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1. Find English equivalents in the text for the following

word combinations:

определение координат и азимутов из наблюдений светил;

раздел астрономии; решение экономических и практических задач;

неотъемлемая часть съемки; поверхность земли; чтобы определить

широту и долготу; необходимо знать; момент наблюдения; местное

время; астрономический пункт; геодезические и гравиметрические

определения; обеспечить исходные данные; главная геодезическая

сеть; фигура земли; объем крупномасштабных съемок возрастает;

восстанавливаются геодезические пункты; с помощью астрономических

наблюдений; методы геодезической астрономии; определять

координаты искусственных спутников Земли.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is astrogeodesy?

2. What is its significance?

3. What are the purposes of astrofixes?

4. What is necessary to set latitude, longitude and azimuth?

5. What is an astronomical point?

6. What data are provided by astrofixes?

7. Why were astronomical fixations necessary in remote regions?

8. How are bearing angles detected?

9. In what fields are the methods of astrogeodesy utilized?

10. What is important for geodetic coverage of engineering works?

3. Translate into English:

1. Астрономогеодезия включает в себя способы определения геоде-

зических координат и азимутов из наблюдений светил.

2. Астрономогеодезия изучает также приборы, с помощью которых

производятся астрономические определения.

3. Азимуты Лапласа - это геодезические азимуты сторон

триангуляции, полученные из астрономических наблюдений.

4. Азимуты Лапласа являются средством контроля измерений в астро-

номогеодезической сети.

5. Методы астрономогеодезии применяются в космических иссле-

дованиях и прикладной геодезии.

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Word list

genesis возникновение

propagation распространение

property свойство

data processing обработка данных

reflection отражение

refraction преломление

development достижение (зд.)

invention изобретение

frequency частота

retrieval поиск, извлечение (данных)

emergence появление

to govern регулировать, управлять

to involve влечь за собой, включать

to succeed удаваться

to derive вывести (зд.)

to resurrect восстановить; вернуться (зд.)

to emit испускать, излучать

to provide давать, обеспечивать

to usher in открывать

to attribute (to) приписывать, относить к чему-либо

compatible совместимый

minute мельчайший

discrete отдельный

coupled with в соединении с

appreciably заметно, ощутимо


Optics is a science concerning with the genesis and

propagation of light, the changes that it undergoes and produces,

and other phenomena closely associated with it. There are two

major branches of optics: physical and geometrical. Physical

optics deals primarily with the nature and properties of light

itself. Geometrical optics has to do with the principles that

govern the image-forming properties of lenses, mirrors, and other

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devices that make use of light. It also includes optical data

processing, which involves the manipulation of the information

content of an image formed by coherent optical systems.

The ancient Greeks and Arabs had some knowledge of the

nature and properties of light. The foundations of the science of

optics, however, were not established until the 17th century.

During the early 1600s Galileo Galilei constructed the first

telescopes that could be employed for astronomical observation.

In the 1650s the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat succeeded

in deriving the law of refraction from a principle attributed to

the Greek geometer Hero of Alexandria (1st century AD), according

to which reflected light traverses the shortest distance between

two points compatible with meeting the reflecting surface. By the

end of the century the Dutch mathematician-physicist Christian

Huygens provided a mechanical explanation of reflection and

refraction in his (1690; Treatise on Light) related light to wave

motion. In 1704 Isaac Newton published his Optics.

Newton's views, especially his particle theory of light,

came to dominate scientific thought for more than a century,

completely overshadowing Huygens' contributions.

During the early 1800s Thomas Young, an English physician

and physicist, resurrected the wave theory of light. This

conception held sway among the next several generations of

investigators, including the British physicist James Clerk

Maxwell, whose electromagnetic theory of light (1864) is

generally considered the foremost achievement of classical


The groundwork for modern optics was laid by the

introduction of quantum theory at the turn of the century. The

theory, proposed in 1900 by Max Plank of Germany, explained that

radiant energy is emitted in discrete units, or quanta. In 1905

Albert Einstein extended this idea of light and demonstrated

that, in the photoelectric effect, light behaves as though all of

its energy were concentrated in minute particles later called

photons. Einstein's finding, coupled with the electromagnetic

theory, led to the present-day view that light behaves like waves

in certain situations and like particles in others.

Two major developments, the emergence of communication and

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information theory in the 1950s and invention of the laser in the

early 1960s, ushered in a new era in optics.


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