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15. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

  1. Of how many states does the United States of America consist?

  2. By what oceans is the country washed?

  3. What are the main industrial brunches of the United states of America?

  4. What is the national symbol of the USA?

  5. What is the political system of the USA?


  1. Вставьте артикль a/an или the там, где необходимо

  1. ...tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice ...week, but I'm not ...very good player.

  2. I won't be home for dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after ...work and we're going to ...cinema.

  3. ...unemployment is very high at the moment and it's very difficult for ...people to find ...work.

  4. Carol is ...economist. She used to work in ...investment department of ...Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ...American bank in ... United States.

  5. I don't really like staying at ...hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ...very nice hotel by ...sea.

  1. Дайте форму множественного числа существительных

Berry, bath, ship, statesman, friend, piece, man, office, leaf, journey

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык

  1. Last month my friend read a very interesting book of St. Petersburg’s history

  2. He wrote an excellent report of this scientist’s experiment

  3. The city’s central park is a very famous place

  1. Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения

  1. We had a great holiday. It was one of the ...holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)

  2. The United States is very large but Canada is ...(large)

  3. What's ...river in the world? (long)

  4. It was an awful day. It was ...day of my life. (bad)

  5. What is ...sport in your country? (popular)

  1. Напишите словами

20; 5; 38; 4,568; 100;10,078;4/7; 1/4

  1. Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений

  1. I often see (they, them) in the bus.

  2. (We, us) always walk to school together.

  3. I always speak to (he, him) in English.

  4. He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

  5. I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

  1. Употребите верно притяжательные местоимения (my/ our/ your/ his/ her/ their/ its).

  1. … composition is very interesting.

  2. . . . son goes to school.

  3. . . . sister is young.

  4. . . . knowledge of the subject is very poor.

  5. . . . friends often visit her.

  1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple

1) Today the weather … nice but yesterday it … cold.

2) I hope next summer it … sunny and warm.

3) Used cars … cheaper but less reliable than new cars.

4) The city centre … crowded with tourists last summer.

5) His aunt … happy to live in the country next holidays.

6) My grandfather … proud of his grandchildren.

7) My husband worked in the hospital. He … a doctor.

8) Do you think your wife … right?

9) Don’t worry, I .. in time for my work tomorrow.

10) Why … you always so jealous of other people?

  1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have (got)

  1. Julia wants to go to the concert, but she ...a ticket.

  2. He can't open the door. He ...a key.

  3. Most cars ...six wheels.

  4. ...you ...a passport?

  5. What kind of car...Julia ...?

  6. Sarah ...a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

  7. They like animals. They ...two dogs and three cats.