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16.11 Key Events 555

16.11 Key Events

Key events enable the use of the keys to control and perform actions or get input from the keyboard. A key event is fired whenever a key is pressed, released, or typed on a component. The KeyEvent object describes the nature of the event (namely, that a key has been pressed, released, or typed) and the value of the key, as shown in Figure 16.14. Java provides the KeyListener interface to handle key events, as shown in Figure 16.15.
















+getKeyChar(): char


Returns the character associated with the key in this event.

+getKeyCode(): int


Returns the integer key code associated with the key in this event.




FIGURE 16.14 The KeyEvent class encapsulates information about key events.



+keyPressed(e: KeyEvent): void


Invoked after a key is pressed on the source component.

+keyReleased(e: KeyEvent): void


Invoked after a key is released on the source component.

+keyTyped(e: KeyEvent): void


Invoked after a key is pressed and then released on the source component.




FIGURE 16.15 The KeyListener interface handles key pressed, released, and typed events.

The keyPressed handler is invoked when a key is pressed, the keyReleased handler is invoked when a key is released, and the keyTyped handler is invoked when a Unicode character is entered. If a key does not have a Unicode (e.g., function keys, modifier keys, action keys, and control keys), the keyTyped handler will be not be invoked.

Every key event has an associated key character or key code that is returned by the getKeyChar() or getKeyCode() method in KeyEvent. The key codes are constants defined in Table 16.4. For a key of the Unicode character, the key code is the same as the Unicode value.

TABLE 16.4

Key Constants








The Home key


The End key


The Page Up key


The Page Down key


The up-arrow key


The down-arrow key


The left-arrow key


The right-arrow key


The Esc key


The Tab key


The Control key


The Shift key


The Backspace key


The Caps Lock key


The Num Lock key


The Enter key


The keyCode unknown

VK_F1 to VK_F12

The function keys


from F1 to F12

VK_0 to VK_9

The number keys from 0 to 9

VK_A to VK_Z

The letter keys from A to Z

556 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming

For the key-pressed and key-released events, getKeyCode() returns the value as defined in the table. For the key-typed event, getKeyCode() returns VK_UNDEFINED, while getKeyChar() returns the character entered.

The program in Listing 16.10 displays a user-input character. The user can move the character up, down, left, and right, using the arrow keys VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, and VK_RIGHT. Figure 16.16 contains a sample run of the program.

FIGURE 16.16 The program responds to key events by displaying a character and moving it up, down, left, or right.

LISTING 16.10 KeyEventDemo.java



import java.awt.*;



import java.awt.event.*;



import javax.swing.*;















public class KeyEventDemo extends JFrame {

create a panel



private KeyboardPanel keyboardPanel = new KeyboardPanel();

















/** Initialize UI */




public KeyEventDemo() {





// Add the keyboard panel to accept and display user input






















// Set focus


































/** Main method */




public static void main(String[] args) {





KeyEventDemo frame = new KeyEventDemo();










frame.setSize(300, 300);





frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the frame





































// Inner class: KeyboardPanel for receiving key input

inner class



static class KeyboardPanel extends JPanel {







private int x = 100;





private int y = 100;





private char keyChar = 'A'; // Default key

















public KeyboardPanel() {

register listener





new KeyAdapter() {




override handler





public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {









switch (e.getKeyCode()) {






case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: y += 10; break;






case KeyEvent.VK_UP: y -= 10; break;






case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: x -= 10; break;






case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: x += 10; break;

get the key pressed





default: keyChar = e.getKeyChar();












Animation Using the Timer Class 557











49/** Draw the character */

50protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {






g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN,



g.drawString(String.valueOf(keyChar), x, y);

redraw character




The KeyboardPanel class extends JPanel to display a character (line 28). This class is


defined as an inner class inside the main class, because it is used only in this class. Further-


more, the inner class is defined static, because it does not reference any instance members of


the main class.


Because the program gets input from the keyboard, it listens for KeyEvent and extends


KeyAdapter to handle key input (line 34).


When a key is pressed, the keyPressed handler is invoked. The program uses


e.getKeyCode() to obtain the key code and e.getKeyChar() to get the character for the


key. When a nonarrow key is pressed, the character is displayed (line 41). When an arrow key


is pressed, the character moves in the direction indicated by the arrow key (lines 37–40).


Only a focused component can receive KeyEvent. To make a component focusable, set its


isFocusable property to true (line 14).


Every time the component is repainted, a new font is created for the Graphics object in


line 53. This is not efficient. It is better to create the font once as a data field.


16.12 Animation Using the Timer Class

Not all source objects are GUI components. The javax.swing.Timer class is a source component that fires an ActionEvent at a predefined rate. Figure 16.17 lists some of the methods in the class.







+Timer(delay: int, listener:


Creates a Timer object with a specified delay in milliseconds and an






Adds an ActionListener to the timer.

ActionListener): void



+start(): void


Starts this timer.

+stop(): void


Stops this timer.

+setDelay(delay: int): void


Sets a new delay value for this timer.




FIGURE 16.17 A Timer object fires an ActionEvent at a fixed rate.

A Timer object serves as the source of an ActionEvent. The listeners must be instances of ActionListener and registered with a Timer object. You create a Timer object using its sole constructor with a delay and a listener, where delay specifies the number of milliseconds between two action events. You can add additional listeners using the addActionListener

558 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming

method and adjust the delay using the setDelay method. To start the timer, invoke the start() method. To stop the timer, invoke the stop() method.

The Timer class can be used to control animations. For example, you can use it to display a moving message, as shown in Figure 16.18, with the code in Listing 16.11.

FIGURE 16.18 A message moves in the panel.

LISTING 16.11 AnimationDemo.java



import java.awt.*;



import java.awt.event.*;



import javax.swing.*;











public class AnimationDemo extends JFrame {




public AnimationDemo() {




// Create a MovingMessagePanel for displaying a moving message

create panel



add(new MovingMessagePanel("message moving?"));



















/** Main method */




public static void main(String[] args) {




AnimationDemo frame = new AnimationDemo();








frame.setSize(280, 100);




frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the frame


























// Inner class: Displaying a moving message




static class MovingMessagePanel extends JPanel {





private String message = "Welcome to Java";




private int xCoordinate = 0;




private int yCoordinate = 20;












public MovingMessagePanel(String message) {

set message




this.message = message;













// Create a timer

create timer




Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new TimerListener());


start timer


























/** Paint message */




protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {


















if (xCoordinate > getWidth()) {

reset x-coordinate




xCoordinate = -20;







move message



xCoordinate += 5;




g.drawString(message, xCoordinate, yCoordinate);










Animation Using the Timer Class 559










class TimerListener implements ActionListener {


listener class



/** Handle ActionEvent */




public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {



event handler













The MovingMessagePanel class extends JPanel to display a message (line 22). This class is defined as an inner class inside the main class, because it is used only in this class. Furthermore, the inner class is defined static, because it does not reference any instance members of the main class.

An inner class listener is defined in line 46 to listen for ActionEvent. Line 31 creates a Timer for the listener. The timer is started in line 32. The timer fires an ActionEvent every second, and the listener responds in line 49 to repaint the panel. When a panel is painted, its x-coordinate is increased (line 42), so the message is displayed to the right. When the x-coordinate exceeds the bound of the panel, it is reset to -20 (line 40), so the message continues moving from left to right.

In §15.12, “Case Study: The StillClock Class,” you drew a StillClock to show the current time. The clock does not tick after it is displayed. What can you do to make the clock display a new current time every second? The key to making the clock tick is to repaint it every second with a new current time. You can use a timer to control the repainting of the clock with the code in Listing 16.12.

LISTING 16.12 ClockAnimation.java

1 import java.awt.event.*;

2 import javax.swing.*;


4 public class ClockAnimation extends JFrame {

5 private StillClock clock = new StillClock();


7public ClockAnimation() {





10// Create a timer with delay 1000 ms

11Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new TimerListener());




15private class TimerListener implements ActionListener {

16/** Handle the action event */

17public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

18// Set new time and repaint the clock to display current time






24/** Main method */

25public static void main(String[] args) {

26JFrame frame = new ClockAnimation();


28frame.setSize(200, 200);

29frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the frame


Video Note

Animate a clock

create a clock

create a timer start timer

listener class

implement handler

set new time repaint

560 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming




The program displays a running clock, as shown in Figure 16.19. ClockAnimation creates a StillClock (line 5). Line 11 creates a Timer for a ClockAnimation. The timer is started in line 12. The timer fires an ActionEvent every second, and the listener responds to set a new time (line 19) and repaint the clock (line 20). The setCurrentTime() method defined in StillClock sets the current time in the clock.

FIGURE 16.19 A live clock is displayed in the panel.


anonymous inner class 542 convenience listener adapter 551 event 534

event delegation 535 event handler 559 event listener 535

event-listener interface 536


event object



event registration 535


event source (source object)


event-driven programming


inner class




1.The root class of the event classes is java.util.EventObject. The subclasses of EventObject deal with special types of events, such as action events, window events, component events, mouse events, and key events. You can identify the source object of an event using the getSource() instance method in the EventObject class. If a component can fire an event, any subclass of the component can fire the same type of event.

2.The listener object’s class must implement the corresponding event-listener interface. Java provides a listener interface for every event class. The listener interface is usually named XListener for XEvent, with the exception of MouseMotionListener. For example, the corresponding listener interface for ActionEvent is ActionListener; each listener for ActionEvent should implement the ActionListener interface. The listener interface contains the method(s), known as the handler(s), which process the events.

3.The listener object must be registered by the source object. Registration methods depend on the event type. For ActionEvent, the method is addActionListener. In general, the method is named addXListener for XEvent.

4.An inner class, or nested class, is defined within the scope of another class. An inner class can reference the data and methods defined in the outer class in which it nests, so you need not pass the reference of the outer class to the constructor of the inner class.

Review Questions 561

5.Convenience adapters are support classes that provide default implementations for all the methods in the listener interface. Java provides convenience listener adapters for every AWT listener interface with multiple handlers. A convenience listener adapter is named XAdapter for XListener.

6.A source object may fire several types of events. For each event, the source object maintains a list of registered listeners and notifies them by invoking the handler on the listener object to process the event.

7.A mouse event is fired whenever a mouse is clicked, released, moved, or dragged on a component. The mouse-event object captures the event, such as the number of clicks associated with it or the location (x- and y-coordinates) of the mouse point.

8.Java provides two listener interfaces, MouseListener and MouseMotionListener, to handle mouse events, implement the MouseListener interface to listen for such actions as mouse pressed, released, clicked, entered, or exited, and implement the MouseMotionListener interface to listen for such actions as mouse dragged or moved.

9.A KeyEvent object describes the nature of the event (namely, that a key has been pressed, released, or typed) and the value of the key.

10.The keyPressed handler is invoked when a key is pressed, the keyReleased handler is invoked when a key is released, and the keyTyped handler is invoked when a Unicode character key is entered. If a key does not have a Unicode (e.g., function keys, modifier keys, action keys, and control keys), the keyTyped handler will be not be invoked.

11.You can use the Timer class to control Java animations. A timer fires an ActionEvent at a fixed rate. The listener updates the painting to simulate an animation.


Sections 16.2–16.3

16.1Can a button fire a WindowEvent? Can a button fire a MouseEvent? Can a button fire an ActionEvent?

16.2Why must a listener be an instance of an appropriate listener interface? Explain how to register a listener object and how to implement a listener interface.

16.3Can a source have multiple listeners? Can a listener listen on multiple sources? Can a source be a listener for itself?

16.4How do you implement a method defined in the listener interface? Do you need to implement all the methods defined in the listener interface?

Sections 16.4–16.9

16.5Can an inner class be used in a class other than the class in which it nests?

16.6Can the modifiers public, private, and static be used on inner classes?

16.7If class A is an inner class in class B, what is the .class file for A? If class B contains two anonymous inner classes, what are the .class file names for these two classes?

16.8What is wrong in the following code?

562 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming

import java.swing.*;


import java.awt.event.*;

import java.awt.*;


import javax.swing.*;

public class Test extends JFrame {


public class Test extends JFrame {

public Test() {


public Test() {

JButton jbtOK = new JButton("OK");


JButton jbtOK = new JButton("OK");







private class Listener


new ActionListener() {


public void actionPerformed

implements ActionListener {


(ActionEvent e) {

public void actionPerform



(ActionEvent e) {








} // Something missing here






/** Main method omitted */

/** Main method omitted */













16.9What is the difference between the setSize(width, height) method and the pack() method in JFrame?

Sections 16.10–16.11

16.10What method do you use to get the source of an event? What method do you use to get the timestamp for an action event, a mouse event, or a key event? What method do you use to get the mouse-point position for a mouse event? What method do you use to get the key character for a key event?

16.11What is the listener interface for mouse pressed, released, clicked, entered, and exited? What is the listener interface for mouse moved and dragged?

16.12Does every key in the keyboard have a Unicode? Is a key code in the KeyEvent class equivalent to a Unicode?

16.13Is the keyPressed handler invoked after a key is pressed? Is the keyReleased handler invoked after a key is released? Is the keyTyped handler invoked after any key is typed?

Section 16.12

16.14How do you create a timer? How do you start a timer? How do you stop a timer?

16.15Does the Timer class have a no-arg constructor? Can you add multiple listeners to a timer?


Sections 16.2–16.9

16.1(Finding which button has been clicked on the console) Add the code to Exercise 12.1 that will display a message on the console indicating which button has been clicked.

16.2(Using ComponentEvent) Any GUI component can fire a ComponentEvent. The ComponentListener defines the componentMoved, componentResized, componentShown, and componentHidden methods for processing component events. Write a test program to demonstrate ComponentEvent.

Programming Exercises 563

16.3* (Moving the ball) Write a program that moves the ball in a panel. You should define a panel class for displaying the ball and provide the methods for moving the button left, right, up, and down, as shown in Figure 16.20(a).

Panel with FlowLayout

Panel with FlowLayout



FIGURE 16.20 (a) Exercise 16.3 displays which button is clicked on a message panel. (b) The program performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on double numbers.

16.4* (Creating a simple calculator) Write a program to perform add, subtract, multiply, and divide operations (see Figure 16.20(b)).

16.5* (Creating an investment-value calculator) Write a program that calculates the future value of an investment at a given interest rate for a specified number of years. The formula for the calculation is as follows:

futureValue = investmentAmount * (1 + monthlyInterestRate)years*12

Use text fields for interest rate, investment amount, and years. Display the future amount in a text field when the user clicks the Calculate button, as shown in Figure 16.21(a).




FIGURE 16.21 (a) The user enters the investment amount, years, and interest rate to compute future value. (b) Exercise 16.8 displays the mouse position. (c) Exercise 16.9 uses the arrow keys to draw the lines.

Section 16.10

16.6** (Alternating two messages) Write a program to rotate with a mouse click two messages displayed on a panel, “Java is fun” and “Java is powerful”.

16.7* (Setting background color using a mouse) Write a program that displays the background color of a panel as black when the mouse is pressed and as white when the mouse is released.

16.8* (Displaying the mouse position) Write two programs, such that one displays the mouse position when the mouse is clicked (see Figure 16.21(b)) and the other displays the mouse position when the mouse is pressed and ceases to display it when the mouse is released.

Section 16.11

16.9* (Drawing lines using the arrow keys) Write a program that draws line segments using the arrow keys. The line starts from the center of the frame and draws

564 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming

Video Note

Animate a rising flag

toward east, north, west, or south when the right-arrow key, up-arrow key, leftarrow key, or down-arrow key is clicked, as shown in Figure 16.21(c).

16.10** (Entering and displaying a string) Write a program that receives a string from the keyboard and displays it on a panel. The Enter key signals the end of a string. Whenever a new string is entered, it is displayed on the panel.

16.11* (Displaying a character) Write a program to get a character input from the keyboard and display the character where the mouse points.

Section 16.12

16.12** (Displaying a running fan) Listing 15.4, DrawArcs.java, displays a motionless fan. Write a program that displays a running fan.

16.13** (Slide show) Twenty-five slides are stored as image files (slide0.jpg, slide1.jpg, Á , slide24.jpg) in the image directory downloadable along with the source code in the book. The size of each image is 800 * 600. Write a Java application that automatically displays the slides repeatedly. Each slide is shown for a second. The slides are displayed in order. When the last slide finishes, the first slide is redisplayed, and so on.

(Hint: Place a label in the frame and set a slide as an image icon in the label.) 16.14** (Raising flag) Write a Java program that animates raising a flag, as shown in

Figure 16.1. (See §15.11, “Displaying Images,” on how to display images.) 16.15** (Racing car) Write a Java program that simulates car racing, as shown in Figure

16.22(a). The car moves from left to right. When it hits the right end, it restarts from the left and continues the same process. You can use a timer to control animation. Redraw the car with a new base coordinates (x, y), as shown in Figure 16.22(b).

x x+20 x+40








FIGURE 16.22 (a) Exercise 16.15 displays a moving car. (b) You can redraw a car with a new base point.

16.16* (Displaying a flashing label) Write a program that displays a flashing label.

(Hint: To make the label flash, you need to repaint the panel alternately with the label and without it (blank screen) at a fixed rate. Use a boolean variable to control the alternation.)

16.17* (Controlling a moving label) Modify Listing 16.11, AnimationDemo.java, to control a moving label using the mouse. The label freezes when the mouse is pressed, and moves again when the button is released.


16.18* (Moving a circle using keys) Write a program that moves a circle up, down, left, or right using the arrow keys.

Programming Exercises 565

16.19**(Geometry: inside a circle?) Write a program that draws a fixed circle centered at (100, 60) with radius 50. Whenever a mouse is moved, display the message indicating whether the mouse point is inside the circle, as shown in Figure 16.23(a).




FIGURE 16.23 Detect whether a point is inside a circle, a rectangle, or a triangle.

16.20** (Geometry: inside a rectangle?) Write a program that draws a fixed rectangle centered at (100, 60) with width 100 and height 40. Whenever a mouse is moved, display the message indicating whether the mouse point is inside the rectangle, as shown in Figure 16.23(b). To detect whether a point is inside a rectangle, use the MyRectangle2D class defined in Exercise 10.12.

16.21** (Geometry: inside a triangle?) Write a program that draws a fixed triangle with three vertices at (20, 20), (100, 100), and (140, 40). Whenever a mouse is moved, display the message indicating whether the mouse point is inside the triangle, as shown in Figure 16.23(c). To detect whether a point is inside a triangle, use the Triangle2D class defined in Exercise 10.13.

16.22***(Game: bean-machine animation) Write a program that animates a bean machine introduced in Exercise 15.24. The animation terminates after ten balls are dropped, as shown in Figure 16.24.

FIGURE 16.24 The balls are dropped to the bean machine.

16.23***(Geometry: closest pair of points) Write a program that lets the user click on the panel to dynamically create points. Initially, the panel is empty. When a panel has two or more points, highlight the pair of closest points. Whenever a new point is created, a new pair of closest points is highlighted. Display the points using small circles and highlight the points using filled circles, as shown in Figure 16.25(a)–(c).

(Hint: store the points in an ArrayList.)

16.24* (Controlling a clock) Modify Listing 16.12 ClockAnimation.java to add two methods start() and stop() to start and stop the clock. Write a program

566 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming





FIGURE 16.25 Exercise 16.23 allows the user to create new points with a mouse click and highlights the pair of the closest points. Exercise 16.24 allows the user to start and stop a clock.

that lets the user control the clock with the Start and Stop buttons, as shown in Figure 16.25(d).

16.25***(Game: hitting balloons) Write a program that displays a balloon in a random position in a panel (Figure 16.26(a)). Use the leftand right-arrow keys to point the gun left or right to aim at the balloon (Figure 16.26(b)). Press the uparrow key to fire a small ball from the gun (Figure 16.26(c)). Once the ball hits the balloon, the debris is displayed (Figure 16.26(e)) and a new balloon is displayed in a random location (Figure 16.26(f)). If the ball misses the balloon, the ball disappears once it hits the boundary of the panel. You can then press the up-arrow key to fire another ball. Whenever you press the leftor the rightarrow key, the gun turns 5 degrees left or right. (Instructors may modify the game as follows: 1. display the number of the balloons destroyed; 2. display a countdown timer (e.g., 60 seconds) and terminate the game once the time expires; 3. allow the balloon to rise dynamically.)







FIGURE 16.26 (a) A balloon is displayed in a random location. (b) Press the left-/right- arrow keys to aim the balloon. (c) Press the up-arrow key to fire a ball. (d) The ball moves straight toward the balloon. (e) The ball hits the balloon. (f) A new balloon is displayed in a random position.

16.26** (Moving a circle using mouse) Write a program that displays a circle with radius 10 pixels. You can point the mouse inside the circle and drag (i.e., move with mouse pressed) the circle wherever the mouse goes, as shown in Figure 16.27(a)–(b).

16.27*** (Game: eye-hand coordination) Write a program that displays a circle of radius 10 pixels filled with a random color at a random location on a panel, as shown in Figure 16.27(c). When you click the circle, it is gone and a new random-color circle is displayed at another random location. After twenty circles are clicked, display the time spent in the panel, as shown in Figure 16.27(d).

Programming Exercises 567





FIGURE 16.27 (a)–(b) You can point, drag, and move the circle. (c) When you click a circle, a new circle is displayed at a random location. (d) After 20 circles are clicked, the time spent in the panel is displayed.

16.28***(Simulation: self-avoiding random walk) A self-avoiding walk in a lattice is a path from one point to another which does not visit the same point twice. Selfavoiding walks have applications in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. They can be used to model chainlike entities such as solvents and polymers. Write a program that displays a random path that starts from the center and ends at a point on the boundary, as shown in Figure 16.28(a), or ends at a deadend point (i.e., surrounded by four points that are already visited), as shown in Figure 16.28(b). Assume the size of the lattice is 16 by 16.





FIGURE 16.28 (a) A path ends at a boundary point. (b) A path ends at dead-end point. (c)–(d) Animation shows the progress of a path step by step.

16.29***(Animation: self-avoiding random walk) Revise the preceding exercise to display the walk step by step in an animation, as shown in Figure 16.28(c)–(d).

16.30** (Simulation: self-avoiding random walk) Write a simulation program to show that the chance of getting dead-end paths increases as the grid size increases. Your program simulates lattices with size from 10 to 80. For each lattice size, simulate a self-avoiding random walk 10000 times and display the probability of the dead-end paths, as shown in the following sample output:

For a lattice of size 10, the probability of dead-end paths is 10.6% For a lattice of size 11, the probability of dead-end paths is 14.0%


For a lattice of size 80, the probability of dead-end paths is 99.5%

16.31* (Geometry: displaying an n-sided regular polygon) Exercise 15.25 created the

RegularPolygonPanel for displaying an n-sided regular polygon. Write a program that displays a regular polygon and uses two buttons named + 1 and - 1 to increase or decrease the size of the polygon, as shown in Figure 16.29(a)–(b).

16.32** (Geometry: adding and removing points) Write a program that lets the user click on the panel to dynamically create and remove points. When the user right-click the mouse, a point is created and displayed at the mouse point, and

568 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Programming

FIGURE 16.29 Clicking the + 1 or - 1 button increases or decreases the number of sides of a regular polygon in Exercise 16.31. Exercise 16.32 allows the user to create/remove points dynamically.

the user can remove a point by pointing to it and left-clicking the mouse, as shown in Figure 16.29(c).

16.33** (Geometry: palindrome) Write a program that animates a palindrome swing, as shown in Figure 16.30. Press the up-arrow key to increase the speed and the down-arrow key to decrease it. Press the S key to stop animation and the R key to resume.

FIGURE 16.30 Exercise 16.33 animates a palindrome swing.

16.34** (Game: hangman) Write a program that animates a hangman game swing, as shown in Figure 16.31. Press the up-arrow key to increase the speed and the down-arrow key to decrease it. Press the S key to stop animation and the R key to resume.

FIGURE 16.31 Exercise 16.34 animates a hangman game.

16.35*** (Game: hangman) Exercise 9.31 presents a console version of the popular hangman game. Write a GUI program that lets a user play the game. The user guesses a word by entering one letter at a time, as shown in Figure 16.32(a). If the user misses seven times, a hanging man swings, as shown in Figure 16.32(b)–(c). Once a word is finished, the user can press the Enter key to continue to guess another word.

Programming Exercises 569




FIGURE 16.32 Exercise 16.35 develops a complete hangman game.

16.36* (Flipping coins) Write a program that displays head (H) or tail (T) for each of nine coins, as shown in Figure 16.33. When a cell is clicked, the coin is flipped. A cell is a JLable. Write a custom cell class that extends JLable with the mouse listener for handling the clicks. When the program starts, all cells initially display H.

FIGURE 16.33 Exercise 16.36 enables the user to click a cell to flip a coin.

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To create graphical user interfaces with various user-interface components: JButton,

JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JList,

JScrollBar, and JSlider (§§17.2–17.11).

To create listeners for various types of events (§§17.2–17.11).

To explore JButton (§17.2)

To explore JCheckBox (§17.3)

To explore JRadioButton (§17.4)

To explore JLabel (§17.5)

To explore JTextField (§17.6)

To explore JTextArea (§17.7)

To explore JComboBox (§17.8)

To explore JList (§17.9)

To explore JScrollBar (§17.10)

To explore JSlider (§17.11)

To display multiple windows in an application (§17.12).

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