаться в течение нескольких часов

to release a new album (film, etc.) – выпустить новый альбом (фильм, и т.д.)

to shoot (shot, shot) a film, to record a musical album – снять фильм, записать альбом

Text 2. Writing a Review

a) Before reading answer the questions:

What do you like best: theatre or cinema? Why? Do you often go to the cinema (theatre)?

What was the last film (theatrical performance) you saw? Did you like it or not?

b) Read two opinions on the film “Titanic”. Find out which of the authors liked the film and which didn’t, and why.

“I heard about this film from my friend. He said it’s worth watching because it had been awarded so many Oscars for actors’ play, directing, music and of course – the special effects. The director of the film – James Cameron is said to be the king of special effects and that is true, in my opinion. I have never thought that a model ship – and I heard that in reality Cameron had sunk not a real cruise-ship, but a model – could look so real. These episodes when the ship was slowly going under water were truly scaring and shocking. The actor’s playing was also wonderful and so expressive. Cameron starred really marvelous actors in his film: all the audience were crying all together compassioning the poor lovers who lost their chance for happiness because of this catastrophe. The scenario had been written by a master too: the film lasted over two hours but I was never bored. The dialogues were lively; all the scenes had been thought through so as to hold the attention of the viewer up to the end. I liked the costumes too: the beautiful dresses of the main heroine – the part played by Kate Winslet especially. So I anybody asks my advice, I will strongly recommend to see this film.”

“Go watch this film only if you are a sentimental girl whose favourite occupation is reading silly sentimental love-stories, crying over different silly “poor things” who have nothing to do but fall in love with inappropriate people, and then suffer because they can never be together. Well, to be fair enough, I should say that Cameron, the film-director, has done a really great job – his film is really epic because of all this strikingly real scenes of the ship sinking. This view was really impressive. And the sound-track is also good. But the actors starring in the film didn’t produce any special impression on me. So frankly speaking I was bored and glad when this long film ended finally. If you ask me, I would never go to see this film again.”

c) In the reviews the authors used different words that show their attitude to the film. Find them all.

d) Here are some expressions that can help you to express your feelings about or your attitude to a show, a film, a book or a situation.

touching, scaring, shocking, disgusting, funny, senseless, boring, exciting, fascinating, incredible, marvelous

Make up your own examples with these words.

Model 1: “Yesterday I saw a film “Romeo and Juliette”. It was so touching – I cried about the poor lovers all night”.

e) Try to remember a film you have recently seen. Discuss your impressions about it with your partner – speak about acting, voices, staging, the set, the costumes, the music and the characters. Say what struck or fascinated you most of all.

to strike (struck, stricken) to touch to make smb laugh to shock to surprise to fascinate

Model 2: “What struck me most about this film was that they both died in the end.”

f) Read the dialogues below. Pay attention to the following ways to express your attitude to what your partner is saying:

Unbelievable! (Невероятно!), You must be kidding (joking)!, (Да ты шутишь!), Really? (В самом деле?), Sure! (Конечно!), Good idea! (Отличная идея!), Agreed (Договорились), Totally agree (Полностью согласен), (Have) no objections (Не возражаю)