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6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный

1) Tom and Harry were carrying our suitcases.

2) She found the envelope at last.

3) We use secondary materials for the interior finish.

4) Our architects have gained considerable creative achievements.

5) They will discuss your report next week.

7. Закончите предложения, используя сложное дополнение (Complex Object)

1) Would you like (чтобы я позвонил вам)?

2) I know (что его статья была опубликована)

3) We don’t want (чтобы нас прерывали)

4) The doctor ordered (чтобы я принимал это лекарство)

5) The man wanted (чтобы его сын изучал математику)

6) The little boy wanted (чтобы папа купил ему игрушку)

7) Ann wanted (чтобы я подождал ее после школы)

8. Закончите предложения, используя сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject)

1) The box seems (пустая)

2) The problem appears (представляет для них большой интерес)

3) He seems (доволен нашей работой)

4) Everybody appeared (были удивлены, когда услышали это)

5) He is sure (получит приз за свою картину)

9. Раскройте скобки, используя герундий (the Gerund)

1) The table cloth is quite clean, it doesn't want (wash) yet.

2) The room needed (clean).

3) (learn) foreign languages is very useful.

4) I know my hair wants (cut) but I never have time to go to the hairdresser's.

5) John needed (cheer up) when he heard that he'd failed his exams.

6) You should tidy up the garden. — Yes, it needs (tidy). The roses want (water), the peaches want (pick), the grass wants (cut).

10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения.

1) If the plane had left on time, they … (be) in Minsk now.

2) If they hadn’t walked 40 km, they … (not / be) exhausted now.

3) What would have become of us, if I … (come) to you then!'

4) He would have been scrupulous — if he (can) … !

5) What is the answer if you (add) … 17 to 75?

6) If he … (practice) every day, he … (become)achampion.

7) She … (help) us if we … (ask).

8) If you … (have) a driving license, you … (get) this job.

9) My dog … (be) 20 years old today if it … (be) alive.

10) I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.

11. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык building constructions

The buildings erected can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purposes. As far as material is concerned the buildings can be divided into stone, wood and concrete types. The buildings made of stone; brick or concrete blocks are durable, fireproof and have poor heat conductivity. Nowadays houses are often built of complete structural units which are factory-made and assembled on the spot.

The main parts of a building are a foundation, a framework, floors and a roof. In order to build a house first an excavation must be dug. After that the foundation is constructed to keep the walls and floors from the contact with soil. The foundation is usually made of concrete which is poured into trenches dug in the ground. It may be of stone, bricks, concrete. Then a framework is raised. It is the part of a building on which the stability of the structure depends. This part of a building carries the loads from the roof and floors. The framework is closed with various materials in the form of panels. Floors divide the building into stories. They may be of timber, reinforced concrete or other materials. The floors are supported on beams. A roof is the topmost part of a building. Its function is to cover the building and protect it from rain and wind. The roof of the house may be flat or sloping. Roofs also tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the structure. Wood, metal, tiling, bitumen felt and other materials are used for roofs.

When the outer shell is complete, work can begin inside the house. The walls are usually lined with plaster. Later it will be painted or papered for decoration; wet plaster must be given a few weeks to dry out before that can be done. Plastering must be carefully timed to fit in with the work of the plumbers, electricians and gasmen, who install the communications for the house.

Today builders make use of many materials: aluminium, plastics, alloys, reinforced concrete panels, prestressed concrete elements, metal frames. Glass-fiber reinforced concrete is considered the ideal material, which will provide the desired qualities. Among these characteristics are the material’s lightness and ease of handling, its strength and durability, its visual attractiveness and cost effectiveness.