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И.В. Никонова

Л.М. Никулина

А.Г. Новицкая

Л.Н. Терехова

О.В. Юрьева

Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английском языке

(для студентов СГГА)



ББК 81.2 Англ.- 99

С 26

Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс-

ком языке (для студентов СГГА)/Никонова И.В., Никулина Л.М., Но-

вицкая А.Г., Терехова Л.Н., Юрьева О.В.- Новосибирск: СГГА, 2000.

- 40 с.

Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс-

ком языке (для студентов СГГА) составлены доцентом кафедры иност-

ранных языков СГГА Никулиной Л.М., старшими преподавателями Нико-

новой И.В., Тереховой Л.Н., преподавателями кафедры Новииц-

кой А.Г., Юрьевой О.В. и утверждены на заседании кафедры иност-

ранных языков 3 июля 1999.

Данные методические разработки представляют собой сборник

устных тем для развития монологической и диалогической речи на

английском языке. Информативная насыщенность текстов позволит

расширить кругозор студентов, углубит их знания о специальностях

академии и о странах изучаемого языка.

Рецензенты: А.Н.Реутов - старший преподаватель

кафедры русского языка

как иностранного, СГГА

И.Г.Григорьева - старший преподаватель

кафедры иностранных

языков СибУПК

Печатается по решению редакционно-

издательской коллегии СГГА

©Сибирская государственная геодезическая академия (СГГА), 2000

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Word list

native town родной город

to be situated быть расположенным

attractive привлекательный, красивый

qualified квалифицированный

hostel общежитие

to specialize in... специализироваться в...

sociable общительный

nurse медсестра

fluently бегло, свободно

to look after заботиться, присматривать за

elderly преклонного возраста, пожилой

niece племянница

to be retired быть на пенсии

to manage управлять

to prefer предпочитать

to solve решать

wild дикий

experienced опытный

well-paid хорошо оплачиваемый

kind-hearted доброжелательный

honest честный

responsible ответственный

to respect уважать

china фарфор

book-keeper бухгалтер

besides кроме того

to try пытаться

to graduate from закончить (высшее учебное заведение)

ambitious целеустремленный

to dream мечтать

independent независимый

thrifty экономный, бережливый

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My name is Victor Popov. I am from Russia. I was born in a

small Siberian town on May 11, 1981. My native town is situated

in an attractive suburb, not very far from a large industrial


I still live with my parents. Our family is not very big, we

are five: mother, father, granny and me. I have an older sister,

but she doesn't live with us, because she is married.

I am a first-year student1 of the Siberian State Academy of

Geodesy. I am studying to become a specialist in Information

Systems. I'd like to become a qualified computer programmer and

specialize in Geodesy or Cadastre. I live in a hostel.

I am a sociable person, and have a lot of friends.

It's a pity2, but I'm too busy with my studies.

It takes me a lot of time3 to get ready for practical

classes and seminars. In my spare time4 I like playing sports,

especially football and volleyball. I have a girl-friend, who is

studying to become an ecologist. She is very careful about5 her

health. She jogs every morning to keep fit6. We try to spend

weekends together. We enjoy listening to all types of music,

dancing and swimming. We both play the guitar. We are taking

English classes twice a week, so that we could speak more


My mother is a nurse. She works in a local hospital only

three days a week, because she's got a lot of work at home. She

has to look after7 her elderly mother and my five-year old niece.

My granny is a pensioner. She has been retired for 10 years, she

is glad that she can help my mother with cooking and in the

garden. She usually gets up very early. My mother is a practical,

thrifty woman, full of common sense8, that's why she manages the

house very well.

When she is free she prefers relaxing in front of the TV.

Her favourite programmes are: world news, concerts and the

programmes about wild nature.

My father is 47, he is a long-distance lorry driver9. He's

been a driver for more than 25 years, that's why he is very

experienced. His work is very difficult but well-paid. He is a

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kind-hearted person, optimistic, honest and very responsible. My

father's main interests are gardening and fishing.

He prefers solving problems in a sensible and civilized

Manner10. He usually says:

"Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never

mended." People have to respect each other.

Our parents would like us to get a good education.

My sister's name is Nina. She is five years older than me.

She is a family woman.

My sister was very good at mathematics, that's why she

decided to become a book-keeper. Now she works as a book-keeper,

besides she does a correspondence course11 at our Academy. She is

in her fourth year. She is a very busy woman, because she has to

combine her work with studies. She tries to spend as much time as

possible with her daughter and husband. In winter they are fond

of skiing and in summer they usually go for long country walks.

My sister's husband has graduated from the University and

has a degree in economics12. He works for the engineering

company13 as an economist. He decided to get serious about14

economics, because he was very good at maths at school. He is

ambitious and initiative and works hard. He is very good at

dealing with people15 and reams of being at the head of16 a

planning department. He is an independent sort of person. He is

keenly interested17 in economics and reads a lot in his


Our family is very friendly.


1. first-year student студент первого курса

2. it's a pity жаль

3. it takes me a lot of time у меня уходит много времени

4. in my spare time в свободное время

5. is careful about her health заботится о здоровье

6. keep fit сохранять форму, быть здоровой

7. to look after заботиться

8. full of common sense полная здравого смысла

- 6 -

9. a long-distance lorry driver водитель на дальние

расстояния, дальнобойщик

10. in a sensible and civilized деликатно и цивилизованно


11. does a correspondence course учится заочно

12. a degree in economics диплом экономиста

13. for the engineering company в строительной компании

14. to get serious about заняться чем-либо серьезно

15. is good at dealing with хорошо ладит с людьми


16. dreams of being at the head мечтает руководить (быть во

of... главе)...

17. is keenly interested in очень интересуется


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